All posts by Nick

Knife Crime Resources

If you are being affected by the continuing problem of knife crime, and are not sure of what help there is, we are aware of a number of initiatives that take varied approaches to breaking the vicious cycle. If you know of any more, please let us know so we can add them:

Justice for Luther Edwards

Abianda – Working with young women affected by gangs

Art Against Knives – Supporting young people at risk of violent crime

Growing Against Violence – Protection, prevention, partnership

London Village Network – Access to positive role models

Pye Project – Enabling positive attitudinal and behavioural changes

Super Kids Trust – Working with young offenders, those who struggle with drugs and victims of child sex exploitation

Dwaynamics Boxing Club – and a lot more – Angell Town

Block Workout in Angell Town

The “official” line, explaining policies and useful advice:
Metropolitan Police – Stop and Search Policy
Metropolitan Police – Knife crime policy

May 2018 Bulletin

Coming Events and Activities


A Snapshot of Brixton – 23 May to 6 July
A free exhibition at Lambeth Town Hall to mark the 70th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush, open 9 am to 8 pm, Monday-Friday. Based on the work of Harry Jacobs, who ran a photography business in Landor Road until retiring in 1999, it shows typical portrait photos of his mainly Afro-Caribbean customers. Additional material from Lambeth Archives shows other aspects of their life in Brixton in the 1950s and 60s.

Wildflower Planting – Saturday 12 May
Following a successful planting day last month, the Lost Effra Project are inviting you to help finish the task on the Cowley Estate this Saturday.  Come to Cliffsend House on the Cowley Road/ Normandy Road corner any time from 11 am to 3 pm, to help lay some wildflower turf, seed a wildflower lawn and plant the last few plants into our rain gardens – all tools provided.  Enquiries to Rachel on 07 971 315 245 or


Lambeth Carers Hub events
The Carers Hub have linked up with Morley College for their next activity. intended to boost wellbeing and help you focus.  Japanese Calligraphy is the topic, with some Origami thrown in. It’s a 7-week course on Friday afternoons, 1 pm to 3 pm, starting this Friday 11th May, including a half-term break and finishing on 29 June.  Sessions are at Morley College, 61 Westminster Bridge Road, and their usual fee scales apply.  To book a place please phone 020 7501 8970 or e-mail:

Next week, 14-20 May, is

 Dying Matters Week, which may sound depressing but planning ahead for care options, funerals and wills is important and can ease the tasks of those left behind.  Several information sessions are being held around the borough, but the nearest is at 336 Brixton Road on Wednesday 16 May between 10-30 am and 1 pm (open for registration from 10 am, free refreshments). Call Healthwatch on 020 7095 5764 or book via Eventbriteat


Inspiring Women in Business
14 -18 May WinTrade Week

A reminder about this series of events at various London venues, culminating in the WinTrade Awards at the Park Plaza Hotel. Organised by Yvonne Thompson of 7 Traits Leadership Learning, c/o 16 Trinity Gardens SW9 – enquiries to 020 3086 9311 or e-mail


Tackling the Windrush Scandal
The commemoration of the first arrivals from the Caribbean 70 years ago has helped embarrass the Government into a climb-down over its “hostile environment” policy, but people who arrived before 1973 still need to act to protect their position.  The Black Cultural Archives are hosting a series of Legal Clinics on these dates: Saturdays 10 am to 1 pm on 12 May, 19 May, 26 May, or Wednesdays at 5 pm to 8 pm on 16 May or 23 May, all at BCA, 1 Windrush Square SW2.

Longfield Voices now underway
This free singing group has launched with a focus on songs around the themes of “home” and “belonging”.  Sessions are at Longfield Hall (corner of Knatchbull and Burton Roads) on Thursdays between 10 am and 11-30 am, refreshments included.  Enquiries to Catherine on 020 7978 9153 or

Rapport Festival
15 -17 June – volunteers needed

We mentioned the Film Festival element a couple of months back, but we now hear that a wider range of arts and entertainment activities are being planned.  Volunteers are being sought to help with administration, marketing, photography, videography, leaflet distribution, ushers and marshalls.  The Festival will take place in various locations around Brixton over 15-17 June. More info at

Myatt’s Fields Park Summer Fair – Saturday 16 June
Once again there will be music on the bandstand, a children’s fairground, a dog show, cake competition, dance performances and community stalls. Open from 1 pm to 5pm, stalls cost between £10 and £50 – enquiries to 


Opportunities for Funding and Support


Stronger Together Programme
Training and support delivered by Community Southwark for community organisations working in Lambeth – some upcoming training sessions are:
Finance Made Easy on Wednesday 23 May, 10 am to 4-30 pm;
Fund-raising and beyond: diversify and grow your income on Thursday 7 June, 10 am to 4-30 pm;
Be more enterprising: earn and prosper through social enterprise on Tuesday 10 July.

Venues for the last 2 dates not yet confirmed, but all bookings should be made via their website



Grants, helpers, premises…
For Projects working in or around Brockwell Park
Sections of Brockwell Park will be fenced off from 19 May onwards, in readiness for the Field Day/ Mighty Hoopla events which run through Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd June. Full public access will only be restored from 10 June.
To sweeten the pill, the organisers have committed to a community funding pot, which has just opened for grant applications. Maximum bid £5,000 – but lower is more likely to be successful.  Closing date is noon on Sunday 3rd June, application forms to be sent to . Successful applicants will be advised by 16 July, and should receive funds by 30 July.  Most relevant groups should already have been alerted via Brockwell Park Community Partners, but if you still need a form, e-mail to for a Word version.

Need a team of volunteers for a day?
A number of large City employers organise teams of their staff to help out at community projects for a day.  Santander is inviting London-based projects to sign up for help from teams of 6 to 20 people for practical projects such as a Big Spring Clean for your premises. Costs of materials can also be reimbursed up to £250. Register with Santander Discovery Days on 0345 612 3570 or enquiries to Adrianna Lancuski


Hire a Studio in Stockwell
A reminder that Art4Space Community Arts Centre can offer space for a meeting, training day or studio work. Currently available for some Saturdays, Sundays, and some weekday slots, at Unit 1, 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU. Enquiries to Julie at or phone 07 816 386 270.


Are you a Small Business or Social Enterprise?
Support – and even funding – may still be available, even if your focus is earning a living rather than as a charitable project:
Federation of Small Businesses publishes a regular e-mail bulletin, First Voice, to keep members informed of changing legislation and emerging business issues. See
Other umbrella organisations that could be useful include Your Business Community,
and London Entrepreneurs Network,


The Business Show will be at Excel in Docklands on 16 & 17 May, with lots of short talks and seminars on aspects of starting and running a business. For information and tickets see

Need Music while you work / eat/ relax?
The Music Licence allows you to legally play music for employees or customers in your business through the radio, TV, other digital devices and live performances.
It’s a new venture between the UK’s two music licensing organisations – PPL and PRS for Music, to make it easier for businesses and organisations to obtain a music licence. There’s now one point of contact, one licence and one invoice. Enquiries to 0800 0720 808 or see


News from Local Groups
Several events came bunched together around the end of April, and it was not possible to have a representative at all of them, but please keep us in touch with what you are doing, and we will flag up highlights in this bulletin whenever we can.


Stockwell Park Estate Community Trust. 

The Community Trust launched their re-modelled community centre on 26 April, the culmination of over 30 years of developing community activities and services on the estate. They now want to build partnerships with other organisations to support the local community and encourage social mobility.  Centre facilities are also available to hire for family social events or community activities – see for current programmes.
Enquiries to 020 7924 9899 or 


Groove School
Groove School offers DJ and Music Technology workshops for all ages and abilities. The organisation was set up in 2011 and has been based in Unit 31 at Pop Brixton since August 2017. Currently they are running 3 after-school groups a week and one at the weekend. They also run adult classes and mini-courses covering all aspects of music production and STEAM. They plan to host their own marquee again during this summer’s Lambeth Country Show.
Enquiries to


Brixton People’s Kitchen Café
Brixton People’s Kitchen now has a regular café service at the Vida Walsh Centre, 2b Saltoun Road SW2, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10 am and 3-30 pm.  They offer fresh healthy 2-course meals for £6 (£5 for pensioners), with nice seating, wifi and even a little garden. Profits go to funding free meals for vulnerable people and those on low incomes.


Better Fridays at Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses
Like to grow some vegetables, harvest and cook them? Come and try a spot of gentle gardening with Cathy and Cat at the Community Greenhouses on Friday mornings at 10-30 am, and enjoy a home-cooked lunch at 12-30 pm. Feel free to bring a friend or carer with you for support. Sessions continue weekly until 19 October. The greenhouse and community garden are sited between the Tennis Courts and the Walled Garden.
If interested contact Cathy on 07 834 343 664 or


Brixton Chamber Orchestra
News has filtered through that a Brixton Chamber Orchestra is getting underway. Rehearsals are at St. Michael’s Church, Stockwell Park Road. Upcoming projects are a Summer concert in Windrush Square, an Autumn concert with a choir, and something else around Christmas.

Improving St. Matthew’s Tenants’ Hall
Efforts are being made to turn an old store room into a usable office, at the hall in St. Matthew’s Road, so offers of decent furniture and office equipment would be welcome. 


Contact us
If you would like something from your group included in next month’s e-bulletin, please send the information to before the end of May.  Also get in touch if you would like to present your project at one of our Forum meetings, or if you want an issue included in the next agenda.
Remember, if you want to update your contact details, add a colleague – or just stop receiving this stuff – please e-mail to

April 2018 Bulletin

In case you missed them…
These may have been mentioned before, either here or in the Community Southwark funding bulletins, but just in case…
Trust for London grant schemessee
Kindlinchannels surplus goods and furniture from major firms to charities:
Walcot Foundatiois a long-standing Lambeth-based grant funder

Discounts on Software for Charities
Tekgia can provide software for charities at discounted prices. If you are using old or hand-me-down computers, it’s worth knowing that they can supply earlier versions of mainstream Microsoft programs to suit earlier operating systems like Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 or 8. More details on their website at

Metropolitan Public Gardens Association
The MPGA can provide modest grants for planting projects in public spaces and school grounds. Full details of current criteria and deadlines are on their website at

Another FSI Training Event
A further batch of training courses for charities are being run by theFoundation for Social Improvementon Tuesday 15 to Thursday 17 May, at Amnesty International UK, New Inn Yard EC2.  Costs £7.50 to £15 per session, further details on their website

The Neighbourhood Forum is affiliated to Locality, a national network of community centres and community-led organisations. We will share information from them on funding schemes and good practice as opportunities arise. 

Small Business or Social Enterprise?
Support – and even funding – may still be available, even if your focus is earning a living rather than as a charitable project: The Carbon Trust provides advice to businesses and organisations on energy saving and efficiency generally.  There are frequent conferences, exhibitions and webinars for specific industries or topics, publicised through an e-mail bulletin.  Especially check out their Green Business Fund. See or

Federation of Small Businesses publishes a regular e-mail bulletin, First Voice, to keep members informed of changing legislation and emerging business issues. See
The Business Show will be at Excel in Docklands on 16 & 17 May, with lots of short talks and seminars on aspects of starting and running a business. For information and tickets see 

Other Events & News

My Health Story
Do you – or a family member – live with multiple chronic conditions such as diabetes, rheumatism or depression? Do you live in Lambeth or Southwark? This project is looking for people to take part in an enjoyable creative project to share your story and learn new skills. No experience is necessary and there are no age or mobility barriers.  You can take part if you have 3 or more long-term health conditions. You will be invited to join a free workshop with other local people, or work singly with professional help, to create your own digital story about your experiences – a mix of photography, video and audio. The project will inform the research of local health foundation, Guys and St.Thomas Charity, to improve the lives of people with multiple health conditions.
For more information, contact Amenah Enayat at Rosa Productions, tel.07 946 424 007, 

New Town Hall Project update
The Town Hall itself is now back in operation (though somebody forgot to provide a post room for distributing the mail!).  The builders have handed over the new Civic Centre on Brixton Hill and staff have been moving in, though it’s not yet open to the public. The Press – now the staff cycle store on Buckner Road, at the back of Iver House – is also complete. The main block of Iver House has been converted to flats, which are already being marketed.  Work continues on the 14-storey flats which replaced Hambrook House.  Olive Morris House will be replaced in turn once the Civic Centre is fully functional.  More at 

Underground Utilities – Electric Brixton
As part of modernising the National Grid, a deep tunnel is to be excavated between Wimbledon and New Cross, to carry high-voltage electricity cables.  As with the current work on the Thames Tideway sewer tunnel, it will need shafts to be sunk at intervals along the route to provide access and remove spoil. It’s proposed to sink one shaft at the corner of Acre Lane and King’s Avenue, where the site is vacant after another planning application was refused. Proposals will be displayed at Clapham Library, Mary Seacole Centre, 91 Clapham High Street SW4 on Tuesday 17 and Wednesday 18 April, between 2 pm and 8 pm each day.  Enquiries to 0800 783 2855 or

Grove Adventure Playground
Volunteers are seeking more help to get the playground re-opened this spring. There’s a DIY Day on Saturday 14 April, from 10 am to 4 pm – Lunch and refreshments provided. It’s in Gordon Grove, behind the Marcus Lipton Youth Club.  Enquiries/ offers

Next Generation Cultural Project
As a runner-up prize in the recent contest for London Borough of Culture, Lambeth was awarded £200,000 by the Mayor for its Next Generation Project, which will work with key cultural institutions in the borough to provide skills and job opportunities for young people in the arts and creative fields.  Key contacts in Lambeth are Matthew Blades (Business & Investment) and Dawn Bunce (Arts officer)  

Brixton Design Trail launched
BDT18 has been launched with a callout for local creatives and businesses to join in. It aims to showcase the best creative work south of the river as part of the London Design Festival, between 15 and 23 September. Once again, it aims to show the unique culture of Brixton to a wide audience, bringing creativity to the streets for everyone in the community. This year’s theme is We Belong.  To find out more or get involved, visit

Contact us
If you would like something from your group included in next month’s e-bulletin, please send the information to apiperbrix@aol.combefore the end of April.
Remember, if you want to update your contact details, add a colleague – or just stop receiving this stuff – please let us know