July 2022

Live Forum Meeting – Tuesday 5 July
7 pm in the ground floor meeting room at 3Space, International House, c/o Canterbury Crescent and Popes Road, SW9 7QD.

This will be our long-delayed Annual General Meeting, to report what the Forum has been doing.  More important though, we need to hear what you think the Forum should be doing in the year ahead.  The outline agenda will be:
1. Annual Report.
2. Annual Accounts for 2020/21 and 2021/22.
3. Approval of our funding bid for 2022/23 to Lambeth Forum Network.
4. Election of officers and committee for the year ahead.
5. Update on developments in Brixton Town Centre.

Reports and accounts will be available at the meeting.

More Local Events coming up

Lambeth Country Show, 16 & 17 July
The Country Show returns to Brockwell Park next month.  We are still awaiting final details, but we expect the site to be walled-off once again, with security at the gates.  No alcohol or glass bottles allowed, while water or soft drinks must be in unopened bottles.   Opening times are 12 noon to 8 pm each day (last entry 7-30 pm).  There will be parking restrictions and road closures affecting some streets near the park.

It’s planned to have a stand for several of Lambeth’s Neighbourhood Forums, co-ordinated by the Lambeth Forum Network.  If your group will also have a presence, let us know – after 2 years of on-off lockdowns, it would be good to touch base with more of you face-to-face.

Drumming Workshops
Shamha Vibration will be running free drumming workshops in the Roundhouse in Myatt’s Fields Park on Sundays 10, 17 and 24 July, from 4 pm to 6 pm.  Sessions are free – drums provided – but for more details, please see www.shamhavibration.org

Happy Drums – Tony B is running a home education workshop for all age groups every Thursday from 11 am to 12 noon at Myatt’s Fields North Community Centre, Eythorne Road SW9.  All enquiries by e-mail to homeeddrum@gmail.com

Black Culture Market returns
The Market returns to the Basement of the Department Store,  248 Ferndale Road for Saturday and Sunday 6 & 7 August.
Open between 11 am and 5 pm each day, with a different mix of traders each day, offering an outlet for African and Caribbean-inspired entrepreneurs, traders and crafts-people.  Free admission but please book tickets in advance – enquiries to hello@blackculturemarket.co.uk or see www.blackculturemarket.co.uk

Events at Brockwell Park Greenhouses
Nurtured by Natureis a therapeutic gardening group which will run on Friday mornings, from 11 am to 12-30 pm.  If you are finding life stressful, this is an opportunity to reconnect with nature in a garden setting.  BPCG are looking for people who. after a 4-week taster period, are willing to commit to attending for a block of 8 weeks.  If you are interested, e-mail Cat via garden@brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk 

Natural Dyeing Workshopsare starting on Saturday 9 July.  Learn how to prepare and dye different textiles, and create pigments from plants and food materials, before jazzing-up your old white T-shirts.  Enquiries as above.

Folk Performance on Sunday 10 July: Contemporary folk duo Fellow Pynins will play an outdoor gig at the Greenhouses – please book via the website, where more details can be found – see https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/event/fellow-pynins/

Art in the Park – by Brixton Windmill
Sunday 14 August, between 1 pm and 5 pm, with fun art and craft family workshops for adults, children and families.

Tours of the Windmill continue to be available at least one weekend a month, but for the full tour it’s best to book in advance via the website, www.brixtonwindmill.org  Next tour dates are 9 & 10 July and 13 & 14 August.

Events in Myatt’s Fields Park
Brixton Chamber Orchestrawill be performing on the bandstand from 4 pm on Friday 22 July, no charge.

Inter-generational Black History Dayat the bandstand between 11 am and 4 pm on Sunday 31 July.  A family fun day and a celebration of the African contribution to music and dance, organised by Happy Drums and Nadz.

Health and Social Care
MYSocial – supporting older residents
The MYSocial service operated by Age UK Lambeth has been running on-line activities through successive lockdowns, to support older residents, with occasional outings to places of interest as they have re-opened.  In-person activities have recently resumed, with the re-opening of the Vida Walsh Centre at 2a Saltoun Road SW2 (facing onto Windrush Square).  The main aim is to maintain social contact and joining is free.
Age UK Lambeth have recently negotiated a series of concessions and perks for members from local businesses, which will also be available to Lambeth-registered Carers.  More information about this aspect can be found at https://www.ageuk.org.uk/lambeth/get-involved/aukl-campaigns/mysocial-deals/

Beat the Street – encouraging exercise
Beat the Street is a free, fun physical activity and active travel initiative designed to get communities moving and exploring their local area, by walking or cycling.  It is running between 22 June and 3rd August with a different theme each week. It is run by Intelligent Health on behalf of Lambeth Council, and funded by the National Lottery via Sport England.  For more details and to register, see the website at www.beatthestreet.me/lambeth

Consulting on Healthcare and Support Services
Lambeth Council recently invited comments on a number of services, with a closing date of Sunday 17 July:
Refer to the Consultations pages on the Lambeth Council website, or enquiries to sexualhealth@lambeth.gov.uk
– HIV Care and Support Services (in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham);
– Young People’s Sexual Health (age 13-24, in Lambeth and Southwark);
– Substance Misuse Services (again for Lambeth and Southwark).

Health services across a wider group of SE London boroughs are being co-ordinated by a new Integrated Care Board that will take effect from 1st July and oversee numerous existing organisations and providers.  Two Zoom-based webinars are being held to consult community and voluntary organisations, on Friday 22 July from 2 pm to 4 pm, or Monday 25 July from 5 pm to 7 pm.  Enquiries and bookings to iuliana.dinu@nhs.net or after 1st July, to iuliana.dinu@selondonics.nhs.uk 

Lambeth Healthwatch is your health and social care champion. They listen to what people say about local services and how they could be improved, and share your feedback with NHS leaders and other care providers to make change happen.  Occasional surveys are conducted for specific services.  Enquiries to info@healthwatchlambeth.org.uk 

Mosaic Clubhouse
This is the link to the newsletter from this Mosaic club on Effra Rd.

Funding, Training and Support
Grant Deadlines Reminder
These grant programs were previously publicised via Integrate.  Deadlines are approaching, so if you missed the original notices, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk for details:

Your Station, Your Community Improvement Fund:  The underlying aim is to encourage under-used space at railway stations to be used for community projects to make them busier places.  Projects could address mental health, education and employability skills, diversity or sustainability.  Two on-line lunchtime briefings are available, on 7 or 14 July, to find out more.  Deadline for bids is Saturday 30 July.

The Ironmongers Company: funding to help disadvantaged young people reach their potential, for children and young people under 25.  Closing date Sunday 31 July.

Building Strong Communities Fund: Round 2 of this fund from the Mayor of London closes at 8 pm on Monday 8 August.  The fund offers either Micro grants between £1,000 and £5,000, or Small grants between £5,000 and £10,000.

Starting Young
Kiddie Coding Club:  Last month we reported on the first sessions at the Southwyck Coding and Art Centre, behind the “Barrier Block”.  We can now confirm that another Coding class for children age 5 to 11 will start on Thursday 28 July.  Sessions will be on Thursdays from 4 pm to 5-30 – for more information and registration, e-mail to gail@millenniumcommunitysolutions.com or phone 07 368 487 263. 

Cycle Training for Children: As part of its programme to promote cycling, Lambeth Council offers free cycle training sessions for children living in the borough, and the following dates are offered, operating from Brockwell Lido in Brockwell Park:
Monday 25 July from 9-45 am (beginners),
Monday 25 July to Thursday 28th, from 12-30 pm – on-road training.
Tuesday 26 July from 9-45 am (beginners),
Wednesday 27 July to Thursday 28th, from 9-45 am – off-road training.
Provided by Cycle Confident in partnership with Lambeth Council – enquiries to cycling@lambeth.gov.uk
Courses are also available for adults, and there are more children’s courses available at Clapham Common. 

Practical Help
Finding Volunteers may be the way for your community group to do more, whether you are looking for extra hands to share the workload, or you need an expert to fill a key gap in the organisation.  One possible channel is Team Lambeth Volunteers, which circulates a weekly bulletin of volunteer requests among a pool of Lambeth residents and Council staff who have offered some spare time for good causes.
Another network operating London-wide on a similar basis is Team London Volunteering, which is hosted by City Hall – see their webpage at https://www.london.gov.uk/what-we-do/volunteering/search/
In both cases, you need to be clear what you want your volunteers to do, and where and when you will need them.

If you are looking for Trustees or Board members, there are some good pointers for recruitment at https://reachvolunteering.org.uk/trustee-recruitment-cycle/

Keep in touch

We’ll be back!
This bulletin is intended to go out a little earlier than usual, to remind you about our next meeting.  Normally we need to hear from you before the 5th of the month, to publish around the 10th.  Exact dates can vary, because we only have admin support one day a week, and everything else is done in members’ spare time.  For the time being, please continue to send your news to apiperbrix@aol.com

More detail or more items?
Our bulletins over the last few years have generally included lots of short items, but bulletins from some of the other Neighbourhood Forums have slightly longer news items and more pictures.  With the many local organisations feeding us with information, we would then need to be more selective about who gets featured in each issue.  Also, I guess that many of you are reading this on a smartphone rather than a large screen, so maybe longer articles might not suit you?  However you get this, it would help the Forum Team to know what works for you and what you would prefer to see in future bulletins.  

Is this your best e-mail?
We are keen to keep in touch with organisations, enterprises and community activists around Brixton, but please tell us:
– If you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you can get them more quickly or reliably.
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list (no extra charge at present).
– If you have moved away, or are no longer interested.

Please notify all mailing list changes to admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org