January 2021

Things to come

A slightly shorter bulletin this time, mainly to remind you about events and support on offer within the next few weeks.  We are working on some recent suggestions and hope to have more news for you soon, including our next on-line meetings.  

More Tower Blocks Proposed

News has arrived of two more high-rise housing developments.  In both cases the deadline for comments or objections is Saturday 6 February.  Both of these applications include Environmental Statements and lots of other documents:

Lambeth Hospital site, 108 Landor Road SW9

Replacement of mental hospital buildings by 9 new residential blocks including an 18-storey tower, total 558 dwellings.  The separate “cottage hospital” accessed from Pulross Road would remain.  Probably the most useful document is the Design & Access Statement, particularly pages 129-153 for views from the wider area.  Application ref. is 20/04194.

Waste Transfer Station, Shakespeare Road SE24

Replacement by 3 residential blocks rising from 5 to 11 storeys, total 217 dwellings.  This is linked to relocating the existing business to Windsor Grove in the Norwood Industrial Area (ref. 20/01066/FUL).  The Shakespeare Road application ref. is 20/01822. The Environmental Statement covers both proposals.

Holocaust Memorial Day

Lambeth’s Holocaust Memorial Day event will be on-line on Sunday 24 January at 3 pm, around the theme of “Be the light in the darkness”.  Book a place via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/holocaust-memorial-day-2021-in-lambeth-tickets-136492134649

Census Briefing

The National Census comes round every 10 years, and the next is only 2 months away, on 21 March.  Statistics gathered from the Census can be useful ammunition to show local needs in support of your grant applications.  However, this will be the first on-line census, so people are likely to need support and encouragement to complete the forms, either on-line or by more traditional methods.  An on-line briefing for community groups has been set up by Integrate for Thursday 28 January, at 10 am on Zoom. Please book via eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk  or contact  david.gwyther38@field.census.gov.uk

Lockdown 3

The latest restrictions and health precautions mean that many events have been postponed, modified or moved on-line.  For events that we have already announced, please refer to organisers’ websites for the latest position, or contact them directly.  We hear that many local organisations are trying to keep some form of activity going, rather than just lie dormant.

Lambeth Libraries & Archives:

 Public libraries closed from 11 January, but hope to reopen once infection rates come down to a reasonable level. In the meantime, Lambeth Archives are re-starting their series of on-line talks, Local History in Lockdown, from Thursday 21 January at 7 pm with a repeat of a talk from early in the last series, “Where is Lambeth?” by Len Reilly.  A full list is expected soon – enquiries to archives@lambeth.gov.uk 
Most of the talks provided during Lockdown 1 can be found on-line at https://www.lambethlocalhistoryforum.org.uk/talks/

Big Garden Birdwatch

During lockdown, you may have been taking more notice of your surroundings, and birds are probably the most visible form of wildlife for Londoners.  Registration is now open for the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch, which takes place over the weekend 29/31 January.
For a free pack, including bird identification chart, visit www.rspb.org.uk/birdwatch

Funding, Training and Support

Grant Deadlines approaching

Most of these were previously announced via the Integrate Agency, otherwise contact the source quoted:

The Walcot Foundation is taking verbal expressions of interest until 5 pm on Friday 22 January, with decisions on grants to be made by 25 May.  They are offering revenue grants of up to £25,000 a year for up to 3 years.  The Foundation’s priorities this time are supporting the academic achievement of school pupils, supporting young people under 30 into employment, and improving access to independent advice on debt, housing and employment.  School-based projects for the academic year 2021/22 should be submitted in this round.  Partnership bids between a school and community organisation are welcome, but grants will be limited to one per school. https://www.walcotfoundation.org.uk

The Local Connections Fund offers micro-grants of £300 to £2500 so that smaller local organisations can bring people together in safer ways. Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, deadline for applications Tuesday 26 January. https://www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/funding/programmes/local-connections-fund

Fridge & Freezer Fund invites bids for up to £1500 to help smaller voluntary organisations equip themselves for responding to food poverty issues.  Funded by Lambeth Council, Phase 2 of the scheme closes at 8 pm on Sunday 24 January. https://love.lambeth.gov.uk/fridge-freezer-fund/

The London Community Response Fund is a joint effort by major London funders, Wave 5 is open until midday on Monday 15 February for its Renewal Grants.  These are up to £50,000 a time to help you deliver work to support the 3 missions of:
– Building stronger communities;
– A new deal for young people;
– Ensuring a robust safety net.
They can be for a specific project, or a partnership, or the core costs of running and growing your organisation. See https://www.londoncommunityresponsefund.org.uk

Access to the Kickstart Scheme Age UK Lambeth and Integrate have partnered to provide VCS groups with access to the Government’s Kickstart scheme.  It is set up to provide 6-month job placements for young people (16-24) who are on Universal Credit.  The Government funds 100% of every placement including National Insurance and pension contributions, so the scheme should be cost neutral to employers.  It also offers grants of £1,500 per job to cover training and support costs.  The scheme is run by the DWP and JobCentre, who will help place candidates for Kickstarter jobs.Enquiries to eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Training opportunities

Survey Design in the Charity Sector – Wednesday 27 January, an on-line briefing via Zoom, 11 am to 12 noon.  Includes survey methods and tips on survey design, addressing the challenges faced by charities.  Enquiries to eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Funds Online Live is a half-day online event on Thursday 18 March.  It includes the latest practices in fund-raising, current trends in public funding, and demonstrations of the Funds Online Portal from the Directory of Social Change.  For details of this and other on-line DSC training, see www.dsc.org.uk

Lambeth Wellbeing Fund

We hear via Project Smith that two more development workshop sessions are being held on-line to help you apply for grants of up to £5,000 for individuals or small organisations to try out their ideas for local community projects or health and well-being activities:  Book as below, or for more information contact Emma Corker at emma@rbeassociates.com

Tuesday 26 January, 12 noon to 2 pm, book via Eventbrite:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lambeth-wellbeing-fund-2021-session-2-tickets-133331561289

Monday 15 February, 7 pm to 9 pm, book via Eventbrite:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lambeth-wellbeing-fund-2021-session-3-tickets-133334887237

Making Connections

Successive lockdowns have heightened the importance of Information Technology to keep in touch when direct personal contact is restricted.


If you have upgraded, how about donating your old laptop or mobile to a good cause? In a time when access to the Internet has become so vital, Lambeth TechAid has been collecting surplus devices to wipe and pass on to those in need, through schools and community groups.  There is a simple on-line donation form on their website at https://lambeth-techaid.ju.ma

Alternatively, Age UK Lambeth is also asking for “Digital Donations” of phones, tablets and laptops.  These will be refurbished and used to help their clients to connect to on-line services and social groups.  Please send donations to them at 336 Brixton Road, SW9 7AA, or contact Kellie at kellie@ageuklambeth.org

Making better use of what you have: If lack of skills is holding you back, Clear Community Webcan provide short courses, on-line or doorstep help with computers, tablets and mobile phones, to pensioners, carers and people on Universal Credit.  See their website, www.communitytechsupport.co.uk

Upgrading on a Budget: If you need better software for your laptop or PC, a reminder that Tekgiaoffer a range of Microsoft programs at discounted prices for charities, churches, schools and their employees.  More information at: https://www.tekgia.com/discounts-for-churches-charities-etc/

Sustainable City Awards

Do you see yourself as a Green Champion or sustainability trailblazer?  The Sustainable City Awards are open for nominations until 10 February.  Anyone can nominate organisations, schools and individuals from within the London area who have shown ambition, taken action and delivered impact to promote sustainable ways of living for Londoners.  For details see the website www.globalactionplan.org.uk/SCA

Health and Social Care

Tiers roll on

During December, London moved rapidly from Tier 2 beyond Tier 4 to lockdown, with Christmas festivities sharply curtailed.  A return to live events looks unlikely before April.  Trade sources suggest that pubs and restaurants may not re-open until the early May Bank Holiday. We must remind you that the Coronavirus health risks are real – we were saddened to hear that one of our Council support workers for the Lambeth Forum Network lost her husband to the virus before Christmas.  To stop the spread of infection, the key health messages remain:

– No socialising except within your household or “support bubble”.- Work from home as far as possible.

– Keep travel to a minimum, for work, essential shopping, health purposes or education.

– Observe social distancing, wear a mask if near other people, and wash your hands regularly.

Working Safely

For safe working practice during the pandemic, in a wide range of settings, indoor, outdoor and on the road, see  https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus-taxon/businesses-and-self-employed-people

Vaccination programme briefing

An on-line briefing for voluntary sector organisations within SE London is being offered by the Clinical Commissioning Group on Monday 25 January, 3 pm to 4 pm.  To reserve a place, contact selccg.engagement@nhs.net

Test and Trace in Brixton

If you experience symptoms, phone 119 to book a test, or use the website www.nhs,uk/coronavirus which can also be used to book home testing kits.It’s less likely now that you will be sent to some distant place for a test.  Just before Christmas, a drive-through Mobile Testing Unit was operating on the old dustcart site in Somerleyton Road, and also dealing with some cases on foot.

If you have no obvious symptoms, but need a test for work purposes, book an appointment online for one of 3 local sites – the Town Hall, Brixton Windmill and Brockwell Park (between the Lido and the BMX track):https://beta.lambeth.gov.uk/coronavirus-covid-19

Other Health issues

King’s College Hospital have pointed out that their emergency departments remain very busy.  If it’s not an emergency, call your GP practice or the NHS 111 service for quick health advice, or see www.111.nhs.uk

A drama project to overcome depression and stress

Tony Cealy is about to launch a 12-week drama therapy project for men from Black and other ethnic minorities.  The group is meeting via Zoom on Monday evenings, 6 pm to 9 pm, leading up to 2 drama performances in April – on Wednesday 7th for World Health Day, and Friday 9th for Stress Awareness Month.  For programme details, see https://voice4change-england.com/covid-19-grants-programme/
Please contact Tony Cealy on 07 956 877 358 or tctonycealy@gmail.com if you want to refer people to join in, or to discuss collaborative arts projects.

Keeping in Touch

Was this useful? Are these bulletins useful to you or your organisation?  Are there other issues you would prefer to see featured in future bulletins?Do remember that we are keen to include announcements and short reports from our member groups.  Please send any news for the next bulletin to arrive by 5th February, to the Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com

Support your Forum – We aim to supplement our limited Council funding with membership subscriptions from local organisations.  To keep things simple, we encourage you to use the PayPal facility on our website at www.brixtonneighbourhoodforumIf you prefer to subscribe another way, please e-mail to admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org

Is our mailing list up-to-date? We want to reach all local groups and interests, so please notify us, at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org

  • If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list.
  • If you are changing your e-mail or other contact details.
  • If you have moved away or are no longer interested.