Forum Meetings Tuesday 25 October – the next Forum meeting, at 7 pm A reminder that we are meeting next week at the Advocacy Academy, 5-7 Vining Street SW9 8QA. Hear from some of our local organisations, share your own ideas for what the Forum’s priorities should be for the months ahead, and catch up with some networking. Remember, it helps our planning if you can tell us you’re coming please book your free tickets on Eventbrite–london/brixton-neighbourhood-forum/ or contact Tuesday 29 November – Town Centre developments Again at 7 pm at the Advocacy Academy, a joint meeting with the Fight The Tower Campaign to review the latest position on plans for Hondo Towers and other Town Centre sites. More details next month. Other upcoming events Brixton Rec, Thursday 19 October A quick reminder that BRUG are holding an Open Forum for users of the Recreation Centre, looking towards Lambeth Council taking management back in-house next April. In the Level 6 Meeting Room, 6 pm to 7-30 pm – only 20 places available so check with BRUG first at Drumming with Shamha Vibrations Shamha Vibrations have moved their free drumming sessions to bigger premises at Stockwell Park Community Centre, Aytoun Place, SW9 0TE. Weekly sessions will be on Saturdays between 4 and 7 pm, from 22 October until 10 December. More details at Arts & Crafts at Art4Space, Stockwell Mosaic Candy Skull Workshop, Saturday 29 October, 4 pm to 7 pm, to tie in with the Mexican Day of the Dead and Halloween. All materials provided, plus a vegetarian meal and glass of wine, for £49 a head. LGBTQ+ Collaborative, 4 Saturday afternoon sessions, 1 pm to 4 pm on 5, 12, 19 & 26 November. A collaborative project to help address social issues facing the LGBTQ+ community and friends. Free but only 12 places available. All sessions at the A4S creative learning hub, 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU. Enquiries to or see Design and print courses at Slaughterhaus Studio The Print Studio is hosting several courses in the next few months: Markmaking Workshop with Viola Wang, Sunday 6 November, 11 am to 5 pm. Trace Monotype Taster session with Michelle Avison, Sunday 20 November, 1-30 to 4-30 pm. Soft Ground Etching, Tuesdays 1, 8, 15, 22 November, 6 pm to 9 pm. Aquatint, Tuesdays 6, 13, 20 December, 6 pm to 9 pm. Hard Ground Etching, 17, 24, 31 January, 6 pm to 9 pm. Slaughterhaus print studio is at Vincent’s Yard, 119-123 Hackford Road, SW9 0QT. Enquiries to Black Men’s Consortium at Brixton House Theatre Without Planning Permission is an interactive improvised performance, looking at how to improve the lives of black men in the UK, co-ordinated by Tony Cealy. Performances at the Brixton House Theatre, Coldharbour Lane SW9 8GL, on Friday 11 November at 8 pm, and on Saturday 12 November, 2-30 and 8 pm. Find tickets at Greenspaces News Loughborough Park A few gardening sessions are being held in the Loughborough Park food forest garden, the next will be on Sunday 23 October, 12 noon to 4 pm, assisted by Urban Canopy community gardeners. All ages and abilities welcome, equipment provided. The Friends group will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Zoom on Tuesday 8 November, 7 pm to 8-30 pm. All enquiries to Windrush Square Monthly stakeholder meetings are continuing on-line, and the next will be on Monday 7 November at 5 pm. Enquiries to Ros Griffiths at Remembrance Sunday will be marked by ceremonies on the Square on 13 November. Ideas are already being developed to provide some events in the Square next year, to mark the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush with the first party of migrants from the West Indies. Winter Market at Windmill Gardens Sunday 11 December, 12 noon to 3-30 pm around the Windmill – including opportunities for local groups and enterprises to run stalls. Organised by Friends of Windmill Gardens, more details at In Brockwell Park Friends of Brockwell Park are beginning to raise their profile again after two years of limited communications, and we expect to see regular bulletins again soon. Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses are now offering a wider range of activities, with recent completion of their new Brockwell Barn – details are at Health and Social Care Polio Vaccination for Children Efforts are being made locally to boost vaccination rates for children against polio, flu and MMR. Two webinars are being held this week to explain the situation and deal with questions, on Wednesday 19 October, 6-30 to 7-15 pm, or Friday 21 October, 10-30 to 11-15 am. Enquiries to For children aged between one and nine years, additional clinic sessions are being organised around the half-term holiday at St. Thomas’ Hospital and 4 pharmacies on the western edge of our borough. More details at Raising Awareness of Mental Health Lambeth Together is offering a 3-hour workshop on raising awareness of mental health, and how to help. The aim is to improve understanding, be alert to signs of people struggling with theirt mental health, and show how to signpost people to further support. Two on-line sessions still to come, on Friday 28 October, 9-30 to 12-30 pm, or Tuesday 15 November, 5 pm to 8 pm. For details and booking, see Art4Space is hosting another Mental Health First Aid Course on 20 & 21 October, led by It’s a Playground. Course fee £300 a head, see IT Help for the Disabled The former tenants’ hall beneath the Southwyck House “barrier block” already hosts art classes and kids’ computer courses. It is now also the base for free drop-in sessions for disabled residents and their carers, to provide help with getting the best out of your mobile phone, setting up your laptop, or exploiting the Internet or social media, without being exploited yourself. These sessions are provided by Clear Community Web on alternate Fridays between 2 and 4 pm – that’s 14 & 28 October, 11 & 25 November and 9 December. Enquiries to 07 523 646 277 or info@clearcommunityweb Craft Wednesdays at Brixton Tate Library Wednesday afternoon sessions started this month and will run through to the end of the year, at 2-30 pm in the gallery/ lecture room at Brixton Tate Library. The group is free to attend and a great opportunity to meet new people and learn new skills, while supporting your health and wellbeing. All enquiries to Friends of Tate Library Brixton at Meet and Make at St. John’s, Clapham Road Rather on the periphery of our area, but close to public transport, this Arts & Crafts Club is held at St. John’s Church, 386 Clapham Road SW9 9AR. Sessions are every Tuesday between 12-30 and 2-30 pm – enquiries to 020 7819 9498 or or see the website, Although this is part of their Senior Citizens project, sessions are free and open to all over 18, to encourage social contact. The final session this term is on 6 December. Funding, Training and Support Grant Deadlines Reminder Once again, a final reminder about approaching deadlines, for grants etc previously circulated by Integrate: enquiries to Early Intervention & Prevention Services for children and young people, Lambeth Council funding, deadline 5 pm on Friday 28 October. Apprenticeship Development Toolkit, commissioned by Lambeth Council, deadline for bids, 5 pm on Friday 28 October. Energy Costs – support for charities and businesses Alongside the Government announcement of an Energy Price Guarantee for householders (now limited to 6 months), there is also an Equivalent Guarantee for charities and businesses. The scheme will fix gas and electricity prices for such bodies for 6 months from 1st October, but will be reviewed after 3 months. Many details are still to be resolved, but we will share information as it emerges. Network with Ecosystem Coldharbour Ecosystem Coldharbour is a consortium of voluntary and community organisations, centred on the old Coldharbour Ward. Its priorities are to create a safer community, boost youth employment and reduce violent crime. To encourage networking among grassroots groups, Community Coffee Mornings are being held monthly, on Tuesdays 18 October, 22 November, 13 December, from 9 am to 10-30 am. Book your place at Council Consultations Air Quality Action Plan The Council is inviting comments on its draft Action Plan to control air quality through 2023-25. There is a Commonplace website for responses. Closing date for responses is 2 November. Refer to the Consultations pages on the Lambeth Council website for more details and links. Keep in touch Where did this come from? The Neighbourhood Forum is a network of local organisations. We receive information from many community groups, voluntary organisations, social enterprises and public bodies, and try to share what looks most useful to our members. We aim to publish this bulletin monthly, so if you can send your news before the 5th of the month, we normally publish around the 10th. Contact Us To send items for this bulletin, or enquiries about future Forum events, e-mail to the Forum Secretary at Enquiries about membership and mailing list updates to Is this your best e-mail? Please tell us (as above): – If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to our mailing list; – If you want these bulletins sent to a different address, so you see them sooner or more reliably; – If you have moved away, or are no longer interested. |