Local Events Coming Soon
Easter Holiday Activities for Children
Between 3rd and 14th April, a range of free activities are taking place for children aged 4 to 16 at several sites around Brixton. Priority is being given to children normally receiving free school meals. For venues and details, refer to https://lambeth.gov.uk/lambeth-spring-food-fun
A Mile in My Shoes
This exhibit will be on Windrush Square from Thursday 13 April for 2 weeks, organised by the Empathy Museum. This appearance is part of the ongoing series of “81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance” which commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Brixton Uprising of April 1981. More details at www.empathymuseum.com
A-Maze-ing Brixton launch – Saturday 22 April
A joint project between Brixton BID and Father Nature, the Lavender Maze in Max Roach Park will be launched with a family-friendly planting session on Saturday morning between 9 am and 12 noon. In future, the site will be maintained by volunteer gardeners on the same basis as the Brixton Orchard, and also host eco-nature sessions for local school groups.
What is Brixton Saying? – Tuesday 25 April
The Advocacy Academy invite you to their Open House event to discuss the results of their recent Listening Campaign, conducted by their young people. 7 pm at 5-7 Vining Street, SW9 8QA. Free but please book via Eventbrite.
Beer and Bread Festival by the Windmill – Monday 1st May
Mark the traditional Bank Holiday in Windmill Gardens, with stalls including craft bakers and artisan brewers, plus live music, open from 1 pm to 5 pm.
Organised by Friends of Windmill Gardens, admission free.
Creative Courses at Art4Space – starting in May
Two more special courses are coming up, each to run for 10 weekly sessions, free for eligible individuals but places are limited – enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk
Creative Community Champions Tuesdays 10 am to 12-30 from 2nd May, creating hand-built ceramics.
Creative Remedies, Wednesdays 10 am to 12-30 from 3rd May, textile design and overlay to create bespoke hangings.
Black Culture Market, 3 & 4 June
This showcase for Black-owned businesses and craftspeople returns to Downstairs at the Department Store for another weekend – 11 am to 5 pm with a different mix of traders each day, at 248 Ferndale Road SW9 8FR. Admission free but please register in advance via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-culture-market-summer-,arket-tickets-570736868337?aff+erelexpmlt
If you want to trade at this or similar events, please refer NOW to https://www.blackculturemarket.co.uk
Town Centre Developments
Hondo Towers
Most of you will know by now that GLA planners had recommended to the Mayor that he refuse permission for the planning application by Hondo to build a 20-storey tower dominating the market. This was only discovered following pressure from the Fight The Tower campaign. Normally a developer would withdraw a proposal if there were major objections, in the hope of coming back later with a new design. Instead, Hondo were allowed merely to postpone the hearing when they offered to “adjust” their plans. However, the defects in the plans are so fundamental that only a complete rethink and new application could possibly deal with the objections. In the meantime, the ongoing uncertainty is damaging to the Town Centre.
Brixton Rec Quarter development
Consultation on the plans for International House and the Pop Brixton site was originally scheduled to start in May last year, but only got underway last month with an “Appreciative Enquiry” event. Naturally this attracted criticism that consultation was happening long after the key decisions had been made, while information was lacking on transitional arrangements for existing users of both sites.
Nevertheless, a separate consultation exercise will run over 10 sessions from 20 April to 22 June, for a hand-picked panel of residents to consider how the developments could benefit Brixton’s Town Centre.
Work finally started last month on adapting vacant space below the Rec into workshop space for small enterprises and for training projects. Within the Rec itself, Lambeth took over management from GLL/ Better on 1st April, to operate it under the “Active Lambeth” banner. Work has been underway to create a children’s “soft play” area at the lower level where the bowling green used to be.
International House
Although London Square intends to keep International House in office use, it is likely to be out of use for up to 2 years while the building systems are upgraded. This puts at risk the network of organisations, both commercial and charitable, that has built up during its “meanwhile” use under 3Space. Despite the delayed start to the development programme, Lambeth is unwilling to extend the present use beyond September.
For years, business space around Brixton has been replaced by housing uses, so it’s hard for International House tenants to find other premises locally.
We need to find ways of keeping creative businesses and charity projects within the Brixton area, and one suggestion made by the Brixton Society is to use the former Sudbourne School buildings in Hayter Road SW2 as another “meanwhile” space until International House is refurbished. This would help maintain existing networks and local employment, instead of dispersing most firms out of the borough.
Funding, Training and Support
Last call for our 2023/24 programme
The Forum needs to make its own funding bid to the Council shortly. Typically this will pay for meetings costs, part-time admin support and equipment, but there is scope to include some training or advice for the wider membership. If there is something that you think we should be providing or organising, we need to hear from you NOW.
If your ideas are beyond the scope of the usual Forum funding, we can of course make separate applications to other potential funders.
Jobs with Local Projects
We have seen a number of paid jobs advertised by local projects in recent months, but usually application deadlines have passed before we can share details in these bulletins. Here’s one that’s still open:
Centre Manager at St. Vincent’s Centre, Brixton: Based at Talma Road SW2, full-time post (37.5 hours a week) annual salary £35,000 to £40,000 depending on skills and experience. For more details, e-mail to hr@svp.org.uk and prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Kate Nightingale (Deputy CEO) for more information on 07 889 006 234 but before 12 April please. Deadline 20 April for application forms, with interviews to be held on 28 April.
Your Streets, Your Way competition – closes 28 April
Lambeth Council is inviting ideas for street design improvements at selected sites around the borough. Within the Brixton area, those include:
– 85 Angell Road, SW9;
– Loughborough Road/ Minet Road junction;
– Outside Brixton Domino Club/ Soup Kitchen, 297-299 Coldharbour Lane;
– Telegraph Passage, between Brixton Hill and New Park Road.
The top prize offered is £750 plus runners-up prizes, and the competition is managed by architects We Made That. For full details, see https://your-streets-your-way.squarespace.com
Flexible Support Fund briefing – Monday 17 April
This DWP fund is to support organisations who can help the unemployed towards jobs. Integrate has set up a Zoom briefing session with officials from the DWP and Lambeth, starting at 10 am. To book a place, contact Eoin Heffernan at eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
Negotiating and Managing Your Lease – Wednesday 19 April
Integrate have set up another Zoom briefing, this time with the Ethical Property Foundation, to review the ins and outs of business leases and managing your relationship with your landlord. This session will start at 11 am and an information pack will be circulated afterwards. Book voa Eoin Heffernan, as above.
Changes in public support for Charities
The Directory of Social Change recently reported from the Community Life Survey, an annual survey of adults across England that follows trends in social action. The most recent figures are from the 2021-22 survey. While 55% of adults reported taking part in some form of volunteering in the past year, participation is at its lowest since data collection started in 2014. 14% reported that the Covid pandemic continued to inhibit their participation.
Charitable giving was more variable from year to year, but 66% reported giving money to charitable causes in the past 4 weeks. There was a significant increase in people giving to overseas aid and disaster relief, notably the war in Ukraine, where the Disasters Emergency Committee reported receiving over £400 million.
On the other hand, legacy giving has increased by 43% over the past decade, according to a 2022 survey just released by Remember a Charity. This may reflect greater efforts by some of the larger charities to encourage people to leave a gift in their will.
Adapt to the New Borough Plan
Finally, Lambeth Council’s Cabinet adopted the new version of the Borough Plan on 27 March. The aim of the plan is to integrate all the Council’s activities and services, and to set out priorities for the period up to 2030. This is worth study if you work closely with the Council or want to show that your projects support their priorities. The new version, Lambeth 2030 – Our Future, Our Lambeth, can be found on the Council’s website.
Keep in touch
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area – an event, or a new service, even a re-launched service – you are welcome to use these bulletins to tell other Forum members. That’s over 500 on our current list!
Please send items for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com and ideally before the 3rd of the month so we can publish by the 10th.
Also use this contact if you want to present your work at a Forum meeting, or raise a topic for discussion.
Remember, there is more about the Forum on our website at www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
Is this your best e-mail?
We want these bulletins to reach all community organisations and activists in the wider Brixton area. Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum,org if:
– You want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list.
– You want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them more quickly or reliably.
– You have moved away or are no longer interested.
All posts by Nick
March 2023
Local Events this month
Community Warm Spaces
With the temperature falling again this week, it seems a good time to remind you that most Warm Spaces will remain open until the end of this month. Here’s a summary of those active locally – and we have included those in Tulse Hill, because the Tulse Hill Forum seems to be out of action at present.
Advocacy Academy, Vining Street SW9: Marhaba space for young people (details in our February bulletin).
Art4Space, Jeffries Road SW4 (near Stockwell Tube Station): open Thursdays 3 to 6 pm until 6th April.
Brixton Hill Methodist Church, open on Thursdays.
Brixton Tate Library, Brixton Oval SW2: during library opening hours, 7 days a week.
Brixton Windmill Centre, Windmill Gardens SW2: on Wednesdays until 29 March (also in our February bulletin).
Brockwell Barn, alongside the Community Greenhouses, Brockwell Park, SE24: open Fridays until 31 March, including co-working space.
Carers’ Common Room, 10th floor, International House, Canterbury Crescent SW9: available Wednesday to Friday for home-care and domiciliary care workers – see https://ccrbrixton.com
Corpus Christi Church Hall, Trent Road SW2: open Sundays 12 to 2 pm.
High Trees Hub, 220 Upper Tulse Hill SW2: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, including access to wi-fi enabled computers.
Moorlands Community Centre, 50a Corry Drive SW9 (Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing): open Thursdays, including access to Southwyck Pantry.
Minet Library, Knatchbull Road SE5, during library opening hours.
Myatt’s Fields North Community Centre, 24 Crawshay Road, SW9: opened Monday to Friday by the Pinnacle Group.
Also, Healthy Living Platform at the Corner Cafe on Thursdays, and RMUK Wellbeing at the Corner Cafe on Fridays.
MYsocial Community Space, Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road SW2, run by Age UK Lambeth for people over 55, open Wednesday and Friday.
On The Beat Studio at Pop Brixton, Brixton Station Road SW9: open for young people and families with children, Monday- Saturday.
St. Martin’s Community Centre, Abbotts Park, SW2 3QB: open Mondays until 27 March.
Trinity Congregational Church, St. Matthew’s road, SW2 1NF: open Fridays 11 am to 12 noon.
For more details of what’s available at each location, see https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/warm-spaces?f%5B0%5D+localgov_directories_facets%3A92
Conversations about the Black Experience in Britain
On Thursday evenings through March, a series of conversations about the Black experience since 1981, 7 pm to 9 pm, on-line or in person – enquiries to info@81acts.uk or see the website www.81actsofexuberantdefiance.com
Coding Classes for Kids
Millennium Community Solutions are starting another Computer Coding/ Gaming/ Robotics course at Southwyck Hall behind the Barrier Block, off Moorland Road SW9 8UR. These sessions will be for young people aged 12 years upwards, and will run on Mondays between 4 pm and 6 pm. Enquiries to gail@millenniumcommunitysolutions.com
We are here
An art exhibition reflecting the Refugee experience will be open with a private view on Wednesday 22 March and then continue for 6 days, Downstairs at the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road SW9 8FR. It has been organised jointly by Breadwinners and Community Arts Box, both based on the 6th floor of International House.
Cabaret at Longfield Hall, 31 March
The Bunker Cabaret originated in the cellars of Kyiv, and is presented by Hooligan Art Community. If you missed their show in September, they are returning to Longfield Hall on 30 & 31 March, both shows at 7-30 pm, tickets £5 to £22 each. Please book via eventbrite, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bunker-cabaret-tickets-560466509417
Health and Social Care
Mental Health First Aid
Art4Space will be hosting more of these courses during 2023. The next youth-oriented course will be on 20 & 21 April, and the next adult course is on 15 & 16 June. Course certificates are valid for 3 years, so a half-day Refresher Course is being offered on Friday 10 March, 9 am to 1-30 pm. More details on their website at www.art4space.co.uk
Reviewing Healthcare across South-East London
We receive regular bulletins from the South-East London Integrated Care System, but sometimes events come up at short notice for our publication dates. Community-based Ear, Nose and Throat services are currently under review, and community feedback is invited – contact plannedcare@selondonics.nhs.uk There are two imminent Webinars with more details, on Tuesday 7 March at 6 pm, or on Thursday 9 March at 12 noon.
For wider Health services, the Lambeth Together Public Forum is being held on-line on Wednesday 8 March from 1 to 2 pm, to be followed by the Lambeth Together Board between 2 pm and 4-30. For joining instructions and meeting papers, see www.lambethtogether.net/get-involved
Council Consultations
More details of each proposal can be found on the Consultations pages of the Lambeth Council website, www.lambeth.gov.uk
Changes to Car parking charges
Lambeth is proposing a more elaborate scale of charges, taking account of the emissions from vehicles with different power sources. Closing date for comments is Friday 10 March.
Accommodation for Children in Care
Reviewing standards of accommodation for children in Council care, and for care-leavers, closing date for comments is 16 March.
Dogs Public Space Protection Order
Following a rise in dog ownership in recent years, and associated anti-social behaviour, Lambeth is considering restrictions to apply on Council-owned land, including highways, parks and housing estates. Closing date for comments is 26 March.
All-age Autism Strategy
Lambeth is seeking views to develop a new strategy. Enquiries to asccommissioning@lambeth.gov.uk – closing date for comments is 31 March.
Estate Renewal Schemes
Following the Council’s decision to close the discredited Homes for Lambeth, it has launched a consultation for residents of the 6 housing estates targetted for early demolition – Fenwick, Cressingham Gardens, Central Hill, Knight’s Walk, South Lambeth and Westbury. From 1st March, residents of those estates have 8 weeks to comment on Lambeth’s new Estate Renewal Resident Engagement Framework. However, views are not being sought yet from neighbours of these estates, nor from those affected by the shrinking stock of Council homes, nor the Council taxpayers who will continue to contribute to the cost of building the original estates.
Green spaces and Green issue
Grow your own – and learn to cook it!
South London Botanical Institute is temporarily based in International House while their building in Norwood Road undergoes structural repairs. They are working with Katakata Brixton to develop a series of free food-growing and affordable cooking workshops. If you have ideas or comments on how this should work, now is the time to contact them – specifically, Isabel Sophia at isiirwin@gmail.com
News from Windmill Gardens
The Friends of Windmill Gardens announce that their 2023 season of Windmill Tours starts on the weekend of 11 and 12 March. Tours take place between 1 and 5 pm each day, but for access to the upper part of the mill, you need to book in advance at www.brixtonwindmill.org.uk/visit/
There is also an evening Bat Walk on Thursday 13 April – meet at 7-50 pm for 8 pm start, free of charge.
Create a Parklet!
Possible (Inspiring Climate Action) have launched a car-free cities campaign, to work with groups most negatively impacted by traffic congestion and air pollution. They are offering to support one or two groups interested in reclaiming a kerbside parking space as some form of community benefit, sitting-out area, games space or mini-garden. Deadline for proposals is Monday 20 March – Google for details or refer back to Integrate, who circulated the original notice.
Counting butterflies in Brockwell Park
An unusual request relayed via Brockwell Park Community Partners. They are looking for a volunteer (or several sharing the work) to do a weekly butterfly count along a circuit within Brockwell Park, between April and September. This survey has been running since 2019 but the previous volunteer is moving on. If you can offer help, please contact Steve Bolton of the Butterfly Conservation Charity at sbolton@butterfly-conservation.org
Events at the Community Greenhouses
The Brockwell Barn is hosting a Spring Season of music performances, including:
Sunday 19 March – Avant Garden, experimental but accessible music combining electronics and brass.
Sunday 26 March – Three Spoons with Naima Bock and members of Gently Tender and Broadside Hacks.
Sunday 16 April – Lowenstein and Middleton, a Klezmer duo on violin and accordion.
For details and booking, see their website, https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events
Funding, Training and support
Reclaim Black Heritage Fund
Grants of up to £4,000 are available to Black-led groups and individuals who are developing projects that are in line with the 81 Acts Humanifesto, and in particular to commemorate 1981 and benefit the Black community. The deadline for applications has been extended to 3rd April. More details on the website at www.81actsofexuberantdefiance.com
Negotiating and Managing your Lease
This can be a daunting task for a small organisation or inexperienced trustees, so the good news is that Integrate have just announced an on-line briefing with the Ethical Property Foundation on 19 April at 11 am. To book, please contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
Other News
Student Survey on change in Brixton
Lucia is an A-level geography student who is researching the impact of change on Brixton. She has put together a short survey, and would love to have responses from people who live or work in Brixton. You can find the survey at https://arcg.is/0SCuju1
Easter Food and Fun
Lambeth is supporting a programme of holiday activities and healthy meals for children and young people who are eligible for free school meals. See the list of providers at https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/…/get-ready-easter-food-fun
Planning for Coronation Time
If you are thinking of organising something around the Coronation date of 6 May, here are some useful links:
If organising a street party or similar event, see https://eventlambeth.co.uk/streetparties/
The Coronation Big Lunch is an umbrella site with advice and the facility to post details of your event: see www.edenprojectcommunities.com/the-big-lunch
If you are organising a volunteering project, or trying to find extra helpers, check out The Big Help Out at https://thebighelpout.org.uk/
Moving on…
Simulacra Studios used to operate from various railway arches around Brixton. They are based at Bell Green in Sydenham – new address 491-505 Southend Lane, SE26 5BL. Enquiries to hello@simulacrastudio.com
Adejoke Bakare opened her Chishuru restaurant in Market Row in 2020, after winning a competition organised by Brixton Village. However, trade was hit by the second lock-down and the space was too small to be economic, despite favourable reviews. She is now crowd-funding to re-open in larger premises near Oxford Circus, this time catering for over 50 covers over 2 floors.
Keep in touch…
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, or if you want to reach out to other local organisations or activists, you are welcome to use these bulletins to share information about your events or activities. You may even want to come along and present your ideas to a meeting of the Forum?
Please send your announcements to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com – ideally before the 5th of the month so we can publish around the 10th.
Is this your best e-mail?
We are keen to reach all local organisations and activists. Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our e-mail list.
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address so that you see them more quickly or reliably.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.
February 2023
Upcoming Changes around the Brixton Rec
Since May last year we have been waiting for consultation to start on London Square’s proposals to develop both the Pop Brixton site and International House, in partnership with Lambeth Council. The new programme has only recently been announced.
The future of International House
London Square’s intention is to refurbish the building, rather than replace it. Even so, this will need present tenants to move out while modern services are installed. The “meanwhile” use of International House, managed by 3Space, has been one of Brixton’s success stories, providing a base for business start-ups and small community organisations. We don’t want to see this all swept away and successful firms dispersed away from Brixton, so we are looking for a more gradual transition. 3Space management of the building is due to end in September, but the delay in starting the development process would justify a 6-9 month extension.
Opportunities for relocating many of the existing users within Brixton seem to be limited, but tenants are already e-mailing key Councillors and Council officers to seek a “soft landing”. If like us, your organisation is affected, please keep in touch.
Feed in to Public Realm changes
The overall timescale is based on a Planning Application being made in the coming Autumn for rebuilding on the Pop Brixton site. Community Vision workshops are to be held on either 4 or 6 March, followed by 2 evening sessions on 23 and 30 March. These will mainly be about street-level improvements around the Recreation Centre in Popes Road and Brixton Station Road. They are being organised by Mutual Gain on behalf of London Square and the Council – if you have not already registered your interest, please contact Susan Ritchie at susan@mutualgain.org
Brixton joins in London Festival of Architecture
This year, Brixton will be one of 7 London destinations hosting events for the Festival, which runs through the month of June.
Events programme
Organisations are encouraged to put on events which will be publicised as part of the Festival programme.
The closing date for submitting details of most events will be 3rd March. The Festival is co-ordinated by New London Architecture – enquiries to sophie.roberts@nla.london
Design Competition
There is also an ideas competition to provide an installation or feature to be placed in either Atlantic Road or Windrush Square during the Festival. This will be a 2-stage competition. Details of team members, and your design approach are required by midday 2nd March. Up to 6 design teams will then be selected for the second stage, to provide 2 A2-size boards to explain the proposal, together with a Powerpoint presentation and key construction details, budget and maintenance plan. Enquiries to info@londonfestivalofarchitecture.org
Marking 75 years since the Empire Windrush arrival
Proposals are starting to come together for local celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush in June 1948. A lot of interest was shown at an exploratory meeting on 6th February, convened by the Brixton Project. If you have something in mind, particularly for events or activities around June, contact Serena at serena@thebrixtonproject.com
Coming Events
Saturday Art Club at St. Vincent’s Centre
Free sessions on Saturday afternoons for the 7-12 age group, at St. Vincent’s Centre, Talma Road SW2 1AS. Run by Lamonte Johnson but additional volunteers are wanted. Enquiries to (020) 7274 1190 or lindon@svp.org.uk
Warm Space Wednesdays at Brixton Windmill Centre
Next to Brixton’s Windmill, the Centre is opening up as a Warm Space on Wednesdays until the end of March, from 12 noon to 3pm.
They are also offering use of their large professional oven – you just need to bring the ingredients and a recipe! Enquiries to centremanager@brixtonwindmill.org
There’s also a Volunteering Open Session on Sunday 19 February between 1 pm and 4 pm – a chance to meet with existing volunteers and discover the growing range of roles for which help is needed.
Black Culture Market, 4 & 5 March
Another selection of stalls can be found in the Basement space of the Department Store at 248 Ferndale Road, SW9 on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th March, 11 am to 5 pm both days. Free admission but please register via Eventbrite, at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-culture-market-spring-market-tickets-473002462097?aff=erelexpmlt
If you want to trade on either day, please contact the organisers at https://www.blackculturemarket.co.uk
Space for Young People at the Advocacy Academy
Marhaba means hello in Arabic, so our Marhaba Space is an open, free, warm and inclusive open space for young people in Lambeth, aged between 13 and 25. The space is open every Thursday at 5-7 Vining Street – 18-25 year-olds are welcome between 1 and 4 pm, 13-17 year-olds between 4 pm and 8 pm. Free hot drinks and sandwiches available every week. You don’t need to sign up in advance, but if you have any questions, contact hello@theadvocacyacademy.com
Computer Coding Classes for Kids
The Computer Coding Classes at the Southwyck House community space are expanding to other local venues:
There are now coding classes at Evelyn Grace School, on Wednesdays between 1 pm and 2 pm.
As from 1st March, there will also be coding classes for ages 5-11 at Myatt’s Fields South Community Hall, SW9 6DQ.
At Southwyck House, sessions for age 12 upwards run on Mondays at 4 pm to 6 pm. There’s also a Home-School coding group for ages 5-12 on Tuesdays between 1 pm and 2 pm, or on Thursdays between 4 pm and 6 pm for ages 5-11.
All enquiries to Millennium Community Solutions at gail@millenniumcommunitysolutions.com or phone 07 368 487 263.
Current Consultations
Tulse Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood
Lambeth Council is currently consulting on detail design of landscaping works around the Elm Park Tavern, and the junction of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road. Closing date for comments is 28 February – see https://tulsehillltn.commonplace.is
Dogs Public Space Protection Order in Lambeth have your say on proposals Visit the Lambeth website to have your say by completing our short survey. The consultation is running from 13 February to 26 March.
Brockwell Hall Cafe
For once, not a Council consultation, but one of the contenders to run the cafe in the restored Hall is doing some market research. What sort of services or menus would you like to see? Do sports groups have any special needs?
Charlie Gleeson is conducting the survey, which you can find at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7ZXVSBS
Green spaces and Green issues
Barrier Block Greening Project
The Brixton Business Improvement District has been awarded a grant from the Mayor’s Grow Back Greener fund to remodel the green space in front of Southwyck House on Coldharbour Lane. Supported by Urban Growth, the new layout will provide fruit trees, a wild meadow and a shaded games area. If you would like to be involved in developing these ideas, contact admin@brixtonbid.co.uk
Join the Chelsea Fringe
As a spin-off from the Chelsea Flower Show, this alternative garden festival takes place between 20 and 28 May. Events can take place throughout Greater London, in other parts of the country, or even abroad. Events start being posted on the Fringe website from this month, so if you have an idea — or you want more visitors to something you were already planning – contact the Fringe team at info@chelseafringe.com
News from Myatt’s Fields Park
The Park is seeking to appoint a part-time Community Engagement Manager (3 days a week). Deadline for applications is 7th March – find the full job description and application process at https://www.myattsfieldspark.info/work-for-us.html
Funding, Training and support
Grants deadlines reminder
Once again, a reminder of approaching deadlines for various grant funds. Most of these have previously been circulated by Integrate, so if you missed the original alert, please contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
The Walcot Foundation is reviewing its funding priorities for the next 3 years. Please submit your comments before 20 February.
The Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust is offering grants of up to £1,000 to support the rehabilitation of ex-prisoners and those at risk of offending. Priority will be given to work with Ethnic Minorities. Deadline 28 February.
The Mayor’s Community Weekend Fund is offering grants up to £1500 towards events to be held during the Mayor’s Community Weekend, 23 to 25 June. Deadline is 12 noon on Wednesday 1st March.
Reclaim Black Heritage Fund – As the final round of the 81 Acts campaign, grants of up to £4,000 are being offered to black-led groups but projects must be completed by 15 July. Deadline for applications is 5 pm on 2nd March, and awards will be announced by Ubele around 10-12 April.
Training with Brixton BID
Even if you are a small start-up or social enterprise, if you are working in the BID area, you should be eligible for the free training events organised by the BID. There is a course each month for the next several months. Upcoming topics include Mental Health First Aid (20 March) and Health & Safety (24 April). For further details and booking, see their website at www.brixtonbid.co.uk
Keep in touch!
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, why not use these bulletins to tell other Forum members about your activities, or your next event?We aim to publish around the 10th of each month, so we really need to hear from you by the 5th March to be included in the next issue.
Please send items for the bulletin, and ideas for Forum events, to the Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com
What’s missing?
We still have the resources to run at least one more event or Forum meeting in March or April, but if you have a bright idea, you need to tell us NOW! For example, do you want to present your bright idea or achievements to other Forum members, or is there some training you can’t find through your usual channels?
Is this your best e-mail?
We are keen to reach all local organisations and activists. Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list.
– if you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you see them sooner or more reliably.
– if you have moved away or are no longer interested.
January 2023
Our meeting on 10th January included an update from the Fight the Tower Campaign on the Hondo Tower proposals, which have been in the Mayor’s pending tray for 15 months now. We also shared what we know about other prospective developments, like the Pop Brixton site and the future of International House, and agreed some actions on pursuing these concerns. More to follow.
More local events this month
Advice sessions in person on local Council Estates Lambeth closed its Housing Office during Covid, expecting residents to access all services on-line through its Housing Portal. The Council have finally realised that tenants don’t all have Internet access or skills, so a series of resident drop-in surgeries have begun on local estates. Sessions should provide face-to-face access to staff from housing management, maintenance and rent services teams, and a chance to discuss any issues affecting you in your home. However, these live sessions are only once a month – for more information, call Lambeth Housing Services on (020) 7209 2660.
Edmundsbury Estate: Edmundsbury Community Hall, Ferndale Road SW9 8FQ – Second Friday of each month, 10 am to 1 pm.
St. Matthew’s Estate: St. Matthew’s Hall, 10 St. Matthew’s Road SW2 1NH – Third Thursday of each month, 10 am to 1 pm.
Tulse Hill Estate: Jubilee Community Hall, SW2 2LY – First Wednesday of each month, 2 – 4 pm.
Reducing Energy Bills in SE24
The Herne Hill Forum, to the east of our patch, are organising a series of briefing sessions to help residents with energy-saving ideas, from simple house-keeping hacks to organising major retro-fits for your home. Dates and venues will be:
Wednesday 18 January, 7 pm at Herne Hill Baptist Church, Half Moon Lane, SE24: why this matters and general energy-saving tips.
Monday 23 January, 7 pm at Carnegie Library, Herne Hill Road SE24: getting approvals from planners, landlords and building inspectors.
Sunday 29 January, 1 pm at Brockwell Barn, Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses, SE24: sources of heat and solar power.
Thursday 2 February, 6-30 pm at the Club House, Herne Hill Velodrome, Burbage Road SE24: retrofitting older properties and insulation do’s and don’ts.
For more information and booking, see https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/reduce-energy-bills-and-carbon-footprint-1464349
Events at Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses
- They start the year with a range of workshops and activities, including:
- Fermentation afternoon workshop on Saturday 14 January or 4 February.
- Mindfulness workshop with Deepti on Sunday 22 January.Introduction to Knitting – a beginners workshop on Saturday 11 February.
- Also, Saturday Yoga sessions resume from 7 January.
For more details and bookings, see their website, https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events
Creative Courses at Art4Space
Two special courses are being offered this term, at the Art4Space Learning Hub, 31 Jeffreys Road SW4 6QU. In both cases, there is no charge, but only 12 spaces are available for each course.:
Creative Community Champions will create a collective mixed-media textiles project, with the finished work to be presented to a local community project. This will run on Tuesdays for 10 weeks from 17 January, 10 am to 12-30 pm, in a LGBTQ+ friendly environment. Enquiries to info@art4space.co.uk
Creative Remedies is a mosaic-making course for women in need of a creative well-being boost. This will run on Wednesdays for 10 weeks from 18 January, 10 am to 12-30 pm. Enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk
Other News
Honour for Forum Chair
We are pleased to hear that our Chair, Ken Floyde, has been awarded a British Empire Medal in recognition of his years of work with the Brixton BMX Club, which now has an impressive track within Brockwell Park.
In addition, MBEs were awarded to Elizabeth Maytom, Project Manager of the Norwood & Brixton Food Bank, and to Dr Stephen Mowle of the Hetherington Group Practice, who is also Hon. Treasurer of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Brixton Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood
Lambeth Council is currently consulting on initial designs for a LTN covering the area bounded by Brixton Hill, Acre Lane, King’s Avenue and the South Circular Road. The northern half already has some long-standing access restrictions which have worked well, but may change, while new restrictions are proposed for streets west and south of Brixton Prison. No obvious benefits offered for cyclists or pedestrians this time, just some nonsense about flood prevention measures – for the highest part of Brixton! More details on the Lambeth website (consultation pages) – Closing date for comments is 22 January, to lowtrafficneighbourhoods@lambeth.gov.uk
Workspace in Beehive Place
Work is getting underway to convert disused space below the swimming pools of the Brixton Rec into space for manufacturing businesses and training projects. Access will be from Beehive Place, off Brixton Station Road. This will be followed in the Spring by shopfront improvements for the shops below the Rec, together with works to its external lighting and concourse. For an overview, see https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/revitalising-brixtons-rec-quarter
Reporting Water Leaks
For years we have ignored most leaking water mains as only a problem for Thames Water shareholders, but this year the early freeze and pre-Christmas thaw resulted in so many leaks that many people have been reporting loss of water pressure. If you spot a leak that Thames Water have not responded to yet, you can report it to them on 0800 714 614, or via their website, https://thameswater.co.uk/leak
New Chair at Friends of Loughborough Park
At the on-line AGM in November, Jon Bromwich was elected as Chair of the Friends, in succession to Lydia Stone, who had moved away from the area. This little park is continuing to recover from years of neglect, benefitting from some recent investment by Lambeth Parks and some hands-on help from local residents. Monthly litter-picks are continuing, co-ordinated by Anthea Masey, the next being on Sunday 29 January at 11 am. Jon can be contacted via the Friends’ e-mail account at friendsofloughboroughpark@gmail.com as before.
Milling & Baking at Brixton Windmill
Friends of Windmill Gardens are offering a unique full-day experience, making flour and then bread with their volunteer millers and bakers. This will be on Sunday 26 February, 10-30 to 4-30 pm at the Windmill and Education Centre. Maximum of 6 places, £70 per person including lunch. See their website for more details and booking, www.brixtonwindmill.org
Incidentally, if you were thinking about having a go at the Great British Bake Off, casting is underway for the next series, so please contact Jake Stoodley, researcher at Love Productions, phone 0117 456 8530 or e-mail to jake.stoodley@loveproductions.co.uk
Health and Social Care
User involvement at King’s College Hospital
There are several opportunities for patient input into how hospital services are provided, including: King’s Cancer Voices for patients with experience of using cancer care services; King’s Accessibility Advisory Group for both voluntary groups and individuals with access or communication needs; King’s Mental Health Advisory Group is a new forum to improve patients’ mental health care within the hospital; King’s Young People is a forum for 11-16 year-olds who use the hospital services, aiming to make the services more user-friendly for younger users.
If you are interested in joining any of these, or other groups, please contact the Patient & Public Involvement Team at kch-tr.KingsPPI@nhs.net or phone (020) 3299 3682.
Space at Akerman Health Centre
If your group has an interest in health issues, the Akerman Health Centre is offering free use of a room for meetings or events. Rooms available are on the ground floor and accommodate between 8 and 30 people. The downsides are that it’s only for weekdays between 9 am and 6 pm, and it’s a remote location on the NE fringe of Brixton. If interested, please contact either: – Juliet Amoa at Lambeth, jamoa@lambeth.gov.uk – Isabella Painting at SE London Integrated Care, isabella.painting@selondonics.nhs.uk
Polio booster clinics for Children under 9 These are still available, but for latest locations and opening times, see bit.ly/poliovaxSEL
Talking Therapies
Lambeth Talking Therapies offers free and confidential support to adults who are registered with a Lambeth GP. They can help with a range of problems, including depression, stress, sleeplessness, coping with traumatic experiences and specific anxieties. Types of support include group or individual talking therapy, on-line therapy and support with employment difficulties. You can speak to your GP about a referral, or you can self-refer, via their website www.lambethtalkingtherapies.nhs.uk or phone (020) 32286747 or by e-mail to lambeththiaptadministrators@slam.nhs.uk
Dry January
Expect various promotional efforts and publicity from Health sources this month, to encourage people to reduce or even stop their regular use of alcohol-based drinks. Here’s a weblink that came to us from an American alcohol rehab group, this time about stomach pain rather than liver damage: https://alcoholrehabhelp.org/blog/stomach-pain-after-drinking/
Funding, Training and support
Grants reminders
Once again, we remind you of deadlines for grant offers previously circulated by Integrate. If you missed the original alerts, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
Climate, Health and Community Fund, and particularly supporting diverse-led community organisations, up to £40,000 for a project or up to £10,000 for developing your organisation. Closing date 5 pm on Tuesday 10 January.
The Fishmongers Company – grants up to £90,000 over 3 years, particularly for projects dealing with Food & Nutrition, Mental Health, or Education in Prisons. Deadline 13 January.
Lambeth Wellbeing Fund – grants between £1,000 and £5,000 for community projects working with adults in Lambeth. More details at www.londoncf.org.uk but closing date is midday Tuesday 31 January.
News of this one came to us via Locality so please use Google to search for more details: Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – Sustainable Future Fund offers up to £100,000 for a project addressing climate change, particularly if giving a voice to young activists or marginalised groups – deadline 28 March.
Training opportunities
Fund-raising training: The next clutch of free Zoom briefing sessions from Ecosystem Coldharbour will cover the Walcot Foundation, and take you through the whole application process so you can make a worthy application to them. Sessions will be on Tuesdays 24 and 31 January and 7 February, from 6-30 to 8-30 pm. To register, phone 07 958 622 171 or on-line at https://forms.gle/n7ioVRDHJ4Cb9EtC7
Getting the best from LinkedIn: The Wintrade Global Women in Business Network held an on-line masterclass a couple of months ago, and you can now check out the video recording of the event at https://lnkd.in/eNpGgFBz For their future events, see https://bit.ly/wintrade-zoom-events-landing-page
Kickstart your business with a professional London business address! Impact Brixton is offering entrepreneurs from Lambeth, Wandsworth and Southwark their first year free, or for those from further afield, their first month free, using the promo code BUSINESS25 but the offer expires on 1st February. When you sign up to their Virtual Office, you can use their location as your business address, rather than show your home address on Companies House records. You might just be in time to join the Virtual Office launch event on Friday 6 January – enquiries to team@impactbrixton.com
Before you go…Is this your best e-mail? We want these bulletins to reach all community organisations and activists in the wider Brixton area. Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org if: – You want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them earlier or more reliably. – You want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list. – You have moved away, or are no longer interested.
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, why not use these bulletins to tell other Forum members about your activities, or your next event?Perhaps you would like to present your work at a Forum meeting, or raise a concern for discussion?
Please send items for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com – ideally by the 5th of the month so we can publish by the 10th. Also use this contact if you want to include something on the agenda for a Forum meeting.
October 2022
Forum Meetings Tuesday 25 October – the next Forum meeting, at 7 pm A reminder that we are meeting next week at the Advocacy Academy, 5-7 Vining Street SW9 8QA. Hear from some of our local organisations, share your own ideas for what the Forum’s priorities should be for the months ahead, and catch up with some networking. Remember, it helps our planning if you can tell us you’re coming please book your free tickets on Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/d/united-kingdom–london/brixton-neighbourhood-forum/ or contact admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org. Tuesday 29 November – Town Centre developments Again at 7 pm at the Advocacy Academy, a joint meeting with the Fight The Tower Campaign to review the latest position on plans for Hondo Towers and other Town Centre sites. More details next month. Other upcoming events Brixton Rec, Thursday 19 October A quick reminder that BRUG are holding an Open Forum for users of the Recreation Centre, looking towards Lambeth Council taking management back in-house next April. In the Level 6 Meeting Room, 6 pm to 7-30 pm – only 20 places available so check with BRUG first at brixtonbrug@gmail.com Drumming with Shamha Vibrations Shamha Vibrations have moved their free drumming sessions to bigger premises at Stockwell Park Community Centre, Aytoun Place, SW9 0TE. Weekly sessions will be on Saturdays between 4 and 7 pm, from 22 October until 10 December. More details at www.shamhavibrations.org Arts & Crafts at Art4Space, Stockwell Mosaic Candy Skull Workshop, Saturday 29 October, 4 pm to 7 pm, to tie in with the Mexican Day of the Dead and Halloween. All materials provided, plus a vegetarian meal and glass of wine, for £49 a head. LGBTQ+ Collaborative, 4 Saturday afternoon sessions, 1 pm to 4 pm on 5, 12, 19 & 26 November. A collaborative project to help address social issues facing the LGBTQ+ community and friends. Free but only 12 places available. All sessions at the A4S creative learning hub, 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU. Enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk or see www.art4space.co.uk Design and print courses at Slaughterhaus Studio The Print Studio is hosting several courses in the next few months: Markmaking Workshop with Viola Wang, Sunday 6 November, 11 am to 5 pm. Trace Monotype Taster session with Michelle Avison, Sunday 20 November, 1-30 to 4-30 pm. Soft Ground Etching, Tuesdays 1, 8, 15, 22 November, 6 pm to 9 pm. Aquatint, Tuesdays 6, 13, 20 December, 6 pm to 9 pm. Hard Ground Etching, 17, 24, 31 January, 6 pm to 9 pm. Slaughterhaus print studio is at Vincent’s Yard, 119-123 Hackford Road, SW9 0QT. Enquiries to info@slaughterhaus.net Black Men’s Consortium at Brixton House Theatre Without Planning Permission is an interactive improvised performance, looking at how to improve the lives of black men in the UK, co-ordinated by Tony Cealy. Performances at the Brixton House Theatre, Coldharbour Lane SW9 8GL, on Friday 11 November at 8 pm, and on Saturday 12 November, 2-30 and 8 pm. Find tickets at https://brixtonhouse.co.uk/shows/without-planning-permission/ Greenspaces News Loughborough Park A few gardening sessions are being held in the Loughborough Park food forest garden, the next will be on Sunday 23 October, 12 noon to 4 pm, assisted by Urban Canopy community gardeners. All ages and abilities welcome, equipment provided. The Friends group will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Zoom on Tuesday 8 November, 7 pm to 8-30 pm. All enquiries to friendsofloughboroughpark@gmail.com Windrush Square Monthly stakeholder meetings are continuing on-line, and the next will be on Monday 7 November at 5 pm. Enquiries to Ros Griffiths at rozgriffiths@googlemail.com Remembrance Sunday will be marked by ceremonies on the Square on 13 November. Ideas are already being developed to provide some events in the Square next year, to mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush with the first party of migrants from the West Indies. Winter Market at Windmill Gardens Sunday 11 December, 12 noon to 3-30 pm around the Windmill – including opportunities for local groups and enterprises to run stalls. Organised by Friends of Windmill Gardens, more details at www.brixtonwindmill.org In Brockwell Park Friends of Brockwell Park are beginning to raise their profile again after two years of limited communications, and we expect to see regular bulletins again soon. Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses are now offering a wider range of activities, with recent completion of their new Brockwell Barn – details are at https://brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events/ Health and Social Care Polio Vaccination for Children Efforts are being made locally to boost vaccination rates for children against polio, flu and MMR. Two webinars are being held this week to explain the situation and deal with questions, on Wednesday 19 October, 6-30 to 7-15 pm, or Friday 21 October, 10-30 to 11-15 am. Enquiries to GertInvolvedLambeth@selondonics.nhs.uk For children aged between one and nine years, additional clinic sessions are being organised around the half-term holiday at St. Thomas’ Hospital and 4 pharmacies on the western edge of our borough. More details at bit.ly/poliovaxSEL Raising Awareness of Mental Health Lambeth Together is offering a 3-hour workshop on raising awareness of mental health, and how to help. The aim is to improve understanding, be alert to signs of people struggling with theirt mental health, and show how to signpost people to further support. Two on-line sessions still to come, on Friday 28 October, 9-30 to 12-30 pm, or Tuesday 15 November, 5 pm to 8 pm. For details and booking, see https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lambeth-community-raising-awareness-of-mental-health-and-how-to-help-tickets-428638227477 Art4Space is hosting another Mental Health First Aid Course on 20 & 21 October, led by It’s a Playground. Course fee £300 a head, see www.art4space.co.uk IT Help for the Disabled The former tenants’ hall beneath the Southwyck House “barrier block” already hosts art classes and kids’ computer courses. It is now also the base for free drop-in sessions for disabled residents and their carers, to provide help with getting the best out of your mobile phone, setting up your laptop, or exploiting the Internet or social media, without being exploited yourself. These sessions are provided by Clear Community Web on alternate Fridays between 2 and 4 pm – that’s 14 & 28 October, 11 & 25 November and 9 December. Enquiries to 07 523 646 277 or info@clearcommunityweb Craft Wednesdays at Brixton Tate Library Wednesday afternoon sessions started this month and will run through to the end of the year, at 2-30 pm in the gallery/ lecture room at Brixton Tate Library. The group is free to attend and a great opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills, while supporting your health and wellbeing. All enquiries to Friends of Tate Library Brixton at foftlbrixton@gmail.com Meet and Make at St. John’s, Clapham Road Rather on the periphery of our area, but close to public transport, this Arts & Crafts Club is held at St. John’s Church, 386 Clapham Road SW9 9AR. Sessions are every Tuesday between 12-30 and 2-30 pm – enquiries to 020 7819 9498 or info@stjohns@yahoo.com or see the website, www.stjohnsseniorcitizensproject.com Although this is part of their Senior Citizens project, sessions are free and open to all over 18, to encourage social contact. The final session this term is on 6 December. Funding, Training and Support Grant Deadlines Reminder Once again, a final reminder about approaching deadlines, for grants etc previously circulated by Integrate: enquiries to eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk Early Intervention & Prevention Services for children and young people, Lambeth Council funding, deadline 5 pm on Friday 28 October. Apprenticeship Development Toolkit, commissioned by Lambeth Council, deadline for bids, 5 pm on Friday 28 October. Energy Costs – support for charities and businesses Alongside the Government announcement of an Energy Price Guarantee for householders (now limited to 6 months), there is also an Equivalent Guarantee for charities and businesses. The scheme will fix gas and electricity prices for such bodies for 6 months from 1st October, but will be reviewed after 3 months. Many details are still to be resolved, but we will share information as it emerges. Network with Ecosystem Coldharbour Ecosystem Coldharbour is a consortium of voluntary and community organisations, centred on the old Coldharbour Ward. Its priorities are to create a safer community, boost youth employment and reduce violent crime. To encourage networking among grassroots groups, Community Coffee Mornings are being held monthly, on Tuesdays 18 October, 22 November, 13 December, from 9 am to 10-30 am. Book your place at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-coffee-morning-tickets-415829857297 Council Consultations Air Quality Action Plan The Council is inviting comments on its draft Action Plan to control air quality through 2023-25. There is a Commonplace website for responses. Closing date for responses is 2 November. Refer to the Consultations pages on the Lambeth Council website for more details and links. Keep in touch Where did this come from? The Neighbourhood Forum is a network of local organisations. We receive information from many community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and public bodies, and try to share what looks most useful to our members. We aim to publish this bulletin monthly, so if you can send your news before the 5th of the month, we normally publish around the 10th. Contact Us To send items for this bulletin, or enquiries about future Forum events, e-mail to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com Enquiries about membership and mailing list updates to admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org Is this your best e-mail? Please tell us (as above): – If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list; – If you want these bulletins sent to a different address, so you see them sooner or more reliably; – If you have moved away, or are no longer interested. |
December 2022
SEASONS GREETINGS Forum Meeting reset for 10 January 7 pm in Ground floor meeting room at 3Space, International House. To catch up with the latest position on the Hondo Tower plans and other major developments around Brixton. We apologise for postponing the meeting from 29 November, but there was a mix-up over booking the venue, and then the last straw was a clash with an England match in the World Cup! Remember we are still open to proposals for future Forum meetings, so please contact us if you want to offer a presentation or set up a consultation event in the first half of 2023. Local Events this month Christmas Kindness Community Event, Saturday 10 December Best in Brixton is working with St. Vincent’s Centre in Talma Road SW2 to put on this free event, which will now run between 1 pm and 9 pm. Contributions from Shamha Vibrations and Brixton Chamber Orchestra. Winter Market at Brixton Windmill, Sunday 11 December Open between 12 noon and 3-30 pm, with stalls from a variety of local organisations and makers. Organised by Friends of Windmill Gardens. Events at Brockwell Park Greenhouses Various practical workshops and even a mini-panto are all taking place in the run-up to Christmas – too much to list in full, but see their website for full details including how to book – https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events/ Brixton £ going digital? Monday 12 Decemberis the next round of discussions on how to adapt the Brixton Pound to a world where cash is going out of fashion – 6 pm to 8 pm at the Advocacy Academy, 5-7 Vining Street SW9. See more at https://brixtonpound.org Community Coffee Morning, Ecosystem Coldharbour Tuesday 13 December, between 9 am and 10-30, will be the last of this year’s gatherings of youth leaders, grassroots organisations and residents working towards creating a safer community with positive opportunities for young people. Please book via https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-coffee-morning-tickets-415829857297 Last chance to see… Until 18 December the exhibition “We Came Here” continues at the Van Gogh House, 87 Hackford Road SW9 0RE. It’s an immersive sound and sculptural experience, imagining a conversation between a 20-year-old Vincent Van Gogh and a 20-year-old Olive Morris. Tours are free for community groups or charities, but a donation of £3 a head is encouraged. Enquiries to quratulain@vangoghhouse.co.uk Christmas Community Day at Dexters, Friday 16 December Big Kid Foundationare running this free community event between 2 pm and 6 pm at Dexter Playground, Railton Road (next to Montego Close) SE24. Christmas Concert in Myatt’s Fields Park, Sunday 18 December A reminder that we gave details in last month’s bulletin, but the concert itself kicks off at 5 pm, led by the Brixton Chamber Orchestra, but earlier in the afternoon there will be a Children’s Carnival Workshop (3 pm) and a Christingle-making workshop at 4 pm. Access to the park after dark will be from the Cormont Road gate, opposite St. Gabriel’s Manor. Organised by Myatt’s Fields Park Project with Minet Conservation Association. Crafty Workshops for Children, 19, 21, 22, 23 December Art4Space are hosting free winter holiday art workshops for children between 4 and 18 years old. Priority is being given to children receiving free school meals. All sessions run 10 am to 2 pm at the Art4Space Learning Hub, Studio 1, 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6 QU. Bookings/ enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk Funding, Training and support Funding deadlines reminders Integrate have previously circulated details of several grant offers, which are closing soon. As ever, if you missed the original notices, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk Kelly Family Charitable Trust – up to £5,000 to help tackle family problems – imminent. Enabling Disadvantaged Young People to reach their Potential – from the Ironmongers Company – deadline 15 December. Tackling Financial Hardship Funds from New Philanthropy Capital – closes 5 pm, Friday 16 December. Future Communities Fundfor supporting young people from diverse backgrounds – closes 12 noon on 23 December. Climate Health and Community Fund – supporting diverse-led community organisations – closes 5 pm on Tuesday 10 January. Lambeth Community Wellbeing Fund – grants between £1,000 and £5,000 for community projects working with adults in Lambeth – more details at www.londoncf.org.uk and closing date 31 January. We have also been reminded of some other grant sources via our links to Locality and Directory of Social Change: Key Fund: Energy Resilience Fund: up to £150,000 towards energy-saving/ cost-reducing measures – closes 21 December. Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – Sustainable Future Fund: Up to £100,000 to support campaigns and projects that tackle climate change and give a voice to young activists. Deadline 28 March. Digital Growth Funding: Government contribution of £2,000 to £10,000 towards small businesses developing their on-line presence and digital reach. Closing date 31 December, promoted by cProgress – see www.cprogress.co.uk or enquiries to vicky@digitalmarketinggrant.co.uk Lloyd’s Bank Foundation has set aside £5.5 million to support smaller charities, while the Co-op Foundation is offering grants of up to £30,000 a year for up to 5 years to help diverse young people become leaders and activists. Details of these two and others at https://fundraising.co.uk And finally, the Paul Mellon Centre is offering a mix of Fellowships and support grants for research or events in Art or architectural history. Closing date for the Spring 2023 round is 31 January. More details at https://paulmelloncentre.ac.uk/fellowships-and-grants Training opportunities and support networks Lambeth Young Entrepreneurs Alliance – application deadline Sunday 11 December. Boost your Social Enterprise with this free accelerator programme, a 12-week course starting in January, with a chance to win £2,000 in seed-funding. Find out more at bit.ly/yealambeth Getting the best from LinkedIn – If you missed the recent on-line Masterclass from Wintrade Global Women in Business Network, you can still access the presentation at https://linkd.in/eNpGgFBz Directory of Social Change have 174 free information videos, which can be found on their website, https://www.desc.org.uk They also have a wide range of handbooks and grant directories. Health and Social Care Staying Well through Winter With the onset of seriously-cold weather, we should remind you that Lambeth Together have compiled tips and advice on winter preparations, and updated their webpages to suit – find them at https://lambethtogether.net/your-health/staying-well-through-winter/ Mental Health First Aid Art4Space will be hosting a few more Mental Health First Aid courses during 2023. The next for those working with adults will be on February 9 & 10, with another for those working with young people on April 20 & 21. More details at www.art4space.co.uk Support when services fail Healthwatch Lambeth offers support to patients and their families when things go wrong with local health services. They are currently recruiting for an experienced engagement practitioner to join their team. Annual salary is £41,000 but the deadline for applications is 14 December. More information on their website at https://www.healthwatch.org.uk/work-us Other News Help wanted! Other projects are currently recruiting, including: Youth Workers – Marcus Lipton Youth Centre are recruiting two Key Workers for a January/ February start. The emphasis will be on supporting young people (under 30) into employment, in conjunction with schools, training providers and other agencies. Hours: 14 to 21 hours per week at £17 to £20 per hour. Deadline for applications: 5 pm on Friday 23 December. Find application form at https://uk.indeed.com/job/key-workers-passionate-about-changing-lives-7a961fa969b650ae Volunteers wanted for Wren 300: A team of volunteer researchers is being recruited to investigate the archives of four City of London Churches, all designed by Sir Christopher Wren, who died in 1723. The emphasis is on uncovering details of the lives of the people involved in their rebuilding after the Great Fire of London. The organisers are keen to sign people up before the New Year, and more information is at https://squaremilechurches.co.uk/wren-300/research/ Rail disruption As if the ongoing rail strikes were not enough, railway services will be curtailed over the Christmas/ New Year period to enable engineering works to take place when commuter demand is weakest. Among various works, we should highlight: – The railway line from Brixton towards West Dulwich will see extensive track renewal work from 24 to 26 December. – There are extensive works on London Overground services between 17 and 23 December, with another phase due between 11 and 19 February. This will also impact on Bakerloo Line services beyond Euston on those dates. Etching class at Slaughterhaus Gallery Tuesdays 17, 24, 31 January, 6 pm to 9 pm: An evening class on Hard Ground Etching, tutor Bob White, at Slaughterhaus Gallery, Vincent’s Yard, 119-123 Hackford Road SW9 0QT. For more details contact info@slaughterhaus.net Free Donation Service at Blenheim Gardens Blenheim Gardens RMO have teamed up with Herne Hill-based Get Rid of and Donate to provide a free donation service from the Community Hub at 23 Prague Place, SW2 5ED. They will work with the community to help people and families access free donations of essential living items, to encourage recycling and reduce waste. The service will offer items in good condition, and even new items, free of charge. The service has started on a trial basis, so volunteers are wanted to help out weekly. They are also seeking donations of toys, clothes, books, shoes, and household items. The service will operate on Wednesdays, alongside the existing food bank service. More information can be found at www.getridofit-donate.com Keep in touch Is this your best e-mail? If you have not seen these bulletins before – or for a while – you can get on our mailing list by e-mailing to admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org Use the same contact to tell us if: – You want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you see them earlier or more reliably; – You want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list; – You have moved away, or are no longer interested. Remember, there is more about the Forum on our website at www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org Let’s hear from you! Wonder why some organisations often appear in these bulletins, and yours does not? If you are doing something locally, why not tell us about it? We love to hear about events that are coming up, but we are happy to record your achievements as well. We try to feature a range of local groups and to provide information that is likely to interest the wider Brixton community. Please send items for future bulletins to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com – ideally before the 5th of the month so we can publish by the 10th. |
November 2022
Forum Meetings
Tuesday 29 November – Update on Town Centre developments
7 pm at International House (Ground Floor meeting room): a joint meeting with the Fight the Tower campaign, to catch up with where we are with Hondo Towers/ Popes Road, International House/ Pop Brixton and other sites in Brixton Town Centre. Please note change of venue since original notice.
and more?
The Forum’s committee is meeting soon to scope out events for the first half of 2023, so we would love to hear your ideas for what we should include. A variety of training courses and webinars are being offered through Integrate and other sources, but are there any gaps? For our October meeting, we invited several local organisations to come and tell us about themselves, and a lively and productive discussion ensued. Our thanks go to Brixton House Theatre, Friends of Windmill Gardens, Advocacy Academy and Brixton Pound, together with inputs from members of Brixton Rec Users Group and Adblock. We are always interested to host presentations about local projects, so please get in touch (see end of bulletin).
Other Local Events
Money, Community and Me – Saturday 19 November
Responding to the Cost of Living Crisis: 12 noon to 6 pm at the Baytree Centre, 300 Brixton Road SW9 6AE (opposite Loughborough Road). Organised by Brixton MINT but featuring information, advice and support from a range of organisations; food, entertainment, discussions and creche through the day. Admission free but please register in advance if possible, via https://bit.ly/brixmint
Enquiries to info@brixtonmint.com or see website, www.brixtonmint.com
Connect with Ecosystem Coldharbour
This is a consortium of community organisations working in the former Coldharbour and Vassall wards, focused on supporting young people and reducing youth violence and crime. Two more Community Coffee Mornings are coming up, on Tuesdays 22 November & 13 December, 9 am to 10-30 am, open to residents, practitioners and community groups – please book via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/community-coffee-morning-tickets-415829857297
Black Culture Market – Christmas Special, 3 & 4 December
Downstairs at the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road SW9 8FR, 11 am to 5 pm both days. A range of seasonal gifts, cards, unique prints, jewellery, clothing, accessories and cosmetics, all from emerging entrepreneurs and makers of African and Caribbean descent. Free admission but please register via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-culture-market-christmas-market-tickets-425037527687
Interested in trading at this or future events? Contact the organisers at https://www.blackculturemarket.co.uk
Brixton House Theatre – Alice in Wonderland, 1-31 December
Good to see Brixton’s new theatre reviving the tradition of the Christmas family show, with a modern twist. Join Alice on a hundred mile an hour adventure set entirely on the London Underground! Devised by Poltergeist, for ages 7 up, child tickets from £12.50, adults from £20, box office 020 7582 7680 or see the website www.brixtonhouse.co.uk
Best in Brixton, Saturday 10 December
Pre-Winter Solstice Art and Live Music Children’s Event at St. Vincent’s Community Centre, Talma Road SW2. Includes children’s art exhibition (deadline for entries 20 November), Brixton Chamber Orchestra, Drumming workshop by Shamha Vibrations. Look out for local flyers and alerts on the Nextdoor website, enquiries to auroradawnmusic@gmail.com
Winter Market at Brixton Windmill, Sunday 11 December
Open from 12 noon to 3-30 pm in Windmill Gardens, off Brixton Hill, for outdoor stalls from a variety of local organisations and makers, plus craft workshops, hot food, a choir, and of course Santa’s Grotto in the Windmill itself. For more info and workshop bookings, see their website: www.brixtonwindmill.org
Christmas Concert in Myatt’s Fields Park, Sunday 18 December
The concert itself kicks off at 5 pm, led by the Brixton Chamber Orchestra but there will also be a Children’s Carnival workshop from 3 pm to 4 pm, a Christingle-making workshop from 4 pm to 5 pm, and stalls offering mulled wine, hot chocolate and cakes between 3 pm and 6 pm. Access to the park after dark will be via the Cormont Road gate (close to the cafe) and opposite St. Gabriel’s Manor. Carnival workshop bookings via https://www.myattsfieldspark.info/cristhmas2022.html
Organised by Myatt’s Fields Park Project with Minet Conservation Association.
Health and Social Care
Consulting on Health and Care in SE London
Local people and groups are invited to join with NHS providers and Council staff in choosing health priorities for partner organisations to tackle together. NHS South-East London covers several boroughs and is developing an Integrated Care Strategy for them all. There is a choice of 2 dates to join an on-line discussion, either Monday 21 November, 5 – 7 pm or Friday 25 November, 3 – 5 pm. Please book by Friday 18th for the first date, so the link can be sent to you – enquiries to engagement@seldonics.nhs.uk
Tai Chi at Brixton Windmill
From 9th November, Brixton Windmill’s Education Centre is hosting a free weekly beginners class in Tai Chi, for people aged 50-plus. This runs on Wednesday mornings from 10 am to 11 am, funded by Lambeth Council’s Active Lambeth Fund. No need to book, but if you have any questions, contact them on 07 518 622 158 or at info@brixtonwindmill.org
Meanwhile, the long-running “pay what you can” Tai Chi class is still operating on Saturdays at 11-30 am – new members welcome.
Thriving Communities Lambeth website
The Thriving Communities website for Lambeth is now live, with the emphasis on health and wellbeing resources, and a map of local health-related organisations. If you think your organisation should be included, follow the links from https://thrivinglambeth.co.uk
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Art4Space are hosting another Mental Health First Aid course at their Stockwell Studios on 1st & 2nd December, conducted by It’s A Playground. This one is for those working with young people, where anxiety, addiction and eating disorders may occur. Please book via www.art4space.co.uk
Community Pantries
Healthy Living Platform run a few of these community shops on or near our patch, offering members a choice of healthy food at an affordable price. On each visit you pay just £5 and choose the items you want. The food offered is a mix of fresh fruit and vegetables, plus other food and cupboard donations from food suppliers.
Sessions open to the whole community are:
Tuesdays, 11 am to 2 pm at Myatt’s Fields North Community Centre (next to Eythorne Park), 24 Crawshay Road SW9 6FZ;
Thursdays, 11 am to 3 pm, Southwyck Pantry at Moorland Estate Community Centre, 50a Corry Drive SW9 8QT (off Somerleyton Road, opposite Somerleyton Passage).
Additional sessions for pregnant women, and families with children under 4 years old:
Wednesdays, 12-30 to 2-30 pm, St. Stephen’s Children’s Centre, 1 Meadow Place, SW8 1XZ;
Fridays, 12 noon to 2 pm, Liz Atkinson Centre, 9 Mostyn Road, SW9 6PH.
Greenspaces and Green Issues
Brockwell Park News
Brockwell Hall progress: Work is getting underway to create a new depot area for park maintenance staff alongside Norwood Road, behind Norwood Lodge (near the corner of Brockwell Park Gardens). This should complete in February and allow the yard behind the hall to be used for new facilities as part of the refurbishment of the old house. The aim is to provide a range of lettable rooms for meetings and functions, as well as improved cafe space. Parks offices will be relocated to the old stable block at the far end of the service yard, near the clock tower.
Help out with Hedge-laying: Some 12 years ago, a hedge was planted around the park boundary, from the top of Brockwell Park Gardens and round to Dulwich Road. The next phase is to “lay” the hedge so it can become bushier, as a refuge for wildlife and a more effective screen, otherwise individual hedge plants will develop into separate trees. Brockwell Park Community Partners are inviting volunteers to help out, supported by experts from The Conservation Volunteers. Sessions will be on 6, 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15 December – offers to r.jedrzeczak@tcv.org.uk or brockwellparkcommunitypartners@googlemail.com
Events at the Community Greenhouses: Several seasonal events and sessions are coming up, some of them making use of the recently-opened Barn – for full details, please see https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events/
Ways to save energy
Despite surging energy costs, advice on ways to save energy or reduce carbon dioxide emissions has not been prominent – you have to seek it out. The Brixton Society highlighted a couple of weblinks in their newsletter last month:
For householders, the Energy Saving Trust covers the basics at https://energysavingtrust.org.uk although we have since found a little-known Government site at https://www.gov.uk/browse/housing-local-services/household-energy
For businesses, the equivalent organisation is the Carbon Saving Trust, with some detailed information on specific industries or processes: https://www.carbontrust.com
Funding, Training and Support
Funding Deadlines reminder
Once again, we remind you of deadlines for grant offers previously circulated by Integrate – contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk if you missed the original alerts:
Peabody Community Foundation – Young People’s Fund, closes 12 pm on Friday 18 November.
The Ironmongers Company – Enabling disadvantaged young people to reach their potential, closes 15 December.
Community Tech Support – Help with Everyday IT
For your members or service-users who need help with using or setting up their mobile phones, tablets or laptops, Clear Community Web run several regular sessions, of which the nearest are:
Every Thursday, 10 am to 12 noon at The Platform Cafe, 2 Ridgeway Road SW9 7AH (at the Loughborough Road end of Wyck Gardens).
Alternate Fridays, 2 pm to 4 pm at Southwyck House Coding and Arts Centre, off Moorland Road SW9 8UR. Run in partnership with Millennium Community Solutions, these sessions are aimed at people with disabilities or mobility problems and their carers. Next session on 25 November.
Via a short bus-ride, there are also sessions at:
Mondays, 2 pm to 4 pm at West Norwood Library, 1-5 Norwood High Street SE27 9JX;
Wednesdays, 2 pm to 4 pm at WLM St. Luke’s, 25a Wincott Street, Kennington SE11 4NT.
These all operate on a drop-in basis, so no need to book, but contact for any enquiries is 07 523 646 277 or info@clearcommunityweb.co.uk
Fund-raising Training
The next clutch of free Zoom briefing sessions from Ecosystem Coldharbour will cover the Walcot Foundation. Sessions will take you through the whole application process, and will be on Tuesdays 24 and 31 January, and 7 February, from 6-30 to 8-30 pm. To register, phone 07 958 622 171 or on-line at https://forms.gle/n7ioVRDHJ4Cb9EtC7
Other News
Borough Plan Consultations
Forum members expressed frustration at our last meeting that Borough Plan consultation events came up at short notice and were poorly publicised. We have heard that there will be more in-person events on Wednesday 30 November (6-30 to 8-30 pm) and on the afternoon of Saturday 3 December and the evening of Wednesday 7 December – but we do not know the locations yet!
The Borough Plan was last “refreshed” in 2019 (pre-Covid), to set priorities across the whole range of Council services. The current review should steer public services over the next 4 years.
Safer Neighbourhoods Changing
Following the changes to Council ward boundaries for the elections in May this year, the Metropolitan Police have finally got round to adapting their Safer Neighbourhood Teams to match the new boundaries and ward names. For example, to report local issues in Brixton Windrush ward, e-mail to ASMailbox-.BrixtonWindrush@met.police.uk or to report a crime, call 101 or visit www.met.police.uk or dial 999 in an emergency.
There should also be Safer Neighbourhood Panels for each ward, comprising local residents and police team members. Some of the old ward panels had lapsed, and this should be an opportunity to revive them.
In addition, there is a dedicated police team overseeing Brixton Town Centre – contact stephen.w.giles@met.police.co.uk
For crime prevention advice, visit www.met.police.co.uk/crimeprevention
Keep in touch
Where did all this come from?
We draw our news from many member groups, public authorities and other contacts. Despite limitations of time or space, we do our best to feature a range of organisations and to provide information that should be useful to local groups. To send items for these bulletins, or to confirm details of Forum events, please e-mail to apiperbrix@aol.com
We aim to publish monthly, so please send before the 5th of the month so we can publish around the 10th – but sometimes the schedule can slip because this is a spare-time operation.
Is this your best e-mail?
Please tell us – at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org –
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you receive them quicker or more reliably;
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list;
– If you have moved away, or are no longer interested.
Send enquiries about membership to the same e-mail, or see our website, www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
September 2022
- Upcoming Events
- Training opportunities
- Health consultation closing soon
Local Events coming up
From Thursday 8 September at the Van Gogh House 87 Hackford Road SW9 is the Georgian terrace house where the young Vincent Van Gogh lodged during his formative stay in London in 1873-74. It is now a site for exhibitions and artists’ residencies. This week the house reveals this year’s artist commission, by Harold Offeh, an immersive sound and sculptural installation titled We came here. It imagines a conversation between a 20-year-old Vincent and a 20-year-old Olive Morris, a Jamaican-born Brixton-based community activist. It builds on these stories to map the perspective of young migrants arriving in contemporary London.Free tours are being offered to community groups and charities, though a donation of £3 a head is welcomed if you can afford it. The exhibition continues until 18 December. Bookings or enquiries to Quratulain Shams at quratulain@vangoghhouse.co.uk
Print Exhibition at Slaughterhaus Print Studio. Close to the Van Gogh House, artistic traditions are still going strong! The studio, at 13 Alphabet Mews, off Hackford Walk, is hosting an exhibition of prints by Robert White this month, entitled Periphery. The private view is on Thursday 15 September, 6 pm to 8 pm, then the artist discusses his work on Thursday 29 September at 7 pm. In either case, please RSVP to info@slaughterhaus.net so they can manage numbers.
Saturday 17 September – When Brixton Went on Fire A walking tour of Brixton, led by Angela Morgan, recalling the Brixton Riots of 40+ years ago, 11 am to 1 pm. Concessionary tickets £5, more details at www.learningthroughthearts.co.uk or phone 07 510 917 517.
Sunday 18 September – Barnanza in Brockwell Park. Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses are pleased to announce the official opening of their new Brockwell Barn, with an afternoon of celebrations from 2 pm, with live music, an exhibition of artworks, family activities and a chance to tour the barn and gardens. The event is free (or £5 with food), but please book so the organisers can manage numbers, see https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events/
Thursday 22 September – Platform Cafe re-opensFollowing refurbishment, the cafe in Wyck Gardens, at the corner of Loughborough Road and Ridgway Road, will be open on Tuesdays to Fridays between 8 am and 4 pm, and on Saturdays, between 9 am and 4 pm.
Thursday 22 September – Raise the Roof Choir Re-starting at 7 pm on Thursdays at the Carnegie Library, Herne Hill Road. No need to read music, a friendly and inclusive choir – more info at www.raisetheroofchoir.org or enquiries to Kirsty at info@raisetheroofchoir.org
Sunday 25 September – Harvest Festival at Brixton Windmill Open 1 pm to 5pm, live music, hot food and bakery stalls, craft and baking workshops for children, beer from Brixton Brewery, Windmill Tours (book via the website, www.brixtonwindmill.org.
Weekend 1 & 2 October – The Black Culture Market returns to the Department StoreThis is becoming a regular fixture in the basement of the Department Store, at 248 Ferndale Road SW9 8FR. This is a free event, but to manage numbers, please book via Eventbrite, https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-culture-market-black-history-month-tickets-392453768787 If you are interested in trading at this event, please see https://www.blackculturemarket.co.uk
Sunday 16 October – unveiling a plaque in Loughborough Road Advance notice that a plaque to Nellie Roberts (1872-1959) will be unveiled above Bon Bon News in the western arm of Loughborough Road, provisionally at 3-30 pm. Nellie was a botanical artist who supported herself by painting different types of orchid for the Royal Horticultural Society, working from her home above what had originally been her father’s shop. Meanwhile, occasional posts about the history of Loughborough Road can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/LoughboroughRDSW9history
Lambeth Heritage Festival
A series of events running through the month of September – here’s a few local highlights…
StoryTrails comes to Brixton Saturday 10 Sept, open 10 am to 6 pm and Sunday 11 Sept., open 11 am to 6 pm, at Brixton Tate Library (Reference Library) SW2 1JQ. Free, no need to book. Combines local voices with augmented and virtual reality to bring untold stories from the past back to life.
Brixton Market Heritage Walk Saturday 10 Sept., starting 2-30 pm, a 75-minute circular walk through the markets, arcades and high street. £5 including booklet, please book via www.brixtonsociety.org.uk/events
Revisiting Brixton Rec Thursday 15 Sept., 6-30 to 8-30 pm at Brixton Recreation Centre, Brixton Station Road SW9. Help to document the histories of the Rec – bring your photos, trophies, medals and memories, to help capture the variety of uses and activities since the original opening. See also www.revisitingbrixtonrec.org.uk
Milling at Brixton Windmill Wednesday 28th Sept., 7-15 pm at the Windmill Education Centre, Windmill Gardens, SW2 5DA. This year’s talk covers how milling was carried out here in the 19th and early 20th century, and how it was revived by volunteers in 2014. Free but please book via www.brixtonwindmill.org/news-events/all-events/
Minet Library Finally, if you happen to visit Minet Library or Lambeth Archives during this month, the entrance hall has a small display of some of the designs produced by Lambeth’s architects department under Ted Hollamby in 1965-80.
Help Shape our Forum programme
Next Live Forum Meeting – Thursday 25 October
This will be at 7 pm at the Advocacy Academy, in Vining Street, SW9 8QA. We want to review what the Forum has been doing in the eleven years since we started out, and pick out priorities for future action. And if there are new issues that you want to bring to the Forum, we will try to fit you into the agenda – but the sooner we hear from you, the better. More details in next month’s bulletin.
The Forum’s executive committee has returned to a pattern of monthly meetings in between the general Forum meetings. We next meet on 27 September, so if you have any bright ideas that we should follow up, it helps if we hear from you before then – e-mail to apiperbrix@aol.com. We are also attempting to rebuild contacts with other forums within the Lambeth Forum Network.
Health and Social Care
Lambeth Together Public Forum
A last-minute reminder that the next Lambeth Together Public Forum is on-line on Wednesday 7 September between 1 pm and 2 pm, followed by the Board meeting between 2 pm and 4-30 pm. More information at www.lambethtogether.net/get-involved or enquiries to GEvans2@lambeth.gov.uk
Lambeth Health & Wellbeing Strategy Consultation closing soon Lambeth is developing its Health & wellbeing Strategy, and the closing date for comments is 18 September, to publichealth@lambeth.gov.uk If you missed last month’s on-line discussion for voluntary and community organisations, two more sessions have been organised by Integrate:Monday 12 September at 5-30 pm, via Zoom, and finally on Monday 19 September at 10 am, again via Zoom. Book via eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
Become a Community ConnectorProject Smith is back – another series of training sessions is about to start, to equip community activists to help their neighbours find their way around local health services. This will be a 4-day course, on 21 September and 4, 5 and 26 October. Sessions will be based at West Norwood Fire Station, 210 Knights Hill, SE27. Bookings/ enquiries to Emma Corker, 07 734 670 300 or e-mail to emma@rbeassociates.com
Funding, Training and Support
Job Opportunities We occasionally hear about local projects looking for staff, volunteers or board members. We are happy to publish details in these bulletins, but closing dates for paid appointments don’t always tie in with our publication schedule (see end of bulletin).
Loughborough Community Centre (LCC), who run the One O’Clock Club and Adventure Playground in Max Roach Park are recruiting more staff, including a part-time fund-raiser, finance officer, and early years practitioners. More details should be on their website, www.lccmaxroach.co.uk or enquiries to the Director, Candice James, at candice@lccmaxroach.co.uk
Career OpeningsThe Black Cultural Archives are holding their annual Pathways career event on Thursday 15 September, 10 am to 4 pm at the Museum of London, EC2. This year’s theme is “Seeing Ourselves, Hearing Our Voices”, to encourage young people of Black and Minority Ethnic descent into careers in the fields of heritage, museums, archives, galleries and the arts generally. See the events page of the BCA website to register, https://blackculturalarchives.org
Grant Deadlines Reminder
These grant programmes were recently publicised by Integrate, but deadlines for applications are fast approaching. If you missed the original notices, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk for details or links.
TfL Walking and Cycling Grants – Two schemes, either for up to £10,000 over 3 years, or up to £5,000 in a single year, for projects that encourage walking and cycling. Deadline 10 am Monday 12 September.
Independent Age – Cost-of-living Grants – Grants of up to £40,000 to help older people cope with rising costs, particularly for energy. Projects can include benefits and debt advice, budgetting, helplines and community outreach. Deadline Friday 16 September.
Santander Foundation – Financial & Digital Empowerment Fund, offers grants of up to £150,000 over 3 years, but limited to organisations with income over £75,000 a year. Deadline 23 September.
Fat Beehive Foundation – grants for Digital Presence of up to £2500 for small charities (income less than £1 million a year), deadline 5 pm on Friday 30 September.
Disability Justice Fund – promoted by the Trust for London with the City Bridge Trust, to support a range of organisations for the deaf and disabled. Deadline Monday 3 October.
Lambeth Community Fund offers grants up to £20,000 to organisations with an income less than £250,000 a year. Deadline 12 noon on Friday 7 October.
Women in Innovation 2022/23 grant round – for women social entrepreneurs, a £50,000 grant plus a package of mentoring/coaching and business support. Deadline 11 am on Wednesday 19 October.
Training Opportunities. Integrate also have a couple of training events coming up – contact as above to book or check details.
Websites for charities and social enterprises – 26 September at 10 am, via Zoom;
Make your charity premises Green, accessible and energy-efficient – 13 October, 11 am to 12 noon on Zoom.
Fundraising Training via the Vassall and Coldharbour Consortium: Just starting, 3 sessions focussed on getting funds from BBC Children in Need, on-line via Zoom, on Tuesdays 6, 13 & 21 September, 6-30 to 8-30 pm. Register at https://forms.gle/Q2xgubSvpGfXyNDw7 or phone Surjit Power on 07 983 437 215.
Recent Data for your Funding bids:
Lambeth Council recently published their State of the Borough report, the first major update since 2016, providing lots of statistics such as education, employment, health and crime in the borough. It’s still based on the old Ward boundaries, but the 93-page report can be found at https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/sites/default/files/2022-07/state-of-the-borough-2022-report.pdf
Support from VolunteersCorporate Volunteering: Large City firms are sometimes able to offer help from a team of their staff, typically for just a day, That can still be useful if you need to clear a backlog of maintenance, redecorate a hall, or lay out a new space.
Santander recently re-launched their Team Volunteering programme after pro-longed closure due to Covid restrictions. Their Discovery Days offer a team of staff to help with tasks like gardening, painting, cleaning, conservation work and festive projects. A typical team is 6 to 20 people, and they may also be able to contribute up to £150 so you can organise materials and tools in advance. You can register any suitable project ideas at https://login.apricotsoftware.co.uk/6.6/auth/autologin/org_id/3530/hash/2f6f0230ee4567e1d402c0d8 or phone 0345 612 3570.
Community Sign-postingThriving Communities is a new website supported by Lambeth Council but provided by GoodPeople. From the link, https://thrivinglambeth.co.uk You can register an account via the Get Involved button, or click sign-up.- You can set up a group for your organisation, or post updates in the relevant theme groups.- You can use your group’s “feed” to post updates, or create a discussion group, or submit an event.- You are encouraged to invite your users to the platform, to register and follow your activities, for free.
This is still a pilot model, to be gradually extended in scope. Explore the link for yourself, or enquiries to Joss Hunt at GoodPeople on 07 710 918 378 or at joss@goodpeople.co.uk
Business DevelopmentSharing Wisdom: A reminder that Impact Brixton have made available recordings of several of the Masterclass talks that they have hosted over the past year. See https://exceptional-teacher-2462.ckpage/legacy,library
Keep in touch
We’ll be back!
We aim to publish this bulletin monthly, but dates may vary a little because of other commitments or to give you some warning of an imminent event. Normally we need to hear from you before the 5th of the month, to ensure we can publish around the 10th. Send your news to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com
Contact Us
Your place or ours? Once again, we can host one-to-one or small-scale meetings at International House during weekday office hours or early evenings, by prior arrangement. Enquiries to Alan Piper on (020) 7207 0347 or apiperbrix@aol.com
Is this your best e-mail? Please notify any mailing list corrections or additions to us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org and especially:- If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list;- If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so that you see them sooner or more reliably;- If you have moved away or are no longer interested.
In this issue:
- Events coming up
- Consultations on Health services
- Latest sources for Funding, Training and other support
Shaping our Autumn programmeThis can be a tricky time of year – lots of people are away, or otherwise trying to keep their kids entertained, or trying to keep other people’s kids entertained at various holiday projects. Yet things don’t stop, deadlines come round remorselessly, and all the while we attempt to plan for the Autumn months – or dare we say – Christmas. So this bulletin contains at least as many events and links as ever!
We are pleased to report that we managed to strengthen the Forum’s committee at our Annual General Meeting last month, so our thanks to Hiba, Lara, Adrian, Jason and Joe for joining the team. We have also had our core funding renewed from the Lambeth Forum Network, so we are returning to a cycle of an open Forum meeting at least quarterly, with the committee meeting monthly in between.The next open meeting has been set for Thursday 25 October at 7 pm, at the Advocacy Academy in Vining Street, SW9.
If you want to bring a project or issue to a Forum meeting for comment, please contact the Secretary, Alan Piper, at apiperbrix@aol.com or leave a message on 020 7207 0347. Remember too that small-scale meetings can be set up at International House if you want to chat in person. Or your organisation may be willing to host a Forum meeting? (We do have a small budget now to cover the cost of room hire.)
Local Events coming up
Art in the Park – Sunday 14 August Between 1 pm and 5 pm in Windmill Gardens, off Blenheim Gardens, Brixton Hill SW2. An afternoon of creative art & craft activities for grown-ups and children. Try badge-making, craft upcycling, design your own T-shirt, or just draw or paint the windmill.The windmill will also be open for tours on both Saturday (13th) and Sunday – see www.brixtonwindmill.org
Events in Myatt’s Fields ParkPoetry Express, Saturday 13 August, 1 pm to 4 pm at the bandstand. Entries welcome – e-mail to N.Henry68@yahoo.co.uk or phone Nadz on 07 398 004 608.
Myatt’s Fields Park Dog Show, Saturday 27 August on the main field, registration from 11 am onwards, then judging between 1 pm and 3 pm. Follow on instagram @myatts_field_dog_show
Talking ’bout Gentrification The Advocacy Academy in Vining Street will be hosting a discussion on the local impact of Gentrification on Wednesday evening, 17 August, between 7 pm and 9 pm. Free but please book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-advocacy-academy-open-house-the-g-word-development-for-who-tickets-387007157827
Finding Food around Myatt’s Fields
Incredible Edible Lambeth are organising an evening walk linking food-growing projects, community cafes, health facilities and community centres. Starts at 6 pm from Rossiter Grove, 341-355 Brixton Road, SW9 7DA – please book via Eventbrite.
Creative Activities with Art4Space Summer Scrap Club for children between 5 and 16 years continues on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10 am and 1 pm until Friday 26 August. Priority for children who receive free school meals or with special educational needs/ disabilities. Donations welcome. Max. 12 per workshop so please book in advance – enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk
Creative Remedies – a new class will run on Tuesdays, 10 am to 12-30 pm for 10 weeks from 20 September (except 25 October), a series of clay-based projects for refugees.
Creative Enterprise – a new class starting on 21 September, Wednesdays 10 am to 12-30 pm for 10 weeks (except 26 October) based on upcycled denim bean bags and making crafts to sell at local Christmas markets.Both these courses are funded by Reaching Communities and all materials provided. Only 12 places per course, enquiries to jewels@art4space.co.uk All above courses held at 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4.
Lambeth Heritage Festival next monthA busy programme of events will run through the whole month of September at various locations across the borough. You should be able to pick up a printed programme from your local library.
And on home ground, we should at least mention:
Olive Morris House – gone but not forgotten: Thursday 8th September at 6 pm, Brixton Tate Library, Brixton Oval SW2, illustrated talk by Nicholas Weedon, recording the origin, life and early demolition of the Council office block on Brixton Hill. Organised by the Brixton Society, free but please book via bit.ly/OMHouse
StoryTrails at Brixton Tate Library, Saturday 10 September open 10 am to 6 pm, Sunday 11 am to 5 pm. Untold stories from the past brought to life through augmented or virtual reality, featuring voices from the local community. See also www.story-trails.com
There are several guided walks on offer too, though this next one was confirmed too late for the printed programme:
Brixton Riots Walking Tour, Saturday 17 September. Following a photo exhibition at the Carnegie Library Hub last September, Blue Badge guide Angela Morgan will lead a walking tour around the key points of the 1981 Brixton Riots between 11 am and 1 pm. Meeting point by the David Bowie mural on the side of Morleys, in Tunstall Road opposite the Tube Station. Tickets £5, enquiries to 07 510 917 517 or see www.learningthroughthearts.co.uk
Become a Lambeth Tour Guide Could you lead your own guided walks around familiar territory, or share your local knowledge? After the first batch of tour guides passed their course at Morley College this summer, another evening course is now being offered, to start in September. Enquiries to info@lambethtourguides.org or see their website, www.lambethtourguides.org
Health and Social Care
Health & Wellbeing Strategy
Lambeth is writing a new Health and Wellbeing Strategy. Several themes have already been identified for improvement, but the next step is to examine them more closely to refine the plans. An on-line engagement workshop has been arranged for charities, community groups and social enterprises on Monday 22 August at 10 am via Zoom. To reserve a place, please contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
Pharmacy Services in LambethLambeth’s Public Health Team is currently consulting on provision of Pharmacy services within the borough. Are there gaps in provision, or pharmacies which are too far apart? Does the local pharmacy have eccentric opening times, so that you can rarely get there?Please refer to the Consultation pages on the Lambeth Council website, and follow the links. Closing date for comments is 4th September.
Help for Pensioners Age UK Lambeth has linked up with the Rothesay Foundation to offer a £30 Iceland voucher to old age pensioners (65+) who rely solely on a state pension. To check if your local Iceland store accepts these vouchers, see www.iceland.co.uk/store-finder To apply for a voucher for yourself or a relative, phone 0800 098 7877 between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday only. You must apply before 16 September.
Jobs Fair on 18 August Although strictly outside our area, we realise that people often have to range further afield for worthwhile employment opportunities, so we should mention a Jobs Fair to be held at the London Bridge Jobcentre, 63-67 Newington Causeway, SE1 6LS. It will run between 10-30 and 3 pm. Potential applicants should contact their work coach first and bring a CV on the day, ready for interview.
Green News
Gardening Workshops
Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses are to launch a series of monthly Sunday morning gardening workshops. There will be 4 strands, on a different Sunday of the month, covering the Kitchen Garden, the Productive Garden, the Border Workshop and the Composting Workshop. Each will run from October to July, to take you through the gardening year. Places are limited and bookings have already opened – see their website, https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk
Loughborough Farm is hosting a series of workshops on different gardening topics through August and September. Places must be booked in advance via Eventbrite, see https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/summer-workshops-at-loughborough-farm-927139 Sessions are on Saturday mornings from 11 August, or on some evenings. Fees range from £5 to £15, but some free spaces are available. Enquiries to Emily (project leader) at loughboroughfarm@gmail.com
Platform Cafe re-opens on 22 SeptemberAt the Loughborough Road end of Wyck Gardens, this popular cafe will re-open next month. More details expected in our next bulletin.
Recycling and Waste servicesIn case you missed their stall on the fringe of the Lambeth Country Show, Lambeth’s Environmental Services Team are trying to make known a number of changes to recycling and waste services that have been made in recent years, particularly since Serco took over the main responsibility from Veolia. There is now an A-Z list of what can and cannot be recycled on Lambeth’s website (with a few surprises) but if you have a question that doesn’t seem to be covered, you can also contact the team by e-mail at streetcarecallcentre@lambeth.gov.uk
Don’t forget street trees: While we are on the kerbside, can we remind you to water any street trees near you if they are looking thirsty or already have leaves turning brown? This is particularly important for younger trees, or those planted in the past year or two – most of these will have a short stub of pipe at the base so that water can go direct to the root zone.
Winter is Coming!
Property owners can now get recommendations from a Government website about the most effective home improvements to make their house warmer or better-insulated. The more detail you can provide, the more relevant the advice will be. For example if you bought your house or flat in recent years, there would have been an Energy Performance Certificate giving a rough idea of its present efficiency. See https://www.gov.uk/browse/housing-local-services/household-energy We will be happy to share other sources of advice in future bulletins.
Funding, Training and Support
Comparing on-line fund-raising platforms. Charity Digital published a review of 15 on-line fund-raising services at the end of June. They compared subscriptions, processing fees, other service fees, and any provision for Gift Aid on donations. Crucially, they compared how much a charity would actually receive from a £10 donation, and this ranged from £9-50 to £12-50. The best deal for your organisation will depend on what you want to do, and how often you expect to make Crowdfunder-type appeals. We can send you a pdf file of the summary sheet, but we also advise that you speak to a couple of other organisations who have used this method before you commit to any particular provider.
Training Opportunities
Integrate Agency have some upcoming on-line sessions for community groups and social enterprises:- 5 September at 10 am – Elevated Minds CIC, one of the Meet the Founder series to share lessons for start-up enterprises.- 26 September at 10 am – Websites for Charities and Social Enterprises;- 13 October at 11 am – How to make your Charity Premises green, accessible and energy efficient.Booking enquiries to eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
Training with Brixton BID: If you are in business in Brixton, you should have access to the free training sessions arranged by the BID. Upcoming sessions include:- 25 August – Health and Safety;- 14 September – Personal Licences;- 11 October – Team building;- 15 November – Diversity and Inclusion.To book your employees onto a course, e-mail to Chantel at chantel.facey@brixtonbid.co.uk
Support for Small or Start-up BusinessesWomen in Business: Female business founders can struggle to attract funding, so based on the Wintrade Global Talks series, there is now a free funding checklist available at https://talks.wintradeglobal.com/fundraising-fundamentals For other upcoming on-line events, see https://bit.ly/wintrade-zoom-events-landing-page
Information supplied by 7 Traits Leadership Learning Ltd., Trinity Gardens SW9
Impact Brixton has made available recordings of several of the Masterclass talks that they have hosted over the past year. See https://exceptional-teacher-2462.ck.page/legacy.library
IT Support Clear Community Web are continuing to run their drop-in support sessions for computers, tablets and mobile phones on Thursday mornings (11 am to 1 pm) at the Moorland Estate Community Centre, 50a Corry Drive (off Somerleyton Road) SW9 8QT.
They are now also offering similar sessions monthly on Fridays from 2 pm to 4 pm nearby at Southwyck Coding & Arts Centre, off Moorland Road, SW9 8UR. This venue is wheelchair accessible and the sessions are dyslexia-friendly and ADHD-aware. The next session will be on Friday 26 August. If you want to check future dates for either venue, call 07 523 646 277 or e-mail info@clearcommunityweb.co.uk
Tekgia continue to offer mainstream software at discount prices to charities, churches, schools and their staff or volunteers. For example, their latest price for MS Office 2021 Standard is £169.20 inc. VAT (free delivery on disc or as a download). Enquiries to 0161 821 8977 or see their website, https://www.tekgia.com
Arts Funding Streams
The Paul Mellon Foundation has launched its Autumn round of grant funding, for events, research, publications, exhibitions and on-line events. Closing date for all applications in this round is 30 September – see their website https://paulmelloncentre.ac.uk/fellowships-and-grants
Grant deadlines reminderOnce again, a reminder of imminent deadlines for various grants previously announced by Integrate. If you missed the original e-mails, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk for further details or links.
The Toy Trust: deadline 14 August, grants to support disabled and disadvantaged children.
Future 100 Growth Fund: deadline Saturday 20 August, to support Black entrepreneurs to launch and grow their own businesses.
Tideway Community Fund: deadline Friday 2nd September but note that Integrate are also hosting a Meet the Funder session on-line on Monday 15 August at 10 am.
Hedley Foundation: effective deadline 18 September, to improve quality of life for disadvantaged or or vulnerable people.
Powering Up Programme from Power to Change: deadline 19 September, provides community groups with tailored support to enhance their digital skills or environmental sustainability.
Disability Justice Fund from the Trust for London,with City Bridge Trust: deadline Monday 3rd October, to support organisations working with deaf or disabled people.
And Finally…News reached us of two opportunities to get yourself on TV:
TwoFour is an award winning TV production company which is developing a new series for a mainstream channel, where groups across the UK will be helped to transform community spaces. If you have a community garden, estate corner or other facility that needs help, contact Greg Goff on 07 932 048 442. It helps if planning permission or other consents are already in place. Information received via Locality.
Curve Media are the TV production company behind “Kew Gardens – a year in bloom” and “Salvage Hunters”, among others. They are making a new series for Channel 4, called the Greatest Auction. They are looking for a range of astonishing and unexpected items that people are willing to put up for auction, with the aim of bringing together the most incredible items with the best collectors and dealers. For more information, contact Sophie Howard on 07 757 745 214 or at sophiehoward@curvemedia.com Information received via the Brixton Society.
Keep in touch
It’s all in the timing!
We aim to publish this bulletin monthly, but because it’s put together on a very part-time basis, there will always be a gap of a few days between sifting all the news and reports received and your reading the final version. Remember that normally we need to hear from you before the 5th of the month, to ensure we can publish around the 10th.
Contact us Please continue to send your news to apiperbrix@aol.com for the time being. Also use for any queries or suggestions about future Forum events.
Is this your best e-mail? Please notify any mailing list corrections or changes to us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org and especially:- If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you see them sooner or more reliably;- If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.
July 2022
Live Forum Meeting – Tuesday 5 July 7 pm in the ground floor meeting room at 3Space, International House, c/o Canterbury Crescent and Popes Road, SW9 7QD. This will be our long-delayed Annual General Meeting, to report what the Forum has been doing. More important though, we need to hear what you think the Forum should be doing in the year ahead. The outline agenda will be: 1. Annual Report. 2. Annual Accounts for 2020/21 and 2021/22. 3. Approval of our funding bid for 2022/23 to Lambeth Forum Network. 4. Election of officers and committee for the year ahead. 5. Update on developments in Brixton Town Centre. Reports and accounts will be available at the meeting. More Local Events coming up Lambeth Country Show, 16 & 17 July The Country Show returns to Brockwell Park next month. We are still awaiting final details, but we expect the site to be walled-off once again, with security at the gates. No alcohol or glass bottles allowed, while water or soft drinks must be in unopened bottles. Opening times are 12 noon to 8 pm each day (last entry 7-30 pm). There will be parking restrictions and road closures affecting some streets near the park. It’s planned to have a stand for several of Lambeth’s Neighbourhood Forums, co-ordinated by the Lambeth Forum Network. If your group will also have a presence, let us know – after 2 years of on-off lockdowns, it would be good to touch base with more of you face-to-face. Drumming Workshops Shamha Vibration will be running free drumming workshops in the Roundhouse in Myatt’s Fields Park on Sundays 10, 17 and 24 July, from 4 pm to 6 pm. Sessions are free – drums provided – but for more details, please see www.shamhavibration.org Happy Drums – Tony B is running a home education workshop for all age groups every Thursday from 11 am to 12 noon at Myatt’s Fields North Community Centre, Eythorne Road SW9. All enquiries by e-mail to homeeddrum@gmail.com Black Culture Market returns The Market returns to the Basement of the Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road for Saturday and Sunday 6 & 7 August. Open between 11 am and 5 pm each day, with a different mix of traders each day, offering an outlet for African and Caribbean-inspired entrepreneurs, traders and crafts-people. Free admission but please book tickets in advance – enquiries to hello@blackculturemarket.co.uk or see www.blackculturemarket.co.uk Events at Brockwell Park Greenhouses Nurtured by Natureis a therapeutic gardening group which will run on Friday mornings, from 11 am to 12-30 pm. If you are finding life stressful, this is an opportunity to reconnect with nature in a garden setting. BPCG are looking for people who. after a 4-week taster period, are willing to commit to attending for a block of 8 weeks. If you are interested, e-mail Cat via garden@brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk Natural Dyeing Workshopsare starting on Saturday 9 July. Learn how to prepare and dye different textiles, and create pigments from plants and food materials, before jazzing-up your old white T-shirts. Enquiries as above. Folk Performance on Sunday 10 July: Contemporary folk duo Fellow Pynins will play an outdoor gig at the Greenhouses – please book via the website, where more details can be found – see https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/event/fellow-pynins/ Art in the Park – by Brixton Windmill Sunday 14 August, between 1 pm and 5 pm, with fun art and craft family workshops for adults, children and families. Tours of the Windmill continue to be available at least one weekend a month, but for the full tour it’s best to book in advance via the website, www.brixtonwindmill.org Next tour dates are 9 & 10 July and 13 & 14 August. Events in Myatt’s Fields Park Brixton Chamber Orchestrawill be performing on the bandstand from 4 pm on Friday 22 July, no charge. Inter-generational Black History Dayat the bandstand between 11 am and 4 pm on Sunday 31 July. A family fun day and a celebration of the African contribution to music and dance, organised by Happy Drums and Nadz. Health and Social Care MYSocial – supporting older residents The MYSocial service operated by Age UK Lambeth has been running on-line activities through successive lockdowns, to support older residents, with occasional outings to places of interest as they have re-opened. In-person activities have recently resumed, with the re-opening of the Vida Walsh Centre at 2a Saltoun Road SW2 (facing onto Windrush Square). The main aim is to maintain social contact and joining is free. Age UK Lambeth have recently negotiated a series of concessions and perks for members from local businesses, which will also be available to Lambeth-registered Carers. More information about this aspect can be found at https://www.ageuk.org.uk/lambeth/get-involved/aukl-campaigns/mysocial-deals/ Beat the Street – encouraging exercise Beat the Street is a free, fun physical activity and active travel initiative designed to get communities moving and exploring their local area, by walking or cycling. It is running between 22 June and 3rd August with a different theme each week. It is run by Intelligent Health on behalf of Lambeth Council, and funded by the National Lottery via Sport England. For more details and to register, see the website at www.beatthestreet.me/lambeth Consulting on Healthcare and Support Services Lambeth Council recently invited comments on a number of services, with a closing date of Sunday 17 July: Refer to the Consultations pages on the Lambeth Council website, or enquiries to sexualhealth@lambeth.gov.uk – HIV Care and Support Services (in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham); – Young People’s Sexual Health (age 13-24, in Lambeth and Southwark); – Substance Misuse Services (again for Lambeth and Southwark). Health services across a wider group of SE London boroughs are being co-ordinated by a new Integrated Care Board that will take effect from 1st July and oversee numerous existing organisations and providers. Two Zoom-based webinars are being held to consult community and voluntary organisations, on Friday 22 July from 2 pm to 4 pm, or Monday 25 July from 5 pm to 7 pm. Enquiries and bookings to iuliana.dinu@nhs.net or after 1st July, to iuliana.dinu@selondonics.nhs.uk Lambeth Healthwatch is your health and social care champion. They listen to what people say about local services and how they could be improved, and share your feedback with NHS leaders and other care providers to make change happen. Occasional surveys are conducted for specific services. Enquiries to info@healthwatchlambeth.org.uk Mosaic Clubhouse This is the link to the newsletter from this Mosaic club on Effra Rd. https://issuu.com/mosaicclubhouse/docs/itm_27th_june_-_10th_july Funding, Training and Support Grant Deadlines Reminder These grant programs were previously publicised via Integrate. Deadlines are approaching, so if you missed the original notices, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk for details: Your Station, Your Community Improvement Fund: The underlying aim is to encourage under-used space at railway stations to be used for community projects to make them busier places. Projects could address mental health, education and employability skills, diversity or sustainability. Two on-line lunchtime briefings are available, on 7 or 14 July, to find out more. Deadline for bids is Saturday 30 July. The Ironmongers Company: funding to help disadvantaged young people reach their potential, for children and young people under 25. Closing date Sunday 31 July. Building Strong Communities Fund: Round 2 of this fund from the Mayor of London closes at 8 pm on Monday 8 August. The fund offers either Micro grants between £1,000 and £5,000, or Small grants between £5,000 and £10,000. Starting Young Kiddie Coding Club: Last month we reported on the first sessions at the Southwyck Coding and Art Centre, behind the “Barrier Block”. We can now confirm that another Coding class for children age 5 to 11 will start on Thursday 28 July. Sessions will be on Thursdays from 4 pm to 5-30 – for more information and registration, e-mail to gail@millenniumcommunitysolutions.com or phone 07 368 487 263. Cycle Training for Children: As part of its programme to promote cycling, Lambeth Council offers free cycle training sessions for children living in the borough, and the following dates are offered, operating from Brockwell Lido in Brockwell Park: Monday 25 July from 9-45 am (beginners), Monday 25 July to Thursday 28th, from 12-30 pm – on-road training. Tuesday 26 July from 9-45 am (beginners), Wednesday 27 July to Thursday 28th, from 9-45 am – off-road training. Provided by Cycle Confident in partnership with Lambeth Council – enquiries to cycling@lambeth.gov.uk Courses are also available for adults, and there are more children’s courses available at Clapham Common. Practical Help Finding Volunteers may be the way for your community group to do more, whether you are looking for extra hands to share the workload, or you need an expert to fill a key gap in the organisation. One possible channel is Team Lambeth Volunteers, which circulates a weekly bulletin of volunteer requests among a pool of Lambeth residents and Council staff who have offered some spare time for good causes. Another network operating London-wide on a similar basis is Team London Volunteering, which is hosted by City Hall – see their webpage at https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/volunteering/search/ In both cases, you need to be clear what you want your volunteers to do, and where and when you will need them. If you are looking for Trustees or Board members, there are some good pointers for recruitment at https://reachvolunteering.org.uk/trustee-recruitment-cycle/ Keep in touch We’ll be back! This bulletin is intended to go out a little earlier than usual, to remind you about our next meeting. Normally we need to hear from you before the 5th of the month, to publish around the 10th. Exact dates can vary, because we only have admin support one day a week, and everything else is done in members’ spare time. For the time being, please continue to send your news to apiperbrix@aol.com More detail or more items? Our bulletins over the last few years have generally included lots of short items, but bulletins from some of the other Neighbourhood Forums have slightly longer news items and more pictures. With the many local organisations feeding us with information, we would then need to be more selective about who gets featured in each issue. Also, I guess that many of you are reading this on a smartphone rather than a large screen, so maybe longer articles might not suit you? However you get this, it would help the Forum Team to know what works for you and what you would prefer to see in future bulletins. Is this your best e-mail? We are keen to keep in touch with organisations, enterprises and community activists around Brixton, but please tell us: – If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you can get them more quickly or reliably. – If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list (no extra charge at present). – If you have moved away, or are no longer interested. Please notify all mailing list changes to admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org |