Upcoming Changes around the Brixton Rec
Since May last year we have been waiting for consultation to start on London Square’s proposals to develop both the Pop Brixton site and International House, in partnership with Lambeth Council. The new programme has only recently been announced.
The future of International House
London Square’s intention is to refurbish the building, rather than replace it. Even so, this will need present tenants to move out while modern services are installed. The “meanwhile” use of International House, managed by 3Space, has been one of Brixton’s success stories, providing a base for business start-ups and small community organisations. We don’t want to see this all swept away and successful firms dispersed away from Brixton, so we are looking for a more gradual transition. 3Space management of the building is due to end in September, but the delay in starting the development process would justify a 6-9 month extension.
Opportunities for relocating many of the existing users within Brixton seem to be limited, but tenants are already e-mailing key Councillors and Council officers to seek a “soft landing”. If like us, your organisation is affected, please keep in touch.
Feed in to Public Realm changes
The overall timescale is based on a Planning Application being made in the coming Autumn for rebuilding on the Pop Brixton site. Community Vision workshops are to be held on either 4 or 6 March, followed by 2 evening sessions on 23 and 30 March. These will mainly be about street-level improvements around the Recreation Centre in Popes Road and Brixton Station Road. They are being organised by Mutual Gain on behalf of London Square and the Council – if you have not already registered your interest, please contact Susan Ritchie at susan@mutualgain.org
Brixton joins in London Festival of Architecture
This year, Brixton will be one of 7 London destinations hosting events for the Festival, which runs through the month of June.
Events programme
Organisations are encouraged to put on events which will be publicised as part of the Festival programme.
The closing date for submitting details of most events will be 3rd March. The Festival is co-ordinated by New London Architecture – enquiries to sophie.roberts@nla.london
Design Competition
There is also an ideas competition to provide an installation or feature to be placed in either Atlantic Road or Windrush Square during the Festival. This will be a 2-stage competition. Details of team members, and your design approach are required by midday 2nd March. Up to 6 design teams will then be selected for the second stage, to provide 2 A2-size boards to explain the proposal, together with a Powerpoint presentation and key construction details, budget and maintenance plan. Enquiries to info@londonfestivalofarchitecture.org
Marking 75 years since the Empire Windrush arrival
Proposals are starting to come together for local celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the arrival of the Empire Windrush in June 1948. A lot of interest was shown at an exploratory meeting on 6th February, convened by the Brixton Project. If you have something in mind, particularly for events or activities around June, contact Serena at serena@thebrixtonproject.com
Coming Events
Saturday Art Club at St. Vincent’s Centre
Free sessions on Saturday afternoons for the 7-12 age group, at St. Vincent’s Centre, Talma Road SW2 1AS. Run by Lamonte Johnson but additional volunteers are wanted. Enquiries to (020) 7274 1190 or lindon@svp.org.uk
Warm Space Wednesdays at Brixton Windmill Centre
Next to Brixton’s Windmill, the Centre is opening up as a Warm Space on Wednesdays until the end of March, from 12 noon to 3pm.
They are also offering use of their large professional oven – you just need to bring the ingredients and a recipe! Enquiries to centremanager@brixtonwindmill.org
There’s also a Volunteering Open Session on Sunday 19 February between 1 pm and 4 pm – a chance to meet with existing volunteers and discover the growing range of roles for which help is needed.
Black Culture Market, 4 & 5 March
Another selection of stalls can be found in the Basement space of the Department Store at 248 Ferndale Road, SW9 on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th March, 11 am to 5 pm both days. Free admission but please register via Eventbrite, at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/black-culture-market-spring-market-tickets-473002462097?aff=erelexpmlt
If you want to trade on either day, please contact the organisers at https://www.blackculturemarket.co.uk
Space for Young People at the Advocacy Academy
Marhaba means hello in Arabic, so our Marhaba Space is an open, free, warm and inclusive open space for young people in Lambeth, aged between 13 and 25. The space is open every Thursday at 5-7 Vining Street – 18-25 year-olds are welcome between 1 and 4 pm, 13-17 year-olds between 4 pm and 8 pm. Free hot drinks and sandwiches available every week. You don’t need to sign up in advance, but if you have any questions, contact hello@theadvocacyacademy.com
Computer Coding Classes for Kids
The Computer Coding Classes at the Southwyck House community space are expanding to other local venues:
There are now coding classes at Evelyn Grace School, on Wednesdays between 1 pm and 2 pm.
As from 1st March, there will also be coding classes for ages 5-11 at Myatt’s Fields South Community Hall, SW9 6DQ.
At Southwyck House, sessions for age 12 upwards run on Mondays at 4 pm to 6 pm. There’s also a Home-School coding group for ages 5-12 on Tuesdays between 1 pm and 2 pm, or on Thursdays between 4 pm and 6 pm for ages 5-11.
All enquiries to Millennium Community Solutions at gail@millenniumcommunitysolutions.com or phone 07 368 487 263.
Current Consultations
Tulse Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood
Lambeth Council is currently consulting on detail design of landscaping works around the Elm Park Tavern, and the junction of Upper Tulse Hill and Claverdale Road. Closing date for comments is 28 February – see https://tulsehillltn.commonplace.is
Dogs Public Space Protection Order in Lambeth have your say on proposals Visit the Lambeth website to have your say by completing our short survey. The consultation is running from 13 February to 26 March.
Brockwell Hall Cafe
For once, not a Council consultation, but one of the contenders to run the cafe in the restored Hall is doing some market research. What sort of services or menus would you like to see? Do sports groups have any special needs?
Charlie Gleeson is conducting the survey, which you can find at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/7ZXVSBS
Green spaces and Green issues
Barrier Block Greening Project
The Brixton Business Improvement District has been awarded a grant from the Mayor’s Grow Back Greener fund to remodel the green space in front of Southwyck House on Coldharbour Lane. Supported by Urban Growth, the new layout will provide fruit trees, a wild meadow and a shaded games area. If you would like to be involved in developing these ideas, contact admin@brixtonbid.co.uk
Join the Chelsea Fringe
As a spin-off from the Chelsea Flower Show, this alternative garden festival takes place between 20 and 28 May. Events can take place throughout Greater London, in other parts of the country, or even abroad. Events start being posted on the Fringe website from this month, so if you have an idea — or you want more visitors to something you were already planning – contact the Fringe team at info@chelseafringe.com
News from Myatt’s Fields Park
The Park is seeking to appoint a part-time Community Engagement Manager (3 days a week). Deadline for applications is 7th March – find the full job description and application process at https://www.myattsfieldspark.info/work-for-us.html
Funding, Training and support
Grants deadlines reminder
Once again, a reminder of approaching deadlines for various grant funds. Most of these have previously been circulated by Integrate, so if you missed the original alert, please contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk
The Walcot Foundation is reviewing its funding priorities for the next 3 years. Please submit your comments before 20 February.
The Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust is offering grants of up to £1,000 to support the rehabilitation of ex-prisoners and those at risk of offending. Priority will be given to work with Ethnic Minorities. Deadline 28 February.
The Mayor’s Community Weekend Fund is offering grants up to £1500 towards events to be held during the Mayor’s Community Weekend, 23 to 25 June. Deadline is 12 noon on Wednesday 1st March.
Reclaim Black Heritage Fund – As the final round of the 81 Acts campaign, grants of up to £4,000 are being offered to black-led groups but projects must be completed by 15 July. Deadline for applications is 5 pm on 2nd March, and awards will be announced by Ubele around 10-12 April.
Training with Brixton BID
Even if you are a small start-up or social enterprise, if you are working in the BID area, you should be eligible for the free training events organised by the BID. There is a course each month for the next several months. Upcoming topics include Mental Health First Aid (20 March) and Health & Safety (24 April). For further details and booking, see their website at www.brixtonbid.co.uk
Keep in touch!
Something to share with us?
If you are doing something around the Brixton area, why not use these bulletins to tell other Forum members about your activities, or your next event?We aim to publish around the 10th of each month, so we really need to hear from you by the 5th March to be included in the next issue.
Please send items for the bulletin, and ideas for Forum events, to the Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com
What’s missing?
We still have the resources to run at least one more event or Forum meeting in March or April, but if you have a bright idea, you need to tell us NOW! For example, do you want to present your bright idea or achievements to other Forum members, or is there some training you can’t find through your usual channels?
Is this your best e-mail?
We are keen to reach all local organisations and activists. Please contact us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org
– If you want to add a colleague or neighbour to the mailing list.
– if you want these bulletins sent to a different e-mail address, so you see them sooner or more reliably.
– if you have moved away or are no longer interested.