All posts by Nick

August 2021

Events Coming up

Lambeth Links – Tuesday 17 August

The next in the series of talks from the founders of voluntary organisations working in Lambeth, hosted by Integrate.  Christopher French talks about Lambeth Links, set up to act as a forum for Lambeth’s LGBTQ+ communities.  To book, e-mail to

81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance

To mark the 40th anniversary of the ’81 Uprising, individuals, community groups and organisations are coming together to create 81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance.  For an overview, see

The Human Library, Saturday 28 August: Tony Cealy of 492 Korna Klub invites you to their performance project at the Black Cultural Archives, 3 pm to 5 pm.  It will feature 12 speakers who can be “checked out” for a unique one-on-one performance/ conversation about their own personal narratives of race, class and migration, within the overall theme of Windrush Generation. To book, go to:

Pearl’s Return – 3-19 September: Pearl Alcock’s Shebeen operated in Railton Road in the 1970s, and became a hub for an overlooked Black queer community.  In September, BLKOUT will be hosting a series of events celebrating Pearl and re-imagining what Black queer space could be in 2021 and beyond.  Collaborations with other groups welcomed.  More details at

Brixton Windmill open for tours again

Tours take place this coming weekend (14 & 15 August) between 1 pm and 5 pm, and there will be two open weekends next month, 4/5 and 18/19 September.  There are still some restrictions, so we cannot take visitors up to the top floor at present.  Please book in advance via the website,

Creative Workshops for over-50s

Brixton Community Base at St. Vincent’s in Talma Road SW2 is hosting a series of creative workshops on Thursdays and Fridays through August, from 1 pm to 3 pm. Sessions are free, thanks to funding from London Community Foundation – more details from Caroline on 07 958 448 690 or at

Free Music Events at Pop Brixton

A series of free music events in the Pop Box at Pop Brixton – more details at

  • Thursday 19 August – Kin Teet with guest DJ Jazz T, 8-30 pm to 11-30 pm.
  • Friday 27 August – Just Vibez Carnival, from 7 pm.
  • Sunday 29 August – B3 Carnival Special from Afarari Records, 12 noon onwards.

Events at Impact Brixton

The Dreamers Club is running a series of on-line sessions to support small and start-up businesses, supported by NatWest Business. Still to come:

  • Thursday 12 August – Understanding your customer, 10 am start;
  • Thursday 19 August – Responding to Change and implementing an action plan, 10 am start.
  • Thursday 26 August – Set Goals: a long-term vision and manageable milestones, 10 am start.
  • Digital Creatives Club will be a book club for curious creatives.  Its first meet-up is planned for Thursday 9 September in the Black Bar at Impact Brixton, 17a Electric Avenue SW9.See more at

Events at Longfield Hall

  • Music Recital, Thursday 26 August, 7-30 pm Emma Jungling and Yoojin Kim, tickets £14 or £12.
  • Friday Jazz, 24 September, 7 pm – A return visit by Mac & Xvngo, tickets £8.
  • Longfield Hall Community Choir is starting up again on Wednesdays, 10 am to 11-30 am from 8 September. Sessions are free and no booking required.

Many other classes and sessions are held at the Hall – for details, see their website

Lambeth Heritage Festival will run through September

The borough-wide programme of 55 events will go live online from this weekend – see or contact

Saturday 4 September – Lambeth Local History Fair in St. Mark’s Church at the north end of Brixton Road, opposite Oval Tube Station.Open 10-30 am to 4-30 pm, including stalls and a choice of talks and local walks.

Funding, Training and Support 

Grant offers closing soon

In recent weeks, Integrate has circulated details of several funding sources, but those listed below close for bids shortly.  If you missed or lost the links, contact

Community Ownership Fund, closing date 13 August (but there will be further rounds).Mental Health Stability Fund, closing date 13 August.

Santander Foundation: Financial & Digital Empowerment Fund, closing date 13 August.

Co-op Community Fridge Fund, closing date 16 August

Peabody Community Foundation: Young People’s Fund, closing date 3 September.

Community Ideas Grants Fund, closing date 10 September.

LEAP Co-Create Fund to support work with children under 3 years old in Coldharbour, Vassall, Stockwell or Tulse Hill wards, closing date 20 September.

Arts Funding Streams

Paul Mellon Centre has launched its Autumn round of Arts funding, for events, research, publications and digital projects.  Events can include lectures, conferences, exhibitions, training workshops and online events.  Closing date for all applications in this round is 30 September.  More details on their website at

Samuel Ross Black British and People of Colour Arts Grants: Ten grants of £2500 each are to be awarded in the fields of sculpture, painting, literature/ writing, fashion, photography, industrial design, furniture, fil, VR & AR.  Grants will be awarded with advice from the Design Council, Royal College of Art and the British Fashion Council.  More details at 

Training Opportunities

Morley College in the north of the borough is urging Lambeth residents to enrol now for a variety of short courses which start in September. Subjects include Visual Arts, Fashion & Textiles, Digital Media & Photography, Humanities, Applied & Social Sciences, Dance, Drama and Music.  For more details phone 020 7450 1889 or see

For Women in Business: News from Yvonne Thompson of WinTrade Global Network of some upcoming Masterclasses – free online at

  • Saturday 14 August – Demystifying the route to the Boardroom, 9-30 am to 12-30, tips and tricks to help you arrive, survive and thrive on a board or committee.
  • Saturday 28 August – How to increase your Public Profile, 9-30 to12-30, Are you a master of social media, and is it benefitting your business
  • Saturday 11 September – The Power of Public Speaking, 9-30 to 12-30, to help you prepare for any public speaking opportunity.

Health and Social Care

 Coronavirus Vaccination Update

Details of local clinic sessions often reach us too late to share widely, so we urge you to check directly for the latest news at  This will include news of sessions just beyond the borough boundary.You may also notice the Lambeth Health and Wellbeing Bus popping up at various locations to fill gaps in cover, or where nearby health facilities do not have enough space – to see where it will be, visit It can be made available for a wider range of health and advice services, so if you have suggestions to fill a local need, please e-mail the team at

Advance Care Planning

If you are a grassroots community organisation supporting older people, a reminder that Integrate have arranged an online briefing session with the Lambeth Advance Care Planning Consortium on 23 August at 10 am on Zoom.  To book, contact 

Community Wellness supported by local pharmacies

Pharmacists across South-East London have arranged a series of on-line events to show people how to self-care and improve their wellness.The next session is hosted by the Church of God of Prophecy in New Cross on Sunday 22 August, between 11 am and 12-30 as part of their Sunday Service, via Zoom – ID 932 3961 6570. The final session is hosted by Black British Recommendation, a network for black-owned businesses, again via Zoom.  This will be on Thursday 26 August, 7 pm to 8 pm. Zoom ID 337 945 0386 or enquiries to rudipage7@gmail.comRoots Restoration a wellbeing project at High Trees Comunity Centre Tuesdays 6 – 8pm,  talk therapy for BAME comunity, contact or call 07845 815 202

In Other News

 Reducing Food Waste – Trial Survey

Compliments of the House is a Brixton-based food charity working to cut food waste in Britain.  Not to be confused with a Food Bank or soup kitchen, they are not seeking public food donations.  Instead they aim to collect cooked food from local restaurants, cafes and supermarkets, and divert it to those in need, rather than it going to landfill.They have just launched a 5 minutes/ 5 questions survey to gather local attitudes to food date labels, and want to hear what Brixton folk think about them.  In particular, are date labels on food products confusing, and does this increase food waste?  Do you rely on food labels to decide if food is safe to eat?Take the survey at Enquiries to Alison on 07855 242 918 or e-mail to

Libraries almost back to normal

Evening opening hours were restored from 19 July, but extra cleaning and social distancing are continuing for the time being because Lambeth infection rates are relatively high.  An appointments system is still operating, to regulate numbers, so please phone or e-mail your local library to fix a visit or to book use of a PC. Overdue and reservation charges will come into force again from 16 August, so you are encouraged to return items before then if possible, to avoid charges.  Libraries will again be sending E-mail reminders of overdue or reserved items.

Fenwick Estate Hub open again

Homes for Lambeth have reminded us that their information hub at 66 Willington Road SW9 is open again.  For the time being, please book your visit via Margaret Amadi at This includes sessions for use of their wi-fi or laptops, as well as for housing issues.  A number of wellbeing workshops are also being run to support estate residents – contact Wendy Bohan on 07 507 644 645 or at

Make the most of your Forum! 

Future Forum Meetings

We had hoped to set up another Forum event by now, but ideas and requests for presentations have been slow to arrive.  The next Forum meeting is still likely to be via Zoom, but we are also starting to think about “real” meetings before long. Forum officers have begun meeting people again for real, not just on screen, so a quick shout out to Stockwell Park Community Trust, Transition Town Brixton, Friends of Windmill Gardens, Lloyd Leon Community Centre (and Ubele), Healthy Living Platform and Millennium Community Services, among others. If you want to present something to Forum members, or to seek support for your bright idea, please contact the Secretary, Alan Piper, at

Want to see your name here?

We urge you to use these bulletins to report what your group is doing, to announce coming events or new services, or to raise concerns.  Just bear in mind that space and time are limited, and we cannot guarantee to print everything we receive.  We try to publish at least monthly, so expect to see the next issue around 8th September.  Please send to ideally by the end of August.

Is our mailing list correct?

Finally, our usual reminder for you to tell us – by e-mail to 

  • if you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list
  • if you would prefer these bulletins to be sent to a different e-mail address, so you will see them more quickly
  • if you have moved away or are no longer interested.

July 2021

Coming Events

The Brixton Blog and Bugle Art Show

This is running in the Gallery at Brixton Tate Library until 19 July, with works by 40 local artists.  Viewing by appointment – e-mail to with your preferred date and time, and please wear a mask when visiting.

Music in Brixton

The Brixton Business Improvement District have arranged further Lockdown Lifts performances for Monday 19 July.  The Brixton Chamber Orchestra will perform at Electric Circle, Tunstall Square and Brixton Station Road during the course of the afternoon. The BID are following up with the Brixton Performs Festival on Wednesday 28 July including live music and comedy.

Further afield, the bandstand at Myatt’s Fields Park is hosting a wide variety of live music performances on Sunday afternoons between 3 pm and 6 pm, continuing until 8 August – more details at

81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance

Marking the 40th anniversary of the original Brixton Riots of April 1981, the programme of events will now run until April next year. We will mention some of the Acts or events here from time to time, but for the bigger picture, see  See also under Funding below.

The People’s Tribunal on Police Killings: 81 Acts continues the fight on behalf of those in the Black community who have been affected by police brutality, with a series of posters entitled “People’s Tribunal on Police Killings” which list those who have died at police hands.  Posters have been installed at bus stops encircling the Brixton Police Station.  The Tribunal is particularly concerned that murder or manslaughter committed by state agents have gone unpunished, and supports the work the United Families & Friends Campaign (@uffcampaign), Migrant Media (@migrantmedia) and 4WardEverUK (@4wardeveruk).

The Human Library: The Black Cultural Archives are hosting a performance on Saturday 28 August.  This will feature 12 speakers who can each be “checked out” for a unique one-to-one 15-minute conversation/performance, based on their lived experiences, including issues of race, class and migration.  The objective is to encourage individuals to reflect on the stories that have shaped their identities.  Organised by Tony Cealy and 492 Korna Klub.  Limited tickets – book via

Performances at Longfield Hall and Myatt’s Fields Park

Love’s Labour’s Lost to be performed in the Quiet Garden in Myatt’s Fields Park, at 2 pm and 7 pm on Saturday 10 July. Please bring your own chair or picnic blanket.

Friday Night with Mac & Xvngo, 7 pm in the Hall on Friday 16 July.  Join amazing musicians Mac & Xvngo for a night of jazz, jazz drill and jazztronica

As You Like It, also in the Quiet Garden in the Park, at 2 pm and 7 pm on Saturday 24 July.  Seating as before.
Both Shakespeare plays are presented by Open Bar Theatre. 

People Power in the Park, in the Hall at 7 pm on Monday 26 July, a community performance based on the history of the Park, with a free performance (no booking needed) on Thursday 29 July at 7 pm, again in the Quiet Garden in the Park.

For all bookings, e-mail to 

Lambeth Heritage Festival

Once again there will be a variety of events and activities running through the month of September.  This year will be a mix of live and on-line events, but we will highlight local events nearer the time.

Funding, Training and Support

Community Art Commission

81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance want to commission an artist to lead a series of creative workshops with the residents of Hurst Street Estate, behind the 198 Gallery on Railton Road.  The workshops will lead to a public artwork or mural, and possibly a pop-up exhibition in a local greenspace, contingent on further funding. The selection is being managed by the Brixton Project, working with 81 Acts.  Further details and application forms from
To apply, e-mail by 25 July to with a completed application form and a portfolio of your work.

Grant Deadlines approaching

A reminder of approaching deadlines for these grants, previously circulated by Integrate – enquiries to  if you have mislaid the earlier e-mails.

Lambeth Made Safer – Summer Violence Prevention grants come from a Council pot of £15,000 per ward in selected wards, including Brixton Hill, Ferndale, Stockwell and Vassall.  Mainly intended to support summer holiday activities for children and young people.  Deadline is midnight on Sunday 12 July.

Walcot Foundation grant round supporting academic achievement, helping young people into employment and boosting advice services, particularly debt, housing and employment.  Expressions of interest by phone to 020 7735 1925, before 2 pm on 13 July, then submit application form within 4 weeks.

5th London Faith & Belief Community Awards:  £500 awards to recognise work by faith groups and associated individuals, nominations close on Monday 19 July.

London Fund for Racialised Communities offers grants up to £20,000 to support groups experiencing racial inequality, particularly for immediate needs in the wake of Covid-19.  Limited to charities or social enterprises with average annual income of £100,000.  Apply by 12 noon on Monday 26 July.

Ecosystem Coldharbour – Micro Grants programme is limited to the present Coldharbour Ward, to support grassroots groups with an annual turnover below £20,000.  The priority is projects which reduce youth violence, which could include sport, recreation, or improving life skills or employability.  Grants will be between £500 and £2500 per project – see the website for more details.  The programme will run over the next 18 months, but the deadline for the first round is Monday 26 July.

Crowdfunding for 198 Gallery

Although the extension to 198 Gallery has been completed on time and on budget, grants to fit it out have dried up due to most funders focussing on the coronavirus crisis.  198 Gallery has launched a Crowdfunder drive to attract donations to bring the new floorspace into use – with a reminder to add GiftAid too – see

Training for Digital Volunteers

The past year has made everyone more reliant on Information Technology and digital services, but many need help with getting on-line or making their devices link-up properly.  And if you have an expert or enthusiast on call, can they explain their solutions to ordinary human beings?  Clear Community Web have teamed up with the West London Mission to present a four-session on-line course in how to be a useful Digital Volunteer – the next course is on Monday 19 July, Wednesday 21st, Monday 26 and Wednesday 28, 2 pm to 4 pm.  Enquiries or bookings to Abel on 07 903 629 544 or e-mail to

Training for Business Needs

The Brixton BID currently organises one training session per month, currently delivered on-line.  Spaces are limited so make sure you take part once you are booked for a course.  All enquiries about BID training to Chantel at

Even if you are outside the BID area, if you are a business or social enterprise, you should be able to join in courses organised by the London Business Hub, such as:
– Using e-commerce to grow your business, Thursday 15 July, 10 am to 4-30 pm;
– Branding for SMEs, Thursday 12 August, 10 am to 4-30 pm.
For more about these and other courses, see 

Filling the Gap
If there is a skill or topic that would be helpful to your group, but that is not being provided affordably or within reach, tell us and we will see if something can be provided locally.  Do remember that training activities tend to die down during July/ August BUT maybe we can use that time to plan for the Autumn?  Please e-mail your needs or ideas to

Trade Exhibitions and Conferences
If you are in business or running a social enterprise, trade exhibitions can help keep you in touch with trends and developments, and most include briefing sessions where you can pick up new ideas or extend your knowledge, often for free.  Live events are gradually returning to the calendar from September onwards.  We are happy to share details of the surprisingly wide range of industry sectors whose events we hear about – just e-mail us with your main field of interest, to

Small Project – Big Impact
If your group has been involved with a landscaping or planting project, why not put it forward for one of the seven categories in this landscape industry award scheme? It’s limited to projects costing less than £30,000 (or £20,000 for planting projects).  Entry deadline is 27 August, and for more details, e-mail to Mark Wellman of Pro Landscaper magazine,

Health and Social Care

Coronavirus Vaccination and Testing

We usually hear about local clinic sessions too late to spread the word widely, but you can use Twitter and follow either  @LambethTogether  or @nhslambethccg for breaking news on walk-in vaccination sites and other health news.  You can also refer to the website which includes walk-in sessions at local pharmacies, and the Lambeth Health & Wellbeing Bus, which is appearing at various sites to fill gaps in coverage.  Remember that for walk-in sessions, you do not need proof of address, a NHS number or immigration status. Many of these sessions are prioritising the over-40s, who are more likely to need hospital care if they succumb to coronavirus.  Sessions continue for the over-18s at the Streatham Place Surgery on the South Circular Road, with the Pfizer vaccine on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and the AstraZeneca vaccine on Fridays.

Testing: The level of infections is rising again, so if you are meeting people outside your household, but not yet received a second jab, you should aim to take a rapid test twice a week.  The mobile testing unit is still active on Windrush Square, or you can visit a local pharmacy, or order test kits online from
If you have symptoms, or have tested positive, Lambeth Council may be able to offer support while you self-isolate for 10 days – enquiries to 0800 054 1215. 
 If you think you have symptoms, or been exposed to the virus, the test site at Somerleyton Road is still active, but please book by phoning 119 or via the website

Social Support services return to normal
Age UK Lambeth was using its Gateway support line number for a daily Covid helpline, but this has now reverted to its normal advice service.  Also note that 0333 360 3700 is now only operating between 10 am and 4 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, though you can leave a voicemail message outside these hours.

Support for Dementia Patients and Carers
From August, Age UK Lambeth will be managing the Magnolia Club, a drop-in group for people with dementia and their carers.  The Brixton Hill group meets at St. Saviour’s Community Centre, 24 Blenheim Gardens, SW2 5BZ on Fridays between 2 pm and 4 pm.  They have another site at Gipsy Hill, SE27, and expect to open a third site in Lambeth later in the year.  Enquiries to Kim at 07832 328 335.

In Other News…

Urban Art Fair
July usually brings the Urban Art Fair on the railings in Josephine Avenue, but once again Covid restrictions forced it on-line.  You can still catch up with the work of many local artists via the website which will remain active until the end of the year.

Brixton Recreation Centre
Reclaiming the Rec“I look on this building here not as a recreation centre, but as a re-creation centre.” – Steadman Scott, founder member of Afewee training centre, based at the Rec. A group of local people have been meeting to talk about what the Rec means to its local people, why we value it, and how we want to see it revived.  We are imagining what a community-led regeneration and community-controlled contract could look like, to inform a conversation with Lambeth Council. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Amanda at

Revitalising Brixton’s Rec Quarter: Following our brief report last month, a reminder that the proposals drawn up by MUF Architects, including a feedback form and webinar details, can be found at
You can also send feedback direct to Martha Levi Smythe at 

Council Boundary Changes
Changes to ward boundaries within Lambeth are now in their final phase, with adjustments to the last few wards now published for comments.  Next year’s Council elections will be contested on the basis of the new ward boundaries, and some ward names may change to suit, so Coldharbour ward will shift a little further south, loosing the Loughborough Estate, and will likely be renamed Windrush. The latest changes to be consulted on are on the fringes of our area.  The new Stockwell East and Landor ward will extend from Clapham North tube station to South Island Place, but will exclude Stockwell Green, Birrell House and the Stockwell Park Estate.  Further south, most of the St. Martin’s Estate on Tulse Hill will be added to the present Thurlow Park ward, provisionally to be called West Dulwich & St. Martin’s.

The consultation closes on 26 July, and more details are at and follow the links to the Further Draft Recommendations.

Magistrates Wanted
London needs another 250 magistrates, and efforts are being made to recruit more from ethnic minorities, younger age groups and working class backgrounds.  You are invited to join a Teams session on Thursday 22 July to find out more.  Book by e-mail to or
Caribbean Garden Project at the Garden Museum
The Garden Museum, in the former St. Mary’s Church alongside Lambeth Palace, has embarked on a project to gather and preserve recollections of Caribbean horticulture history and the extent to which practices were carried on in South London.  The first stage involves 6th form students recording interviews with members of the Caribbean community who keep a garden, or take part in a community garden project.  If interested, contact

Make the most of your Forum

 Planning more Forum meetings
We are still trying to firm up arrangements for the next couple of Forum events, but responses have been slow to arrive.  Remember, we can host meetings on-line or (soon) live, to hear presentations or reports, or to discuss local issues.  If you want something featured at a meeting anytime soon, please contact the Secretary (e-mail below).

Share your news too!
We are keen to share news and requests from our member groups in these bulletins.  We prefer short items, bearing in mind that many people are trying to read this on their mobile phones.  Distribution is normally monthly, so please send any news for the August bulletin to arrive by 1st August, to the Secretary at

Is our mailing list up to date?
Finally, our usual reminder for you to tell us – at 
– If you would like to add a colleague or neighbour to our e-mail distribution list.
– If you would prefer these bulletins to be sent to a different e-mail address, so that you receive them more rapidly or reliably.
– If you no longer wish to receive them because you are no longer interested, or have moved away.

june 2021

Events Coming up

Marking Windrush Day

Officially it’s on Tuesday 22 June, so look out for further local publicity about linked events.  Last year, in spite of Lockdown restrictions, 35,000 Lambeth residents, schoolchildren and businesses took part in related activities, and particularly highlighting the contribution the Windrush generation and their descendants have made to the NHS and public services generally.
The Brixton Project have already organised a competition among local artists and designers for this year’s logo, which will be revealed shortly.  Tony Cealy has been commissioned by Lambeth Council to produce a short film, which will be screened at the Town Hall on Monday 21 June.

Domestic Abuse is all our business

In case you missed the notice in last week’s Integrate bulletin, an on-line workshop on this theme takes place on Monday 14 June, starting at 10 am. The focus will be on how organisations can support their staff or volunteers who are exposed to domestic abuse, and may be struggling to cope as a result.  The workshop will be led by former Forum member Fernanda Correia-Sefzick. 
Enquiries to

Early Years service at Windmill Gardens

Lambeth Council is inviting offers to lease the former Stay-and-Play/ One O’Clock Club building in Windmill Gardens – the green hut next to the windmill.   The rent will be waived provided that the new organisation provides suitable community services, ideally for young children aged 0-4 years. The deadline for applications is Monday 21 June, to the Council’s Early Years & Parenting Team – enquiries to

Lambeth Speaks: Community & Culture in the Post-Covid Era

The Impact Hub are hosting a panel discussion on this theme on Monday 28 June at 6-30 pm.  A range of organisations will be represented on the panel, including We Rise, Brixton House, Squire & Partners, Brixton Village, Integrate Agency and Black Thrive.  The panel discussion will be followed by a Q & A session and an opportunity for guests and panellists to network and continue the conversation.  Booking enquiries to or see for this and other events at Impact Brixton.

Time running out for EU Citizens

European Union citizens must apply for EU Settled Status to live and work in the UK.  Applications are free but must be made by 30 June – see
For more information and help see  and
The fear is that the Windrush Scandal was just a warm-up, and that the Home Secretary is itching to extend her “hostile environment” to EU citizens.

Planning and Regeneration News

Around the Brixton Rec

MUF Architects recently unveiled their proposals for improvements around the Brixton Recreation Centre.  They expect to be out on Brixton Station Road on the afternoons of Wednesday 9 June and Saturday 12 June.  A webinar is being organised to explain the proposals in more detail, but date not confirmed yet.  In the meantime the link to see the proposed package is at

The future of Pop Brixton and International House

The Council’s current proposals for developing the two sites are described on their website at
A series of “meet the bidder” community events are expected in September. At our February Forum meeting, the views expressed by most Forum members were that retaining International House would be better for nurturing existing enterprises, instead of displacing them, while the Council’s objectives were too diverse to achieve much impact in any particular field, whether housing or employment or something else.  BRUG and the Brixton Society have since come out in support of listing International House, an idea for which there is already vocal support among architects.

Towers still in the balanceDecisions are still pending on several major developments, including the high tower developments at Popes Road and Loughborough Junction, which were both called in for the Mayor’s decision.  Documents and many individual comments/ objections can be seen on the Planning Applications Database within the Lambeth Council website.  The Brixton Society publishes its comments on recent applications on its website at
At our April Forum meeting, we promised to share the link to the GLA page for the Hondo Tower (Popes Road) application, so you can still send in comments – clicking on the Comments tag brings up a form in which to leave a representation:

The Lambeth Hospital Site

Another bad example of unsustainable overdevelopment, the Lambeth Hospital site on Landor Road is being developed as flats by the South London and Maudsley Trust, to finance relocating most services to the Maudsley Hospital campus on Denmark Hill.  Belatedly, they are now consulting on what amenities should be included within a small community centre within the new residential estate.  They are particularly keen to hear from local groups who might be interested in using the new premises (fronting Landor Road) to identify needs and any special provision that should be built in.
All enquiries to Gordon Mackenzie Leceia at

Funding, Training and Support

Please bear in mind when contacting funders and support agencies that responses may be slower due to staff working from home or part-time.

Current Grant Schemes

Common Call have launched a second funding round for Black-led impact projects, social enterprises and charities across the UK.  About 35 organisations are expected to receive grants of £5,000 or £12,500 as unrestricted funding.  Application deadline is 5 pm on Friday 25 June.  See more at

Return to Play is a small grants scheme from Sport England, to help clubs and community groups restart or develop activities after Lockdown.  Grants can range from £300 to £10,000, with emphasis on providing better hygiene and safety equipment, or supporting smaller-scale activities to maintain some social distancing.  This programme is only open until 30 June – see

Black and Minoritised Women Fund offers grants of £5,000 or £10,000 to relevant women’s organisations impacted by Coronavirus.  The Women’s Resource Centre is hosting an information session for organisations preparing to apply – on Friday 18 June, 10 am to 11-15 am, enrol at  Applications will open on 21 June.

Training offers

Your Forum now has a modest budget for organising some training for our members, so if there is a skill or topic that would be helpful to your group, please get in touch, via

Enquiries about Training courses organised by the Brixton BID should be addressed to

Even if you are outside the Brixton BID area, if you are a business or social enterprise in London, you can probably access training or advice from the London Business Hub – see or /events

Utility Bills and Debt Advice

This is not a complete list, but we suggest these contacts are worth exploring:

London-based debt advice charity Fair Money Advice has been funded to continue supporting Lambeth residents who are struggling financially.  More than a quarter of Lambeth households expect difficulties with paying for household essentials, such as food, rent and utilities, this year.  Seeking advice is an essential step in dealing with the problems.  More information on their website, or contact 020 3475 8811 or

Turn2us also has an online benefits calculator, grant finder and other tools to help individuals find financial support – tel. 0808 802 2000 or see their website

Christians Against Poverty may be able to help with budgeting and getting out of debt – call 0800 328 0006 or visit

For older people, the Gateway Support Line can provide advice and put you in touch with relevant agencies – hosted by Age UK Lambeth, call 0333 360 3700.

If you are already claiming benefits, or experiencing financial hardship, Lambeth Council may still be able to help as part of its Coronavirus support services – see

Working with Volunteers

The pandemic brought an influx of new volunteers to some organisations, and enabled new grass-roots groups to spring into being.  Lockdown left more people available to volunteer, and in an NCVO survey published last month, 24% of VCS organisations said they had experience an increase in volunteering.  On the other hand, 36% reported a decline, the combined effects of restrictions on what services could be run, and older volunteers needing to isolate themselves.  Another effect was to increase the diversity of volunteers, including ethnic minorities and younger age groups.

92% of groups responding said they had moved services on-line, in response to the pandemic.  39% said this resulted in more volunteer roles being carried out remotely, while 26% found they needed to recruit volunteers with different skills to previously, such as digital skills.
(Source – Civil Society News.)

Finally, Sunday 4 July is being promoted as Thank You Day, an opportunity to lay on something to thank your volunteers and supporters in the community – see more about it at

Health and Social Care

Coping with Coronavirus

Vaccinations:  There have been various “pop-up” sessions around the borough so people who may have missed out in the earlier rounds can still get vaccinated.  Sessions are continuing at the Streatham Place surgery on the far side of the South Circular Road on Wednesdays, 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4-45 pm.  For other sessions in Lambeth, see – or for younger age groups, ask your GP if they are organising any special sessions. 

Testing: Extra testing is underway in four parts of the borough, including Brixton (in Windrush Square, 9 am to 3 pm), Stockwell and Clapham.  You can either get a test on site, or collect a PCR test kit to complete at home.  This is in response to a local rise in cases and further details are on the Council’s website.

Help with Self-Isolating: If you test positive, or have Coronavirus symptoms, Lambeth Council can provide a payment of up to £738 to help you cope with self-isolating.  This recognises that it can be hard to take time off when money is tight.  Again see the Council website, or phone 0800 054 1215.

My Neighbour service

This is one of the services co-ordinated by Age UK Lambeth, to bridge the gap between formal and informal support at a neighbourhood level. It can provide:
Friendship calls: over 400 volunteers are making weekly calls to isolated and vulnerable residents.
Digital Neighbours: Advice provided over the phone, over Zoom or on the doorstep, as basic digital support with use of computers, internet and mobile phones.
Missions: Volunteers can help with tasks like shopping, collecting prescriptions, running errands and even providing homemade birthday cakes.
Home Cooks Project puts volunteers in touch with older isolated people who would appreciate a home-cooked meal brought round from time to time.
Plus there’s a wider range of volunteer roles – enquiries to or phone 020 3143 5836.

Health Complaints?

The Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service can help individuals make a complaint about a NHS service, including hospitals, GPs, ambulance services, district nurses, mental health services, dentists, pharmacists and opticians.  The advocates will listen to an individual’s experience, and help them raise their concerns. Contact Scarlett McCarthy, independent health complaints advocate, at Connect Lambeth, DASL, 336 Brixton Road, SW9 7AA – phone 020 3143 9000 or e-mail to  Websites or

In Other News…

Changes in the Town Hall

Following Councillor Jack Hopkins resigning as Council Leader last month, Cllr. Claire Holland has been confirmed by the Council as his replacement. As a result, there are several changes of responsibilities within Lambeth’s Cabinet.  Cllr. Holland’s old portfolio of Sustainable Transport, Environment and Clean Air (including LTNs) is now a job-share between Councillors Mahamed Hashi and Danny Adilypour.  Similarly, Health and Social Care will be split between veteran Cllr. Jim Dickson and Cllr. Lucy Caldicott, a new Cabinet member.  Another new member is Cllr. Jess Leigh, Deputy Cabinet Member for the Health and Wellbeing of Young People.

Deputy Leader, with special responsibility for Jobs, Skills and Community Safety, is Cllr. Jacqui Dyer.  Cllr. Maria Kay is Cabinet member for Housing and Homelessness, though Planning, Investment and New Homes are still overseen by Cllr. Matthew Bennett.  Other responsibilities are Finance & Performance (Cllr. Andy Wilson), Children & Young People (Cllr. Edward Davie), Equalities & Culture (still Cllr. Sonia Winifred) and Voluntary Sector & Leisure (Cllr Donatus Anyanwu).

Deputy Cabinet members include Cllr. Christiana Valcarcel (Disabilities), Cllr. Ben Kind (Jobs), Cllr. Irfan Mohammed (Business Recovery).  Cllr. Nanda Manley-Brown is Policy Lead for Schools & Education, while Cllr Emma Nye is Policy Lead for Recycling & Waste.

Brixton Advice Centre seeks Trustees

The Brixton Advice Centre began in a prefab hut on Somerleyton Road in 1966, and is now a respected Brixton institution on Railton Road, continuing its free advice service for struggling residents.  Now the Trustees want to fill gaps in their ranks, and ideally attract both links to lived experience and useful skills for the future development of the organisation.  Closing date for applications is 30 June – more details of the Centre’s work and the recruitment process are on their website at

Consultations on Traffic Changes

Transport for London is consulting on changes it made to the A23 between the Oval intersection, along Brixton Road and up Brixton Hill to the South Circular Road by the Crown & Sceptre.  This is an extended consultation, continuing until 17 November.  Obviously there will be issues of what should remain of present controls as travel patterns become more “normal”, and what will be adapted or abandoned. More details can be found at their website,
You can respond via the website, or by e-mail to  and if your views change later, you can respond again.

Meanwhile, Lambeth Council has been distributing “Update” leaflets within existing Low Traffic Neighbourhoods but the one for the Railton LTN provided no new information, just a colourful map with several errors.  One problem is that LTNs divert more traffic into other areas whose residents don’t get included in any consultations.  For example, the Ferndale LTN has channelled more traffic into Landor Road, which is scarcely a main road to start with.  Yet we only hear about these issues at second hand – people for or against seem to speak out within their own echo chambers.  At least there’s a contact for feedback – e-mail to

Neighbourhood Champions

Really this is a recent rebranding of the old Street Champions scheme, to remind residents that it can also operate on estates.  The current programme began in 2016 as a joint effort with Veolia and has at least another year to run.  Basically, it encourages residents to improve their street or estate environment.  There were 500 volunteers signed up before the re-launch, and another 70 have been recruited since.  It is linked to the Council’s Freshview scheme, which supports local clean-ups.  Veolia can currently provide compost and hand tools for on-street planting, though not the plants.
More details on the Council website at or enquiries to

It’s Your Forum

Things to Come

We are currently in touch with several people about topics for future Forum meetings, but we have not pinned down dates yet.  We hope to confirm arrangements soon, but we can say that the next Forum meeting will be via Zoom again.  If you want to present something to Forum members, or seek support for your bright idea, please contact the Secretary, Alan Piper, at

Want to see your name here?

We encourage you to use these bulletins to report what your group is doing, to announce coming events, or to share your concerns.  Just bear in mind that space is limited and we cannot guarantee to print everything we receive – though we seem to include more events and services than most other Forums around the borough!  Send to or to

Is our Mailing List correct?

Finally, our usual reminder for you to tell us – at
– if you would like to add a colleague or neighbour to our distribution list,
– if you would prefer these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address so you are more likely to see them,
– if you no longer wish to receive them because you are no longer interested or have moved away. 

May 2021

Don’t miss out on Covid vaccinations!

If you hesitated when first offered a vaccination – or if nobody even asked you – there are still opportunities to get the jab.  If you are aged over 40 OR in one of the “At Risk” groups, you can get vaccinated by:
– Walk-in Vaccination Clinic at Streatham Place Surgery, on the far side of the South Circular Road at the top of Brixton Hill: Wednesdays 9am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4-45 pm.
– Contact your own GP practice to ask if they are running any clinic sessions themselves.
– Check for other clinic dates and locations coming up.

Zoom chats with Councillor

Councillor Donatus Anyanwu, Lambeth’s lead member for Voluntary and Community organisations, is holding a series of on-line meetings to discuss issues with such groups.  What was your experience during Covid-19? What does the “new normal” look like in terms of restarting face-to-face activities or continuing on-line services? 
To book, contact Eoin Heffernan at Integrate,
Health & Social Care – Tuesday 18 May at 2pm;
Youth Services – Wednesday 19 May at 3 pm;
Employment – Tuesday 25 May, 4 pm;
Sports – Wednesday 26 May at 4 pm.
Each session is scheduled for one hour.

We’ll Meet Again

Our thanks to everyone who joined in our on-line Forum meeting last month – 37 people in total is the best turnout for a couple of years.  It’s likely there will be another Forum meeting on Zoom before we attempt a live meeting again, but what would suit you best?

Following our discussions of the Hondo Tower plans, and the Council’s plans for Pop Brixton and International House, we are continuing to develop an on-line briefing on the Town Planning system with our friends at the Brixton Society, to help community groups influence other planning applications that come along.  More news to follow.

Happening Soon

Free Bike Checks in Brixton

Free sessions with the Dr Bike team are being held in Windrush Square next month, sponsored by Lambeth Council:
Wednesday 2 June, 4 pm to 7 pm,
Saturday 5 June, 12 noon to 3 pm.

Black Culture Market, 5 & 6 June

Downstairs at The Department Store, 248 Ferndale Road, SW9, open 11 am to 5 pm each day.  The aim is to support emerging entrepreneurs and new black businesses with opportunities to showcase and sell their products.  For customers, it will offer a diverse shopping and cultural experience, celebrating producers of African and Caribbean heritage.  Admission free but please register at

Black Men’s Theatre project at Mosaic Clubhouse

Tony Cealy is recruiting black men for a free 12-week mental health performance project, exploring the themes of intimacy, shame, guilt and mental health.  The project uses improvisation and story-telling to alleviate isolation, depression and stress. Participants will develop skills in performing arts, interviewing and research. 
Weekly sessions on Mondays, 6 pm to 9 pm at Mosaic Clubhouse, 65 Effra Road SW2 1BZ. See more at

Impact Brixton – join the family

Impact Brixton already supports over 160 freelancers, creators and social change makers.  The top 3 industry sectors represented are Education, Events and Marketing/Communications.  During lockdown, its online events programme reached an audience of over 500.  See more about virtual, flexible or fixed membership on their website, 

Now they are building a year-long Fellowship Programme, Impact Invests, for purpose-driven entrepreneurs, partnering with accelerator programmes across London to take on their talented graduates and link them with members of IB’s existing network.  A pilot group will launch next month, with development work following to enable the main programme to launch in September.  Enquiries to Kate Allen, Programme Manager, at

Brixton Celebrates Young Art

You are cordially invited to view Big Local Impact’s virtual exhibition – go to
It started with a proposal to showcase the work of Brixton’s young artists, but had to be adapted in response to Covid, with support from Power to Change.  Take a walk through the exhibition using your mouse or the arrow keys on your keyboard (sorry, but not accessible via smartphones)

Brixton Community Base is now St. Vincent’s Brixton 

A reminder that the building in Talma Road SW2 is coming to life again, now as St. Vincent’s Brixton.  If you are interested in using it for regular or occasional meetings, please contact the manager, Jane Duncan-Ribeiro, tel. 07 941 624 247 or 020 7703 3030 or at

Van Gogh House seeks Volunteers

The team at Van Gogh House are looking for keen and confident volunteers to act as guides for their tours of 87 Hackford Road, SW9, the house where Vincent Van Gogh lived in 1873-74.  Beyond this, the house has its own fascinating history.  The aim is to step up the programme of timed-entry guided tours on Saturdays and Sundays to two weekends a month.
To apply for their next round of tour guide training in June, you need to apply NOW – contact or see

More Reopenings

The Black Cultural Archives reopens to visitors on Thursday 20 May.  As with most such venues, please check the website for opening times and access arrangements – in this case,  In the meantime, a couple of their exhibitions are viewable on-line via the website.

Brixton Rec and other Lambeth Leisure Centres have been open again for a few weeks.

Lambeth Libraries are gradually reopening more of their services.  You can book an appointment to use a PC, to print, photocopy/scan, browse or study – phone your local library during normal opening hours, or e-mail to  Library phone numbers are
Tate Brixton 020 7926 1058,
Minet 020 7926 6073,
Tate South Lambeth 020 7926 0705,
Carnegie 020 7926 6050.

Minet Library, Lambeth Archives are open again but for limited numbers, so please book your visit via 020 7926 6076 or

Car Boot Sales in Brockwell Park restart next month, in the Lido car park, organised by the Friends of Brockwell Park.  Gates open to sellers at 7 am for a £10 fee, and the sale closes at 1 pm. Summer dates are Sundays 13 June, 11 July, 8 August and 12 September – see

Windmill opening again to visitors

The Friends of Windmill Gardens have announced that the first open weekend at the Windmill will be Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 May.  There will then be at least one open weekend each month until November.  Tours of the mill are still free but must be booked in advance – see the website

Funding, Training and support

Summer Holiday Activity and Food programme

This is funded by the Department for Education, and is expanding this year to ensure that children aged 5-16 who receive free school meals in term time will also be offered free healthy meals and enriching activities over Summer, Christmas and Easter holidays.  Locally the programme is managed by Lambeth Council and targetted at Lambeth-based providers, ideally able to provide services for a minimum of 4 hours a day, 4 days a week for 4 weeks during the Summer Holidays.  Funding should be not less  than £11 per child per session.
More details at
Deadline for applications is Friday 21 May – any queries about the application process to

Step Up programme for Lambeth residents aged 19+

A last-minute reminder that the Step Up programme will run from 17 May to 20 July, and is free for anyone over 19 and living in Lambeth.  Three online courses are available as a result of collaboration between Photofusion and 198 Contemporary Arts & Learning. Apply to

Film & Video – Mondays, 11 am to 4 pm,
Art & Design – Tuesdays 11 am to 4 pm, from 18 May,
Photography – Tuesdays 11 am to 4 pm, including practical assignments and a session in Photofusion’s darkroom.

Community Champions Course

Interested in working in the arts and with community projects? Art4Space are starting another free arts-based course for 16-30 year olds, starting on Wednesday 26 May on-line, and continuing in their studio from 30 June for the last 4 sessions.  Choose morning sessions for sewing or afternoon sessions for painting.  Enquiries to Julie,

Lambeth Larder community food resource

Their April Newsletter contained a number of useful ideas and contacts, including a couple of funding sources.  See it at and sign up for future issues. 

London Historic Buildings Trust

This could be useful if you are exploring a project around re-use and restoration of a historic building.  The Trust is offering a free on-line series of 3 workshops on Visioning & Viability – Establishing Heritage Projects. Among the case studies is our very own Brixton Windmill. The three dates are
Monday 17 May, 2 pm to 5 pm, Introduction; 
Tuesday 25 May, 2 pm to 5 pm, Visioning;
Tuesday 8 June, 9 am to 12 noon, Viability.
Please book via Eventbrite

Project Management Workshop, Wednesday 2 June

In case you missed the e-mail from Integrate, they are putting on an on-line workshop session on the Fundamentals of Project Management, presented by Laura Bassett, their Director of Partnerships.  It is aimed at anyone managing projects who has not had prior training in project management.  It will run on Zoom from 9 am to 11 am.  Enquiries to

The Little Book of…

The Charity Learning Consortium have shared details of a series of handy guides including Webinars, Video Learning and In-house Coaching.  Enquiries to Martin Baker, tel. 0845 1707 702 or
To explore more training resources from this provider, go to

Finding Volunteers

On Handis a digital platform of local volunteers who specialise in supporting residents who need general support due to health, disability or isolation reasons.  To see if it could be useful for your group, see

Keeping in touch
Is our message getting through?
Do you find these bulletins useful?  Do you share them with neighbours or with other members of your group?  Are there other topics that you would like to see included?
Please contact
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list;
– If you prefer these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, for quicker access;
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested in what we do.

Share your news too!
We are keen to include news and requests from our member groups in these bulletins, which we circulate at least monthly.  Items are usually short, bearing in mind that many people are struggling to read this on their mobile phones.  Please send any news for the June bulletin to arrive by 1st June, to the Secretary at

april 2021

Our next on-line meeting – Wednesday 28 April

This Forum meeting will be held on Zoom, starting at 7 pm.  We hope that you will want to join in, but please e-mail to the Forum Administrator at so that we can send you the log-in details a day or two before the meeting.

Fight The Tower Campaign

The Save Nour/ Save Brixton/ Fight the Tower Campaign continues to oppose Hondo Enterprises’ planning application for a 20-storey office block on Pope’s Road in the heart of Brixton, pictured above.  The application is now in the hands of Mayor Sadiq Khan, and he (or a new Mayor) will decide its fate at a public hearing in a few months’ time.  Meanwhile, the Campaign is engaging with local community groups, activists, residents, traders and skilled professionals to build the case against this monument and symbol of gentrification.  Brixton is our neighbourhood and London is our home. If the Tower is built, it will have a direct and detrimental environmental impact on the lives of thousands who call Brixton home.  Brixtonians, and Londoners in general, will keep demanding more meaningful consultations from local authorities, and more transparency for any future projects.  Join the conversation on 28 April online with Brixton Neighbourhood Forum.

More to come

If there are other local groups that want to make a presentation or report at this Forum meeting, or one coming up, please contact the Forum Secretary soon, at   We are also setting up an on-line briefing on the Planning system, to help you with responding to other planning applications that come along. More news of that soon.

Funding, Training and Support

Designing London’s Recovery programme

The Mayor has launched an open innovation programme that supports London’s economic recovery.  Applications close at midday on 15 June.  There are 3 themes:
– Helping Londoners into good work;
– Building strong communities;
– Green New Deal and High Streets for all.
For more information, go to

Black on Track 2.0

This is an empowerment programme for Black people in Lambeth who are aged between 35 and 65 years old. It involves 10 training sessions in community enterprise development.  Application deadline is 30 April.  More information at or enquiries to Tishauna Mullings on 07 827 531 035 or

Sport England – Community Asset Fund

Capital grants from £10,000 to £50,000 are available to help sports clubs and community organisations adapt and re-open their premises in the wake of the pandemic. The closing date for applications is Friday 30 April.  More information at

Windrush Community Fund

This fund is for charitable, voluntary and community organisations that work with communities from the Windrush generation.  Groups can bid for between £2500 and £25,000 from a total pot of £200,000 in phase 2 of the programme.  The aim is to ensure that people affected by the Windrush scandal are aware of the support available and are not missing out on compensation schemes.  The fund is administered by Voice4Change England on behalf of the Home Office, and deadline for bids is 30 June.  There is an on-line briefing event for interested groups on Wednesday 21 April between 2 pm and 4 pm.  More information from

Community Use of Lambeth Buildings

Lambeth Council is consulting on its Voluntary and Community Sector Asset Strategy, but the deadline for comments is Sunday 25 April.  Community organisations occupy a variety of Council buildings, but with wide variation in their rents and terms. The Council is seeking a more standardised approach, which also provides for upgrading buildings and ensuring lasting community use and sustainability.  The thinking seems to be to encourage more intensive use, and to give some credit for the number and range of users that a site provides for. Perversely, the scheme seeks to exclude Tenants Halls, Youth Centres, Adventure Playgrounds, despite some of these being among the most contentious under Council management.  Those for which there are already long leases are not affected.  Send comments or questions to

WinTrade Global Talks continue

The series of on-line get-togethers and talks for Women in Business continues on Thursdays 12 noon to 3 pm, now using the Airmeet conference platform.  Enquiries to Yvonne Thompson of 7 Traits Leadership Learning –

Incidentally, 7 Traits Leadership Learning now bears a blue plaque provided by the Nubian Jak Foundation, to commemorate the first broadcast by Choice FM from the premises at 16 Trinity Gardens back in March 1990.

Arts Funding from the Paul Mellon Centre

Their grants programme opens for applications on 26 April, with a closing date of 17 May, with grants being released in July.  Once again, priority is being given to supporting organisations and individuals affected by the Coronavirus pandemic.  Research Continuity Grants of £10,000 are to support research on British art and architecture by institutions.  Research Continuity Fellowships of up to £5,000 will similarly support individuals with their projects. Write on Art, the national art writing competition for young people, now has a closing date of 30 June. More details on their website at

Tai Chi by the Windmill

Real time sessions are happening again between 11 am and 12 noon on Saturdays in Windmill Gardens, off Brixton Hill.  The adjacent cafe is also now operating, under the latest Covid regulations.  See

Other Local News

The Cherry Groce Memorial

Unveiling of new memorial in Windrush Square Sunday 25th April 2021 at 11am. On the same day Together We Rise: Remembering Cherry Groce online event 4 – 6pm via Eventbrite to register.

Friends of Loughborough Park

A Friends group has now been formally constituted to champion this pocket park on the east side of Brixton.  Lockdown had frustrated earlier efforts to organise, yet more people were discovering the park on their daily exercise.  It has helped that, after years of neglect, Lambeth found some funds to repair the children’s play area.  Enquiries about the Friends should go to

Food Banks and Food Projects

Healthy Living Platform has been awarded a contract from Lambeth Council to co-ordinate and distribute surplus food in the borough, following a collaborative bidding process.  HLP have been providing food parcels to vulnerable or shielding residents since March last year.  They have developed a partnership with 33 other charities and food hubs, and linked up with schools and children’s centres.

HLP will provide a single point of contact for collection of surplus or unwanted food.  Distribution to local outlets will be via 3 hubs, the Brixton one being at Southwyck House Community Hall, off Moorland Road.

If you are involved with a community group interested in joining in, or with a business that can donate food or toiletries etc, contact Mala Naicker at

If you are aware of families in need, refer them to the MyCommunity Gateway run by AgeUK Lambeth at or phone 0333 360 3700.

Pop Brixton is back

The site has re-opened, with table seating for groups of up to 6.  There are now 14 street food traders on site, plus bars.  Social distancing measures are in place throughout, so please bring your face mask.  You do not need to queue if you are visiting one of the retail units, or have booked a table for Caribe, Only Food & Courses or the Greenhouse, but please tell the security team on arrival.

Incredible Edible Lambeth

The next in their series of Lambeth Food Stories will be on Tuesday 20 April entitled “Whose space is it anyway?”  They will be talking with people on Lambeth estates about what they would like to see happen on their land, with several residents due to talk about their experience of getting engaged with the greenspace on their estate.  The aim is to get more people involved with managing their outdoor surroundings, and supporting biodiversity and food-growing.  More information at 

Lambeth Life Returns

Lambeth Life is re-launching its print publication.  It mainly circulates in the north of the borough, but it may still be a useful channel for publicising what you are doing.  The editor is Josiah Mortimer, who can be contacted on 07 717 211 630 or

Lockdown Lifts – with Music

Brixton BID is marking each stage of Lockdown lifting with music performances in the Town Centre by the Brixton Chamber Orchestra.  The next will be on Monday 17 May, and then Monday 21 June, at 1 pm, 2-30 and 4 pm.  The sites will be Electric Circle (crossroads of Electric Lane and Electric Avenue), Tunstall Square (opposite the Tube Station) and Brixton Station Road.


Sister2Sister is a Women’s Empowerment Group, inspiring Women in their wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem. Latest news here:

Yellow Qube Community Space St Martins Tulse Hill

The Yellow Qube is a lovely yellow building in Tulse Hill run by the Community Interest company (CIC), Lambeth’s 4NS. Historically St Martins TRA, local residents and local organisations campaigned for it and it was seed funded by Lambeth council. Metropolitan housing association, Optivo housing association (then Amicus Horizon) and Notting Hill housing association. Latest news here:

Keep on networking!

Make use of this bulletin

We are keen to include news and requests from our member groups in these bulletins. If there are other issues, or sources of help, that you would like to see in future bulletins, do tell us.  Please send any news for next month’s bulletin to arrive by 2nd May, to the Forum Secretary at

Support your Forum

We aim to supplement our basic Council funding with membership subscriptions from local organisations.  To keep things simple, we encourage you to use the PayPal facility on this website. We are not fussy about your location – if you think you are in Brixton, you are welcome!

Is our mailing list up-to-date?

We want to reach all local groups and interests – please notify us, at
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list;
– If you are changing your e-mail or contact details;
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested in what we do.

March 2021

Planning Ahead

Priorities for the year ahead

With a new financial year starting in April, we are preparing a bid for further funding from the Lambeth Forum Network (LFN).  If there is something that you think the Forum should be doing, now is the time to tell us!  We can also approach other funders, or collaborate with other groups.  We are already liaising with Vassall & Coldharbour Forum over employability projects – how far should we go with this, or would you prefer us to focus on other things?

We’ll Meet Again

We are still making plans for our next couple of (on-line) events, but in the meantime, we wanted to remind you about some other events and opportunities which are coming up.  We have been encouraged by the turnout for our last 3 Forum meetings, all via Zoom, and at last there are prospects of meeting each other face-to-face later this year

Remember we welcome groups to present their projects or raise issues at our Forum meetings.  If we can hear from you soon, it helps us to plan the agenda for each session.  Please contact the Secretary, Alan Piper, at

Health and Social Care

Milestones to Recovery

A reminder of the key dates for the gradual return to normal – but please remember that these may be delayed or varied if Coronavirus infection rates do not fall as fast as expected. Please maintain social distancing in the meantime.  Individual sites and venues may re-open later if they need more time for preparation. The following is summarised from the Government website

Step 1: Monday 8 March:  Schools due to return but staff and secondary pupils will be subject to regular testing.  Two people from different households can meet out-of-doors.

Step 2: Monday 29 March: 
Small outdoor gatherings allowed, subject to the “Rule of 6”, or else two households may mix out of doors.  Outdoor sports can resume, but working from home should continue where possible.

Step 3: Monday 12 April:  Most shops, hairdressers, gyms, nail bars, community centres, libraries and art galleries may re-open.  Cafes and pubs may re-open for outdoor hospitality only.  Self-catering holidays allowed within the UK (but situation in Wales/ Scotland/ Ulster may vary). 

In all sectors, COVID-Secure guidance will remain in place and premises must not cater for groups larger than the legal limits.

People will be asked to follow guidance on how to meet safely, for example by minimising the size of gatherings and meeting outdoors where possible.

At Step 3, the Government will further ease limits on social contact, enabling the public to make informed personal decisions. It will remain important for people to consider the risks for themselves, taking into account whether they and those they meet have been vaccinated or are at greater risk.

Strep 4: Monday 17 May:  Outdoor gatherings of up to 30 people allowed.  Indoor hospitality may re-open.  Museums, theatres and sports arenas may re-open but at reduced capacity.  Possible relaxations for overseas travel.

By Step 4, the government aims to remove all legal limits on social contact, publishing accompanying guidance on how best to reduce the risk of transmission and protect ourselves and loved ones.

Even as restrictions are lifted, it is essential that everyone carries on with the good habits that reduce transmission: remembering ‘hands, face, space’ and letting fresh air in, getting a test on the first sign of symptoms and self-isolating if it is positive. It is safer to meet outdoors and to avoid large gatherings.

Businesses must also continue to take necessary precautions as restrictions ease. 

Monday 21 June: Target date for all restrictions to be lifted.  All types of business or public venues allowed to re-open, including night clubs.

NB – The Lambeth Country Show will be a “virtual” event again this year.

Health Promotion on 7 April

Healthwatch Lambeth are running an interactive event on Wednesday 7 April to mark World Health Day and Stress Awareness Month.  If you want to run a workshop or present a talk or taster session as part of this, contact Caroline Waran urgently at
Otherwise, for event details/ booking, see

More news and events

Hondo Tower – the Mayor will decide!

It was recently announced that the Mayor has called in the controversial Hondo Tower planning application for his own decision.  This will follow a public hearing but the exact process and timescale are unclear so far.  More details will follow once we know.

Meanwhile, support is building for retaining International House as a hub for creative businesses and community organisations., following the launch of the Council’s search for a developer partner for this and the Pop Brixton site.  So far, the Brixton Society, the Brixton Rec Users Group and the 20th Century Society have called for its retention and listing, reflecting its close integration with the Recreation Centre.

Lambeth Climate Emergency – Citizens Assembly

Lambeth Council is convening a Citizens’ Assembly to come up with recommendations on how Lambeth can become Carbon-neutral by 2030.  The Assembly will have limited membership and act rather like a jury to consider evidence and produce some agreed conclusions.  The challenge for those seeking a more sustainable approach will be to marshall evidence to put before this Assembly.  For more details, see

Other Council consultations

Lambeth Made Community meetings

In parallel with the network of Neighbourhood Forums, Lambeth Council is also running its own series of Ward-based community meetings.  These are usually led by Councillor Jacqui Dyer, Cabinet member for Jobs, Skills and Community Safety, with Ward councillors in attendance.  The emphasis is intended to be on community resilience, local problems and community safety. 

The next that we are aware of is for Coldharbour Ward on Thursday 18 March from 6 pm to 7-30 on Zoom.  You can sign up for this meeting at or

Closing dates for comments: 

A reminder that closing dates for comments on various Council proposals are as follows:
– Special Educational Needs, Disabilities and Inclusion Strategy, closing date 2nd April.
– Licensing of small Houses in Multiple Occupation, closing date 12 March.
– Main Modifications to the Draft Revised Lambeth Local Plan, closing date 29 March.

Census Day approaches

Letters should be arriving in early March to introduce arrangements for the Census.  The official date is 21 March.  This year, the aim is to encourage most Census forms to be completed on-line, but we all know that many local residents have limited or no internet access.  However, you can request a paper form, or an individual form if you are in a shared house or flat, or obtain forms in a choice of other languages.
You can find guidance at or phone the telephone support centre at 0800 141 2021, or for translation services 0800 587 2021. The cesnus helps the government plan future priorities and spending, and will provide an invaluable resource for future historians and researchers when the information is released to the public in 2093.

81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance

To mark the 40th anniversary of the 1981 Uprising, individuals, community groups and organisations are invited to come together and create 81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance.  Share the historical context, highlight the voices of those who were there, bring together the exuberant diaspora of Brixton, connect to imagine new ways forward together.

Open House session on Thursday 11 March, 6-30 to 8-30 pm on-line.  Do you already have something in mind? Are you still thinking about it? Want to know more? For more information, or to sign up for the session, see

More Road works in the Town Centre

Southern Gas Networks has announced that it will be renewing gas pipes below Coldharbour Lane, starting from Tuesday 9 March.  This will close the section between Brixton Road and Atlantic Road for at least 5 weeks.  Enquiries to 0800 912 1700 or
Meanwhile, the northern section of Atlantic Road remains closed from Coldharbour Lane to Brixton Road, due to Network Rail’s delays in repairing the railway viaduct and platforms at Brixton Railway Station.

Southwyck House Community Hall

At the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, Millennium Community Services combined forces with Healthy Living Platform and Lambeth Council to transform the under-used Southwyck House Community Hall, below the Barrier Block.  It’s now an active hub, offering food parcels to those shielding or isolating, and offering workshops and activities to both educate and entertain.  They are keen to offer a range of different cuisines to match the diverse array of cultures and ethnicities in the surrounding area. Millennium CS have now launched a crowd-funding drive to support this side of their operations – enquiries to

Funding, Training and Support

National Lottery Heritage Grants

Applications are open again for National Lottery Heritage Grants, but with new priorities for 2021/22 reflecting the ongoing impact of Coronavirus.  They expect to give priority to projects which boost the local economy, encourage skills and job creation, support wellbeing, create better places to live, work or visit, and improve the resilience of heritage organisations. The application process and complexity depends on the scale of funding you are seeking:  £3,000 to £10,000, £10,000 to £250,000 and  £250,000 to £5 million.  See

Opportunities for Overseas Study return

One of the early casualties of Brexit has been the opportunity for young people to study abroad under the Erasmus Programme.  It has recently been announced that the Government will fund a replacement programme, known as the Turing Scheme.  Funding will be divided between 3 sectors, Higher Education, Further Education/ Vocational Training, and Secondary Schools.  Applications will be made on-line – see


Tapping into kindred groups and networks to share ideas and find collaborators is still possible, despite the current lockdown. For example, the Brixton Neighbourhood Forum is affiliated to Locality, a national network for community centres and projects.  This has some special interest groups including Community-led Housing, Early Years practitioners (for nurseries and pre-schools), Human Resources (for advice on employment matters) and Coastal Communities. 

STRIDE has some exciting opportunities coming up over the next couple of months for local people in Lambeth to get involved in. The opportunities will help to support young people from South London into careers in the creative and tech industries. As well as supporting entrepreneurs to start-up and grow creative and tech businesses. All of the opportunities are completely free and available to people living in Lambeth and other southern boroughs.

Scholarships for the renowned School of Communication Arts online advertising course – 12 month course starting in April or September 2021 (applications for April intake close second week in March)

Join the Voltage Revolution programme from Do It Now Now to get trained for a job in the creative and tech sectors – 6 month course starting in March 2021

RE–SET–GO training programme for young architects – 1-to-1 mentoring sessions and CV surgeries available to book now
To find out MORE contact  Rosie Gainsborough

WinTrade Global Network is continuing its series of Thursday lunchtime sessions for Women in Business, trades or professions.  This month it is moving to a different webinar platform, the Airmeet Conference Platform, which will enable a wider range of functions.  Enquiries to Dr Yvonne Thompson CBE of 7 Traits Leadership Learning, e-mail:

Make it in Brixton recently launched as the face of Brixton’s Creative Enterprise Zone, funded by the Mayor of London.  It will co-ordinate, curate and cultivate creativity of all kinds, spanning education, training and business support.  It should give practitioners, facilitators and trainers a common voice. More details on the website at

Looking for Directors/ Trustees

Incredible Edible Lambeth are actively seeking new directors to join them, after an explosion of interest in food growing, green spaces and engaging with nature over the past year.  Within the past 9 months they have secured funding from 3 different sources to provide support for food growers, and to create a new template for managing green spaces around estates for biodiversity and food growing.  This template is already being trialled on 6 estates.  The team are also working with Arup to map existing and potential green spaces across the whole borough for further potential.
See the website or contact Janie at if interested.

We hear that other organisations around Brixton are also looking for extra Trustees, Directors or Board members, ideally those who can bring particular skills to the team.   We will gladly feature your needs in future bulletins – preferably tell us something about what you do, the challenges you face, and if there are any deadlines for responses. 

Keep in Touch

Is our mailing list up to date?
We want to reach all local groups and interests, so please notify us at
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.
– If you are changing your e-mail or other contact details.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.

Share your news
We are keen to include news and requests from our member groups in these bulletins.  If there are other issues or sources of help that you would like to see in future bulletins, do tell us.  Please send any news for next month’s bulletin to arrive by 5th March, to the Secretary at We occasionally add an extra bulletin if there are urgent items or just lots of news to share.

February 2021

Our next on-line meeting – Tuesday 23 February at 7pm

Joining in
This Forum meeting will be held on Zoom, starting at 7 pm.  We hope you will want to join in, but please e-mail to the Forum Secretary, at so that we can send you the log-in details a day or two before the meeting. 

Council plans for Brixton Rec Quarter
The main item is a report from Lambeth Council’s Regeneration Team on their ambitions for the area around the Recreation Centre, including the Pop Brixton site and International House.  Following the model of the “New Town Hall” project, Lambeth are looking to appoint a property developer to lead the project on behalf of the Council.  However, they have several different priorities, and it may not be practical to satisfy them all.  It may be several years before anything is built, but it’s important to get some input from local stakeholders before things go too far.

There will be more 
If you want to report on what your group is doing, or raise another issue, either at this meeting or on a future occasion, please contact the Secretary at
We are lining up some more on-line meetings, including a briefing on the basics of how the Planning system works – more news soon.

Local News

81 Acts – Bring your ideas
Two on-line Open House sessions are being arranged, on  Thursdays 11 March & 8 April, for people to bring their ideas and proposals for acts or events to tie in with the 40th anniversary of the original Brixton Riots of April 1981.  These events also allow the organisers to share more details of the support they can offer within the 81 Acts umbrella. Fortnightly “Builders meetings” are currently taking place to firm up the overall programme and arrangements.  Uncertainty over when and how lockdown will be relaxed means that the programme has been extended to run from April 2021 to April of next year, instead of finishing in October as originally intended, so that may give you more time to get your own “act” together.
To offer an event or activity, or just to join the mailing list, see

Brixton Towers
The Mayor has been persuaded to call in the proposed Hondo Tower development for his own scrutiny.  Extra evidence has already been submitted by the Fight The Tower campaign, and by the Brixton Society.  They are encouraging other concerned people to submit comments via the GLA website, at

Meanwhile, many objections have been sent in to the recent planning applications for high-rise housing developments on the Lambeth Hospital site in Landor Road and the Norris waste transfer site in Shakespeare Road.  

London Elections and Boundary Changes
The Government has confirmed that the delayed elections for the London Mayor and Greater London Assembly will go ahead on Thursday 6 May.  With uncertainty about the easing of lockdown restrictions and progress of vaccinations, more people than usual may be reluctant to come out and vote in person.  However, you can still vote by post, but you need to start the process soon – more information is at And if you do vote in person – remember to take your own pencil or pen!

Council Boundary Changes
The Lambeth Council elections due to take place in May next year are likely to be based on new Ward boundaries.  Presently there are 21 wards, in each of which voters elect 3 councillors.  The latest proposals from the Local Government Boundary Commission increase this to 26 wards, which means several will be represented by only 2 councillors.  The aim is to even out the number of voters between wards, because some have gained more people than others since last adjusted at the turn of the century.  

Around Brixton, the present Brixton Hill, Tulse Hill and Herne Hill wards are intended to be broadly similar, though south of Brockwell Park, a new St. Martin’s ward would be created around the South Circular Road.   Ferndale ward is carved up between new Clapham East, Stockwell East and Brixton North wards.  Coldharbour ward would lose areas north of Gresham Road and Loughborough Junction. A new Myatt’s Fields ward would be centred on the park, wholly to the east of Brixton Road.

The draft plans are open for comments until 12 April.  More details and maps can be found at while comments should be sent to

Colin Crooks moving on
After 9 years running Tree Shepherd, Colin Crooks has decided to stand down at the end of March and take on a new challenge.  He will hand over the reins to Sandra Ferguson, who stated with the organisation 3 years ago.  Colin is confident that Tree Shepherd will continue to support people who want to make their business dreams a reality, and offers his thanks to everyone who helped Tree Shepherd in its mission of helping so many people.  After a short break in the Spring, Colin will be looking for fresh social or environmental issues where he could make a difference, so he may be in touch again…

Myatt’s Fields Park photo competition
Photos should be taken in the Park between March 2020 and the closing date of 28 February.  There are 3 categories: People (and pets), Landscapes, and Nature/ Wildlife.  There are also 3 age groups, adult (over 18), age 12-17, and under 12.  The winners of each category and age group will receive £25, and photos will be displayed around the park or used to promote it.  Only digital photos can be accepted this year – upload using the entry form at

Friends of Loughborough Park
Moves were getting underway a year ago to set up a Friends Group for this small park, but halted by the onset of the first lockdown.  In the meantime, Lambeth has been carrying out some long-overdue repairs and improvements, including the children’s play area, and more people have been discovering the park during their regular exercise.  There is already an active group cultivating the Community Garden, and Dwaynamics have been negotiating a lease for the disused Playgroup building in the centre of the park. Following a well-supported Zoom meeting on 8th February, there is now wide interest in forming a Friends of Loughborough Park group – if you want to be involved, contact Lydia Stone at

Building Capacity at the Domino Club
Ubele has been providing development support for the Lloyd Leon Community Centre as part of its Black on Track project.  They have recently recruited 12 middle-aged Black residents of Lambeth, who will use the community project to sharpen their entrepreneurial skills and boost their employability.  The hope is that they in turn can support the development of social and educational skills in young people. 

Health and Social Care

Coronavirus Vaccination progress
Efforts are now being made to ensure that nobody over the age of 70 misses out on their first Covid vaccination.  Please share this information (from NHS SE London Clinical Commissioning Group) with anyone who may be eligible.

If you are over 70 and have not yet been invited for your first vaccination, you can now book by phoning 119 or going to the website,  You no longer need a letter, just your date of birth and postcode (or NHS number).  

This national service allows you to book an appointment at a vaccination centre or community pharmacy.
If you prefer to book through your GP, please contact your GP directly, who can refer you to a local primary care vaccination site. 
In total, there are over 200 sites across London providing vaccinations.

The intention is to extend vaccination in stages to successively younger age groups, and to higher-risk occupations, but protecting older age groups has the most effect on reducing death rates and the demand for intensive care in hospitals.  In the meantime, encourage people to limit the spread by wearing masks in public and keeping close social contact to a minimum.

Local Testing facilities
For those without symptoms, but in need of a test, Lambeth is continuing to provide quick free tests at Lambeth Town Hall and in Brockwell Park (at the marquee between the Lido and the BMX Track).  To book a test, see the website
The site alongside Brixton Windmill has been closed, in order to move those test facilities to serve southern parts of the borough.  Please note these sites are not available for those under 18, or who do not live or work in the borough, or those with Covid symptoms. 

If you have any symptoms, you must book a test through or by phoning 119.  These take place at different sites, including Somerleyton Road, but you must have a prior appointment.

Coping with the Crisis
A reminder that the MyCommunity helpline has been set up between Lambeth Council and voluntary agencies to steer residents towards a range of support services such as welfare advice, access to food, grants and other assistance with urgent needs. Phone 0333 360 3700 or e-mail to

Food Support
A number of community groups have been doing great work in supporting those who struggle to afford good food for their families, as well as those who lack adequate cooking facilities or who have been unable to get to the shops so easily during successive lockdowns.
Lambeth has drafted a Food Poverty and Food Insecurity Action Plan 2021-24 which is open for comments until 24 February.
For the full text, see the Consultations page on the Lambeth Council website, and follow the links.
There is an online survey form, or you can e-mail comments to 

Keeping in shape while Working from Home
It’s been estimated that a third of workers are still working from home, rather than travelling to their workplace daily. It seems worthwhile then to share some recent advice from our friends at Brixton Therapy Centre for those not undergoing a daily commute to the office. 

Keep mobile: Stand up every 30 minutes and roll your shoulders, every hour walk around the room a few times, or up or down the stairs.
Stand at your desk: Try to set your desk so you can stand at it, by putting it on boxes, or moving to a convenient worktop.  Be sure to put your screen at eye-line height to protect your neck.
Or sit actively: A wobbly seat will give your core muscles something to do.  You could use a pilates ball or even a Symbiotic Chair.  Avoid crouching on the sofa with your laptop!
Go outside: Take a break outside every day, whatever the weather, and on dry days go to the local park for a nature hit, to lift your mood.
Exercise with others: even if it has to be on Zoom, ideally at least 3 times a week.  It really helps to check in with others at regular times, to keep you engaged.

Funding, Training and Support

Lambeth Wellbeing Fund
A reminder that there is one more on-line workshop coming up to help you apply for up to £5,000 for local community projects or health and well-being activities.  It’s on Monday 15 February, 7 pm to 9 pm.  Please book via Eventbrite at
Enquiries to Emma Corker at

Deadline for grants from Mayor
A reminder that Friday 19 February is the deadline for two of the Mayor’s grant schemes:
– Community-led Action Grants (£2,000 to £9,000) and
London Community Story Grants (£500 to £1500).
These were flagged-up in our January bulletin, but for more details see the Greater London Authority website. 

Digital Skills
Clear Community Web have launched two on-line courses to help you get more from your laptop, tablet or i-pad. Both run for 8 weeks but places are limited, so if you cannot get on a February course, it all starts again on 4th April.  Digital Horizons is for users of tablets or i-pads, on Thursdays at 11 am and FREE.  Laptop Self-Care is for users of laptops and PCs, on Thursdays at 2 pm but costs £35.
For more details and bookings, see
Our thanks to Longfield Hall for alerting us to this, including the new web address.

Need expert volunteers?
For projects working mainly with ethnic minorities, our friends at Ubele have reminded us about Re:Purpose who specialise in matching executive and board-level volunteers with small charities or social enterprises.  If you require expert support with strategic planning, HR, marketing, communications or finance, get in touch with Gina Osbourne at Ubele:

Don’t forget too that there is still a pool of volunteers available through Lambeth Council.  It’s best if you can provide some kind of job description for the role that you need filled.  It can then be advertised in the weekly bulletin circulated to all the volunteers – send by the end of Wednesday to appear in the next week’s bulletin. Find the standard form at

Keep on Networking!
Was this bulletin helpful?
In an ideal world, you would have picked up most of the news above directly from the original sources, but we suspect at least some of it will be new to you.  We have given priority to information that should be helpful to local community groups and social enterprises, but if your needs are not being covered, do tell us!  We are also keen to report on what local organisations are doing, and we will highlight any opportunities for them to work together.

If you want to include something about you or your group in a future bulletin, please send your reports or announcements to Alan Piper, Forum Secretary, at

Is our mailing list up-to-date?
We want to be sure of reaching all local groups and interests. Please notify us at
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list;
– If you are changing your e-mail or other contact details;
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested in what we do.

Support your Forum
We aim to supplement our limited Council funding with membership subscriptions from local organisations.  To keep things simple, we encourage you to use the Paypal facility on our website. We are not fussy about your location – if you think you are in Brixton, you are welcome!

January 2021

Things to come

A slightly shorter bulletin this time, mainly to remind you about events and support on offer within the next few weeks.  We are working on some recent suggestions and hope to have more news for you soon, including our next on-line meetings.  

More Tower Blocks Proposed

News has arrived of two more high-rise housing developments.  In both cases the deadline for comments or objections is Saturday 6 February.  Both of these applications include Environmental Statements and lots of other documents:

Lambeth Hospital site, 108 Landor Road SW9

Replacement of mental hospital buildings by 9 new residential blocks including an 18-storey tower, total 558 dwellings.  The separate “cottage hospital” accessed from Pulross Road would remain.  Probably the most useful document is the Design & Access Statement, particularly pages 129-153 for views from the wider area.  Application ref. is 20/04194.

Waste Transfer Station, Shakespeare Road SE24

Replacement by 3 residential blocks rising from 5 to 11 storeys, total 217 dwellings.  This is linked to relocating the existing business to Windsor Grove in the Norwood Industrial Area (ref. 20/01066/FUL).  The Shakespeare Road application ref. is 20/01822. The Environmental Statement covers both proposals.

Holocaust Memorial Day

Lambeth’s Holocaust Memorial Day event will be on-line on Sunday 24 January at 3 pm, around the theme of “Be the light in the darkness”.  Book a place via Eventbrite at

Census Briefing

The National Census comes round every 10 years, and the next is only 2 months away, on 21 March.  Statistics gathered from the Census can be useful ammunition to show local needs in support of your grant applications.  However, this will be the first on-line census, so people are likely to need support and encouragement to complete the forms, either on-line or by more traditional methods.  An on-line briefing for community groups has been set up by Integrate for Thursday 28 January, at 10 am on Zoom. Please book via  or contact

Lockdown 3

The latest restrictions and health precautions mean that many events have been postponed, modified or moved on-line.  For events that we have already announced, please refer to organisers’ websites for the latest position, or contact them directly.  We hear that many local organisations are trying to keep some form of activity going, rather than just lie dormant.

Lambeth Libraries & Archives:

 Public libraries closed from 11 January, but hope to reopen once infection rates come down to a reasonable level. In the meantime, Lambeth Archives are re-starting their series of on-line talks, Local History in Lockdown, from Thursday 21 January at 7 pm with a repeat of a talk from early in the last series, “Where is Lambeth?” by Len Reilly.  A full list is expected soon – enquiries to 
Most of the talks provided during Lockdown 1 can be found on-line at

Big Garden Birdwatch

During lockdown, you may have been taking more notice of your surroundings, and birds are probably the most visible form of wildlife for Londoners.  Registration is now open for the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch, which takes place over the weekend 29/31 January.
For a free pack, including bird identification chart, visit

Funding, Training and Support

Grant Deadlines approaching

Most of these were previously announced via the Integrate Agency, otherwise contact the source quoted:

The Walcot Foundation is taking verbal expressions of interest until 5 pm on Friday 22 January, with decisions on grants to be made by 25 May.  They are offering revenue grants of up to £25,000 a year for up to 3 years.  The Foundation’s priorities this time are supporting the academic achievement of school pupils, supporting young people under 30 into employment, and improving access to independent advice on debt, housing and employment.  School-based projects for the academic year 2021/22 should be submitted in this round.  Partnership bids between a school and community organisation are welcome, but grants will be limited to one per school.

The Local Connections Fund offers micro-grants of £300 to £2500 so that smaller local organisations can bring people together in safer ways. Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, deadline for applications Tuesday 26 January.

Fridge & Freezer Fund invites bids for up to £1500 to help smaller voluntary organisations equip themselves for responding to food poverty issues.  Funded by Lambeth Council, Phase 2 of the scheme closes at 8 pm on Sunday 24 January.

The London Community Response Fund is a joint effort by major London funders, Wave 5 is open until midday on Monday 15 February for its Renewal Grants.  These are up to £50,000 a time to help you deliver work to support the 3 missions of:
– Building stronger communities;
– A new deal for young people;
– Ensuring a robust safety net.
They can be for a specific project, or a partnership, or the core costs of running and growing your organisation. See

Access to the Kickstart Scheme Age UK Lambeth and Integrate have partnered to provide VCS groups with access to the Government’s Kickstart scheme.  It is set up to provide 6-month job placements for young people (16-24) who are on Universal Credit.  The Government funds 100% of every placement including National Insurance and pension contributions, so the scheme should be cost neutral to employers.  It also offers grants of £1,500 per job to cover training and support costs.  The scheme is run by the DWP and JobCentre, who will help place candidates for Kickstarter jobs.Enquiries to

Training opportunities

Survey Design in the Charity Sector – Wednesday 27 January, an on-line briefing via Zoom, 11 am to 12 noon.  Includes survey methods and tips on survey design, addressing the challenges faced by charities.  Enquiries to

Funds Online Live is a half-day online event on Thursday 18 March.  It includes the latest practices in fund-raising, current trends in public funding, and demonstrations of the Funds Online Portal from the Directory of Social Change.  For details of this and other on-line DSC training, see

Lambeth Wellbeing Fund

We hear via Project Smith that two more development workshop sessions are being held on-line to help you apply for grants of up to £5,000 for individuals or small organisations to try out their ideas for local community projects or health and well-being activities:  Book as below, or for more information contact Emma Corker at

Tuesday 26 January, 12 noon to 2 pm, book via Eventbrite:

Monday 15 February, 7 pm to 9 pm, book via Eventbrite:

Making Connections

Successive lockdowns have heightened the importance of Information Technology to keep in touch when direct personal contact is restricted.


If you have upgraded, how about donating your old laptop or mobile to a good cause? In a time when access to the Internet has become so vital, Lambeth TechAid has been collecting surplus devices to wipe and pass on to those in need, through schools and community groups.  There is a simple on-line donation form on their website at

Alternatively, Age UK Lambeth is also asking for “Digital Donations” of phones, tablets and laptops.  These will be refurbished and used to help their clients to connect to on-line services and social groups.  Please send donations to them at 336 Brixton Road, SW9 7AA, or contact Kellie at

Making better use of what you have: If lack of skills is holding you back, Clear Community Webcan provide short courses, on-line or doorstep help with computers, tablets and mobile phones, to pensioners, carers and people on Universal Credit.  See their website,

Upgrading on a Budget: If you need better software for your laptop or PC, a reminder that Tekgiaoffer a range of Microsoft programs at discounted prices for charities, churches, schools and their employees.  More information at:

Sustainable City Awards

Do you see yourself as a Green Champion or sustainability trailblazer?  The Sustainable City Awards are open for nominations until 10 February.  Anyone can nominate organisations, schools and individuals from within the London area who have shown ambition, taken action and delivered impact to promote sustainable ways of living for Londoners.  For details see the website

Health and Social Care

Tiers roll on

During December, London moved rapidly from Tier 2 beyond Tier 4 to lockdown, with Christmas festivities sharply curtailed.  A return to live events looks unlikely before April.  Trade sources suggest that pubs and restaurants may not re-open until the early May Bank Holiday. We must remind you that the Coronavirus health risks are real – we were saddened to hear that one of our Council support workers for the Lambeth Forum Network lost her husband to the virus before Christmas.  To stop the spread of infection, the key health messages remain:

– No socialising except within your household or “support bubble”.- Work from home as far as possible.

– Keep travel to a minimum, for work, essential shopping, health purposes or education.

– Observe social distancing, wear a mask if near other people, and wash your hands regularly.

Working Safely

For safe working practice during the pandemic, in a wide range of settings, indoor, outdoor and on the road, see

Vaccination programme briefing

An on-line briefing for voluntary sector organisations within SE London is being offered by the Clinical Commissioning Group on Monday 25 January, 3 pm to 4 pm.  To reserve a place, contact

Test and Trace in Brixton

If you experience symptoms, phone 119 to book a test, or use the website www.nhs,uk/coronavirus which can also be used to book home testing kits.It’s less likely now that you will be sent to some distant place for a test.  Just before Christmas, a drive-through Mobile Testing Unit was operating on the old dustcart site in Somerleyton Road, and also dealing with some cases on foot.

If you have no obvious symptoms, but need a test for work purposes, book an appointment online for one of 3 local sites – the Town Hall, Brixton Windmill and Brockwell Park (between the Lido and the BMX track):

Other Health issues

King’s College Hospital have pointed out that their emergency departments remain very busy.  If it’s not an emergency, call your GP practice or the NHS 111 service for quick health advice, or see

A drama project to overcome depression and stress

Tony Cealy is about to launch a 12-week drama therapy project for men from Black and other ethnic minorities.  The group is meeting via Zoom on Monday evenings, 6 pm to 9 pm, leading up to 2 drama performances in April – on Wednesday 7th for World Health Day, and Friday 9th for Stress Awareness Month.  For programme details, see
Please contact Tony Cealy on 07 956 877 358 or if you want to refer people to join in, or to discuss collaborative arts projects.

Keeping in Touch

Was this useful? Are these bulletins useful to you or your organisation?  Are there other issues you would prefer to see featured in future bulletins?Do remember that we are keen to include announcements and short reports from our member groups.  Please send any news for the next bulletin to arrive by 5th February, to the Secretary at

Support your Forum – We aim to supplement our limited Council funding with membership subscriptions from local organisations.  To keep things simple, we encourage you to use the PayPal facility on our website at www.brixtonneighbourhoodforumIf you prefer to subscribe another way, please e-mail to

Is our mailing list up-to-date? We want to reach all local groups and interests, so please notify us, at

  • If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.
  • If you are changing your e-mail or other contact details.
  • If you have moved away or are no longer interested.

december 2020

S E A S O N S   G R E E T I N G S

We would like to extend our heartfelt warmth and thanks to all members who have supported this cause and engaged their voluntary time and thoughts throughout the years. Wishing you safety and cheer.

Image “From Where I’m Standing”

Events before Christmas

Remember that some may be affected by rapidly changing Covid-19 restrictions – check with organisers first.

Healthy affordable food from Southwyck Pantry

In our last bulletin we mentioned this project based at the Southwyck House Community Hall (below the Barrier Block).  They have one more session before Christmas, on Saturday 19 December between 11 am and 3 pm.  Visitors can pick up 20 items of healthy affordable food for £5.  If you sign up and become a member, you can do this every Saturday.  The Healthy Living Platform is already partnering with Lambeth Council to pack and deliver food parcels to shielded and isolating residents.  They are also making deliveries to people living locally who need help accessing food, mothers who have recently has a baby, and youngsters who normally receive free school meals.  Website: or e-mail to

Loughborough Farm Well-being workshop series

Free but please book by e-mail to or in person at The Platform Cafe in Wyck Gardens (Loughborough Road end of Ridgway Road, SW9 7AH). Live events may be affected by Tier 3 restrictions.
– Saturday 19 December from 2 pm to 5 pm, Kimchi making at the Platform Cafe.
– Sunday 20 December from 11 am to 1 pm, Invisible Food Walk at the Loughborough Farm site, opposite Wyck Gardens.
– Tuesday 22 December from 1 pm to 3 pm, Upcycling Christmas Gift making at the Platform Cafe.

From Where I’m Standing

The Empathy Museum have launched both a web gallery and a physical exhibition (on Dalberg Road SW2) which runs until 10 January. The project celebrates a group of 34 extraordinary people, ranging from a midwife and a supermarket worker to an undertaker and an anaesthetist, forming a collective portrait of life during the pandemic.  Each storyteller was invited to choose an object that has been important to them during lockdown, and these objects and the individual portraits now appear in the format of For Sale signs outside each individual’s home. Empathy Museum will tour the show to other streets in 2021 – if you want the show to come to your road, e-mail to More about this and other projects at  

Lots more going on…

In the interest of social distancing, the Christmas Tree provided by Brixton BID has been sited in Windrush Square this year.  Back in the days of real live meetings, we often used the Vida Walsh Centre, but it’s currently being used a hub for Age UK Lambeth to assemble Christmas food parcels for elderly members of the community.  Congratulations to Friends of Windmill Gardens for mounting their Winter Fair successfully last Sunday, despite complex restrictions, complete with Santa’s grotto created within the windmill by Glynnis.  We also picked up some hints from WeRise about their forthcoming film project…

Events in the New Year

Remember that some may be affected by rapidly changing Covid-19 restrictions – check with organisers first.

Brockwell Community Greenhouses
A series of on-line talks, Women on Nature & Wildlife, Tuesdays at 7 pm:
– 12 January: Carolyn Steel on her book, Sitopia;
– 9 February: Sue Stuart Smith on her book, The Well-Gardened Mind;
– 9 March: Jo Ferguson on Urban Bat Ecology and Conservation.

Loughborough Farm Well-being Workshops
Free sessions, booking as for pre-Christmas events (see above):
Wednesday 6 January, 2 pm to 3 pm, Managing Sleep and Stress, on Zoom.
Sunday 10 January, 2 pm to 3-30 pm, Singing and Drumming, at the Platform Cafe.
Wednesdays 13 & 25 January, 6-30 to 8 pm, Yoga Sessions at Arch 504.
Wednesday 20 January, 11 am to 12 noon, Happy Drumming Workshop at The Remakery, Lilford Road.
Sunday 24 January, 2 pm to 3 pm, Breath awareness and explorations at the Platform Cafe.

Art4Space at Stockwell
Lots of courses and events coming up at their studio in Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU, see also
Hand sewing workshops on Wednesdays, 2 pm to 3-30 pm from 20 January, free but limited spaces so book with Fran at 
Evening Mosaic classes restart on 12 January, Tuesdays 6-30 to 9 pm.
Community Champions Course, free for under 30s, a 10-week course at the Art4Space studio, either Tuesdays 10 am to 12 noon with Julie from 19 January, or Wednesdays 4-30 to 6-30 pm with Ellie from 13 January. 
Enquiries to

Longfield Hall
Building works are nearly complete and projects and events are being planned for the New Year.  These include new Acts of Empowerment drama workshops for adults and young people, and continuing the Youth Mentoring program.  If restrictions allow, there will be regular Jazz Drill sessions on Friday nights.  There will be more details on their website soon – see

Walk + Talk (on-line)
A 10-week group exercise and health discussion course, designed to improve both physical and mental health of older adults.
On-line (via Zoom) and free, starting from 25 January (various times available).  See or enquiries to 07 562 475 706 or

Purple Plaques campaign

2021 will be a Census Year, so look out for more information in the New Year about the census arrangements, and even some job opportunities in helping people complete their forms. In the meantime, the Census team are running a Purple Plaques campaign to identify local heroes and honour the work that they do for their local communities. You can nominate anyone that you feel has made a positive contribution locally.  The winners will receive a purple plaque which can be installed on a local building which best represents the endeavours of the individual.  Nominations can be made at
The deadline is 31 December and you must get permission from the person you are nominating, because their name and details may be published if they win.

Planning & Regeneration

Planning 101 – back to basics

After the scandal of the Hondo Tower plans, Forum members have asked us for more support with Planning matters generally.  There will certainly be other contentious planning applications in the pipeline. We are working with Brixton Society members to set up an on-line briefing on how the system works, and how to intervene to best effect – more details after the Christmas break.

Conservation Areas under review

Lambeth Council is currently consulting on changes to several Conservation Areas, including these around Brixton:
– Brixton Town Centre;
– Brockwell Park;
– Ferndale Road;
– Loughborough Park.
Changes may include adding or removing buildings from a Conservation Area.  In most cases, this is also an opportunity to bring information up to date. 
Simultaneously, Lambeth is consulting on a draft policy guide on Views from selected points within the borough.
Closing date for comments on all of these is 10 January.  Find more details via the Consultations page on the Lambeth Council website, and also see related items on the Brixton Society website,

Health and Social Care News

Moving to Tier 4 – what it means
The latest restrictions were announced while we were putting this bulletin together.  To remind you,
– No mixing of households indoors;
– Only single households or one person from two different households may meet outdoors
– Restaurants and pubs will be closed except for takeaway or delivery services.
– No audiences for entertainment or sports events, indoor or outdoor.
– Work from home wherever possible.
– Avoid travelling outside your home area, except for work, education or health purposes.

Warm & Well service from Age UK Lambeth

Age UK Lambeth is taking referrals now for home energy checks by members of their Handyfix Team.  The service is only available until the end of March.  It is aimed at older people, or those on benefits, who find it difficult to keep their home warm during the winter.  The handyperson can provide useful tips on how to save energy, and can install practical equipment to make the home more energy efficient. 
They can also refer clients to eon for their new scheme offering discounted boilers, free loft insulation and cavity wall insulation.
You can make a referral via e-mail to with the client’s name, address and phone number, and the reason for referral.  Or you can pass on the phone number for clients to follow up themselves – 03 333 603 990.

Funding, Training and Support

We will be back with a new round-up of suggestions and sources next month.

Keep in touch

Share your news
To include your news or a coming event in the Forum e-bulletin, please e-mail to the Forum Secretary at
We aim to publish at least monthly, so for the next issue please send in before 4th January. We would love to hear from a wider range of groups.

Invite comments
Whether you are a grassroots group or a government agency, we encourage you to use the Neighbourhood Forum as a channel to consult with a range of residents.  You are welcome to present your project to a Forum meeting – on-line for the time being, but hopefully in person within a few more months.  We can also include a short description and key contact details in one of our e-bulletins, reaching 500+ people, most of whom are involved in at least one local organisation.

Is our mailing list up to date?
We want to be sure of reaching all local groups and interests, so please notify us, at
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.
– If you are changing your e-mail or other contact details.
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested

December 2020

Local News and Events

Brixton Windmill – Winter Market on Sunday 13 December

Subject to current Covid precautions, the Friends of Windmill Gardens are planning this event around the old windmill, running between 12 noon and 3-30 pm.  A dozen stalls are lined up to offer seasonal gifts and food, supported by seasonal refreshments from the pop-up cafe in the community building, and Santa in his grotto on the ground floor of the mill.  Access to Windmill Gardens is via Blenheim Gardens, off Brixton Hill SW2.

Winter Market in Wyck Gardens – Saturday 5 December

Around the Platform Cafe at the Loughborough Road end of Wyck Gardens, open from 11 am to 3 pm.  Organised by Loughborough Farm with market stalls selling handmade gifts, plants, planters and locally-made food products.  Also hot food, cakes and drinks from the cafe, as well as activities such as wreath-making and bulb-planting. 

Longfield Hall – Festive Events

The Hall has announced a couple of seasonal events, intended to be Covid-secure.  On Saturday 12 December, the Brixton Chamber Orchestra are presenting a Christmas Concert in the nearby Myatt’s Fields Park, starting at 3 pm.

On Sunday 13 December there is a return visit by the String Theatre.  They are presenting two performances of The Insect Circus, at 3 pm and 4-30 pm.  Tickets for these family-friendly shows are £8 each and can be booked in households of up to 6.  More details of these and other activities on their website at

Hondo Tower – the fight continues

Campaigners against the 20-storey office tower proposed by Hondo issued a press release last week – see
The controversy centres on the 18 floors of old-fashioned office space above an extension to the Brixton Village arcade, defying local planning policies and spoiling the character of the conservation area.  A crowdfunding campaign has been launched to explore the scope for a call-in or judicial review, and has already reached half of its initial target.  Supporters can donate to the campaign at and more information can be found at 

Overnight work on the railway – 6/7 December

Repair work is being carried out on the railway line from Herne Hill through Brixton as far as Wandsworth Road, between 1-30 am on Sunday 6th and 3-15 am on Monday 7th.  Most work will take place overnight, including grinding down the surface of the railway lines, a particularly noisy operation. Enquiries to the National Rail Helpline on 03 457 114 141, or see

On-line events at the Black Cultural Archives

With limited relief from Lockdown, BCA is continuing to host events on-line.  Forthcoming highlights include:
– Twenty in 2020: Black Writers, British Voices, an online book festival on Saturday 5 December, 2 pm to 7 pm, Tickets £10 (broadcast only) or £20 with book voucher.
– A Night in with author Alex Wheatle and poet Benjamin Zephaniah, Friday 11 December, 6-30 pm, Tickets £10 (broadcast only) or £22 with both books.
Enquiries to

Lambeth Archives re-opens

Lambeth Archives at the Minet Library will re-open from Thursday 3 December.  This will be by appointment only – contact or phone 020 7926 6076.  Face masks to be worn on the premises and social distancing to be maintained.  Payments can only be made by card.

Town Centre Footfall

Central London may have been unusually quiet since Spring, but the latest figures reported by the Brixton BID suggest Brixton footfall has held up relatively well.  Since the country first went into Lockdown on 16 March, Brixton has been as much as 10% better off in footfall trends than Greater London generally.  The peak came with “Eat out to help out” in August, with the lowest drop in footfall compared to 2019.  Since 16 March, Brixton’s average footfall between 9 am and 5 pm has been consistently higher than counterparts across the country.
At the same time, restrictions on late-night bar and club uses have allowed Town Centre residents to sleep at night!

Forum meetings on-line

We must do this again!
We had a healthy turn-out for our first two on-line Forum meetings last month, and our only regret is not trying this approach much sooner. Minutes of both our November meetings will be available on our website soon.

We have taken several ideas and suggestions away from these meetings to follow-up.  We expect to hold another on-line meeting in mid-January, and to have shorter gaps between meetings.  Please contact us (see foot of this bulletin) if you want to make a presentation at a future Forum meeting, or want a topic included in the agenda for discussion.

Networking with other Forums

Meanwhile, members of the various Neighbourhood Forums in and around Lambeth will be meeting (on-line) on Thursday 17 December to exchange ideas and agree some common aims for the year ahead.  This replaces the usual “awayday” session normally held on a Saturday in the summer.

Lockdown 2 ends in Tiers

The New Tier 2
From Wednesday 2 December, “non-essential” shops, gyms and personal care services can re-open.
Hospitality venues can re-open for table service, but alcohol can only be served with “substantial” meals.  The curfew is eased a little, with last orders at 10 pm and closure at 11 pm
Meetings out-of-doors are allowed again, subject to the “rule of six”, but no mixing of households allowed indoors.
Outdoor sports can resume, and spectator sports are permitted, subject to social distancing and limits on overall crowd capacity.  Otherwise large events are allowed but with reduced audiences, so may not prove profitable for promoters.
You should avoid travel to Tier 3 areas (e.g. Kent).

Restrictions will be reviewed at 2 or 3 week intervals, which may mean some tweaking of the restrictions or even some areas moving up or down a Tier.
NB – The contacts we provided last month for advice and support are still valid.

A Christmas Truce?

The usual seasonal get-togethers are rather scarce this year, but the Government has allowed a brief respite in current restrictions for the period 23 to 27 December.  Up to three household “bubbles” may join together, though they cannot jointly visit pubs or restaurants.  Travel restrictions will also be eased during this time.

Local Contact Tracing and Testing

A Lambeth-based Covid-19 Contact Tracing Service has been running for the past 4 weeks, to pick up on cases that the struggling National Test and Trace cannot find.  The local service calls residents who have tested positive to tell them to self-isolate at home to stop the spread of the virus.  Local contact tracers also collect contact details of close contacts from the residents they call, and refer them back to the National Test and Trace service.

We now have a drive-through Mobile Testing Unit in Brixton, in Somerleyton Road.  Lambeth also has walk-through Local Testing Sites in Vauxhall and Streatham.  If you experience symptoms, call 119 or use the website
Lambeth residents with symptoms can also book home testing kits through this website.

Other Health and Social Care News

Make a difference this Christmas

This year Age UK Lambeth are particularly keen to spread a little cheer among those who will be spending Christmas alone.  They are looking for volunteers to simply cook an extra meal for Christmas this year and deliver it to someone in the local community who would otherwise be alone for Christmas Day.  Age UK Lambeth will match you with someone within walking distance and supply a seasonal bag of goodies for them, dropped off to you in advance.  If you are interested in helping, please e-mail to  or phone 0333 360 3990 and mention MyHoHoHo/ Christmas Day Meal Volunteering.

Sharing Good Practice

The Coronavirus crisis has underlined the value of different agencies and organisations linking up to work more effectively and fill gaps in provision. It has also highlighted the stress from working under pressure or outside the usual context, such as working from home.
South London and Maudsley (SLaM) have been running weekly broadcasts on the theme of community psychological resilience.  They recognise that the majority of work in preventing mental health problems and supporting people actually takes place outside formal mental health settings.  Their broadcasts so far have profiled a range of partners, including large charities and small mutual aid groups.  The aim is to encourage joint working and good practice, so you are welcome to sign up to the entire series at

Thriving Stockwell was the topic for the session on 25 November, with presentations from Dr Vik Sharma (Brixton & Clapham Park PCN) and Will Nicholson (Thriving Stockwell), also touching on the trend to Social Prescribing, supported by Community Link workers employed by Age UK Lambeth. 

Green Issues

Lambeth Climate Action – consultation closes Friday 4 December
A reminder that comments need to be sent in this week – see the website

On-line Tour of Recycling Facility – Wednesday 9 December
A chance to see what happens to the contents of your green wheely-bin, on-line at 1 pm on Thursday 3 December, or 6 pm on Wednesday 9 December.  To see what happens at the Smugglers Way Recycling Facility, reserve a place by e-mail to and say which date you want to join.
On-line tours and workshops can also be provided for Lambeth schools.

Down the Garden Path – Saturday 19 December
Escape the winter blues by taking a virtual stroll down the garden path with Sam MacDonald, a young Brixton allotment holder.  He will be sharing an afternoon reflection and discussing his book Down the Garden Path – snippets from the Cottage Gardener. This on-line event will include a Q&A with a small panel of enthusiastic local gardeners.  Organised by Friends of Tate Library Brixton, to register e-mail to

Reduced access to Brockwell Park next summer?
Our green spaces have been especially valuable during recent periods of lock-down and social restrictions, but Lambeth is under pressure to allow more commercial events in its parks.

Information received via Brockwell Park Community Partners is that once again, major commercial events are being planned in Brockwell Park next summer, totalling 13 major event days which will take up parts of the park for a total of 46 days.  

Events would peak during a 10 day period in June.  This period alone will include 6 major event days with up to 25,000 attending each day.  Much of the park will be occupied, either by these events or by setting up and taking down, for 26 days in all.  We are now at Stage 2a of the application process, and any responses should be sent to Lambeth Events Team by Tuesday 8 December, at
Please also copy your representations to 

Green Homes Grant – deadline extended
We have mentioned before the Government’s grant scheme to encourage people to install energy-saving measures in their homes.  It was due to close at the end of March, before either householders or installers had really got their act together.  It has recently been extended for another year, to the end of March 2022, which should boost take-up.

Other ways of reducing your energy bills
To help local organisations advise residents on fuel tariffs, warm home discounts, vouchers etc, Brixton-based Repowering London offer a choice of 2 workshop dates this month, Fridays 4 or 18 December, 10 am to 11 am with another half hour for extra questions.  Join via Zoom but it helps if you can tell Charlotte at which date you want to attend.  The Zoom link is

Funding, Training and Support

So You want Volunteers?
A follow-up to one of last month’s items: To tap into the pool of volunteers who have offered their services, the contact is now Gerry Evans,  Better still, if you can provide some kind of job description for the role you want filled, it can be advertised in the weekly bulletin circulated to all the volunteers.  Send in the standard form by the end of a Wednesday to appear in the next issue:

Funding sources
Integrate recently circulated details of the MOPAC grassroots fund for reducing Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG).  Enquiries to 020 3982 8803 or e-mail to  The closing date for applications is 11 January.

If you need to pursue several sources of funding, it’s worth considering the Funds Online database service run by the Directory of Social Change.  They host occasional free half-hour webinars to explain how it works, giving access to 8,000 funders.  More details at

Helping Feed the Community
Family Food Schemes:

Lambeth Larder shared information last month on two food voucher schemes.  More info about help from Lambeth Larder at

Healthy Start Vouchers are available for women who are pregnant or have children under the age of 4.  More details on the Healthy Start website at or ask your doctor, midwife or health visitor.

Rose Vouchers help families on low incomes buy fresh fruit and vegetables at local street markets and stores.  They are widely accepted in Brixton Market.  If you are receiving benefits, ask at your local Children’s Centre.  More information at

Norwood & Brixton Foodbank is still active – more information on their website at

If you are in or near the Barrier Block:
Southwyck House Community Hall is offering help with hot meals, food parcels and support for families with children under the age of 4.  Contact Safiya on 07 572 662 093 or at 

Training Offers
There is usually less activity in the run-up to Christmas, but we ought to mention:

Business Property Advice, Friday 4 December
London Business Hub recognise that smaller firms and micro-business owners need access to specialist advice when dealing with commercial landlords over property issues.  They have launched a programme to provide free support to London-based enterprises.  It will cover issues like signing a new lease or licence, renewing an existing lease, rent disputes and avoiding eviction, as well as business rates.

There are a series of masterclass sessions, of which the next is on Friday 4 December, between 10-30 am and 12-30 pm.  If that’s too soon, the next is on 12 January.  This service is delivered by London Business Partnership Ltd in conjunction with Gerald Eve Property Consultants.
To register or to find out more, see the webpage,

Cyber Security 101, Monday 7 December
Integrate recently circulated details of an on-line training session in the basics of data protection and on computer security and how to protect your organisation.  It’s at 10 am next Monday, enquiries to 

Courses at High Trees for Lambeth Tenants
The former St. Martin’s Library at the crossroads of Tule Hill and Upper Tulse Hill is now the High Trees Training Centre. They are running free specialist courses for tenants of Lambeth Housing, namely:
– Education and Training accreditation (level 3);
– Housing Practice accreditation (level 3);
– Food and Hygiene (one day, level 2).
You will need proof of address to take part.  If you require childcare, High Trees will cover the costs while you are on the course.  To find out more, please contact or phone 020 8671 3132 or 07 377 232 347.

Keep in touch

Share your News
To include your news or a coming event in the Forum e-bulletin, please e-mail to the Forum Secretary at
We aim to publish at least monthly, so for the January issue, please send in before the end of December.  We try to adapt to last-minute changes but it still takes a while to compile and circulate these bulletins, even digitally.

Is our mailing list up-to-date?
We want to be sure of reaching all local groups and interests.  We are not fussy about your location – if you think you are in Brixton, you are welcome!
Please notify
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list;
– If you are changing your e-mail or other contact details;
– If you have moved away or are no longer interested.