Tag Archives: coronavirus

Bulletin may 2020

Latest info about coping with the Coronavirus epidemic

Precautions for Volunteers

Lambeth Council has updated its health precautions guidance notes for volunteers working in various different roles.  This includes those assisting vulnerable people, those involved in food distribution, either at food banks/ hubs or actually delivering to people’s homes, and those working on community gardening projects. These notes and other information can be found at www.lambeth.gov.uk/coronavirus

Lambeth Food Hub

This has been a joint effort between Lambeth Food Partnership, Incredible Edible Lambeth and the Healthy Living Platform, led by Sue Sheehan. Using the bowling green in the basement of the Brixton Rec., volunteers have been sorting donated groceries and packing lots of food boxes to send out to vulnerable households, mostly delivered by bike. 7000 boxes had gone out as of a week ago.For a good summary of the various food and food-growing initiatives in and around Lambeth, see the website www.lambethfoodpartnership.org.uk and follow the links to Covid 19-related services.  Enquiries to lambethfood@gmail.com The Healthy Living Platform is about to put out a call for more volunteers – see their website, www.healthylivingplatform.org  or e-mail to incredibleedibleleap@gmail.com or phone 07 701 365 551.

Mutual Aid and WhatsApp groups – update

We listed 16 groups around the wider Brixton area in the previous e-bulletin, based on information from the Brixton Buzz website, www.brixtonbuzz.com There is a generic phone number for contacting the Mutual Aid groups, 0800  009 6504 (but not for the WhatsApp groups). We have also been told about another WhatsApp group, this one covering streets on the east side of Brixton Hill, including Beechdale and Fairmount Roads, Raleigh Gardens and Cherry Laurel and Virginia Walks:  https://chat.whatsapp.com/L65godsbvBIArau6PwJLF5

Delivering Services Equally

Black Thrive are collecting information on how the pandemic and the lockdown are affecting people’s lives, with the aim of improving services now and in the future.  They would also like to hear if you have any ideas or suggestions for how public bodies and voluntary organisations can deliver their services equally and equitably.  They would particularly like to hear voices from Lambeth’s Black communities.  There’s a short questionnaire which should take no more than 10 minutes, at https://lse.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2ulnR5ZFMEnP8Xz

Support for Portuguese speakers

A new Portuguese-language helpline has been set up by the Lambeth Portuguese Wellbeing Partnership.  They can be contacted on (020) 3143 4060. They are also looking for more Portuguese speaking volunteers to help run the helpline.    

Life after Lockdown

There’s a lot of speculation at present about how and when the present restrictions will be eased.  We are all trying to plan ahead, despite much uncertainty, though some activities and businesses will be affected more than others.  Several umbrella organisations are organising webinars or “virtual briefings” to help their members make the best of the present situation and prepare for recovery. We still have Saturday 26 September in the Forum diary for our Community Showcase event on Windrush Square, but cannot make firmer plans yet.  If there are other things your Forum should be doing as well, or instead, let’s hear from you.

Funding, Training and other support

Lambeth Fund for VCS organisations

In case you haven’t heard, Lambeth Council are providing one-off payments of up to £10k to help voluntary and community organisations.  This is being funded from part of the Community Infrastructure Levy collected on new building developments.  The aim is to make communities more resilient both during the crisis and in the recovery period that should follow.  The one exclusion is for food-related projects, where the Council is making a separate funding contribution. Organisations must be Lambeth-based with an existing bank account and a written constitution.If you have not already received a notice with a link to the simple application form, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Other Coronavirus-related Grants

Our friends at Age UK Lambeth recommend this web-page for a wide range of sources for community organisations, regularly updated: https://www.grantsonline.org.uk/coronavirus.html If you are in business, you ought to be checking the regular bulletins from the Brixton BID, but there’s a guide to applying for a Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan at www.knowyourmoney.co.uk  DSC advise us that charities are also eligible for this.

Support for Art studies

Another example of an established funder switching its priorities to respond to changing needs, the Paul Mellon Centre has made £200k available to fund both individuals and institutions, to sustain research and writing on British art and architecture. There are Research Continuity Grants of £10k for institutions such as galleries or museums, and Research Continuity Fellowships of £5k to enable individuals to continue research projects when other means of support may no longer be available.  Deadline for applications is noon on 19 May – apply online at grants.paul-mellon-centre.ac.uk

Directory of Social Change

Their books warehouse is operating again, so you can order grants directories and management handbooks with confidence they will arrive.Some of the most popular training courses have been adapted for delivery on-line as a selection of one-hour sessions.  These will be on fixed dates from 11 May onwards at £20 a time for small non-profit organisations.  There are still some free sessions via their Training Online Platform. More information at www.dsc.org.uk

Virtual College open for Council Tenants

Selected on-line courses are free to residents of Lambeth Council estates. We reported this last time but did not have a local link for enquiries – e-mail to engagement@homesforlambeth.co.uk more information at https://www.homesforlambeth.co.uk/virtual_college_launch

Helping the left-behind

With so much of normal life having moved on-line, we need to remember that many people and organisations don’t have the skills or resources to keep up.  We were pleased to hear about one of the organisations trying to get devices to people who don’t have them.  Naturally the first step is encouraging people to donate spare kit (or the funds to buy it) and then to distribute it to people in need.  The DevicesDotNow campaign is asking businesses to donate tablets, laptops and smartphones, as well as connectivity in the form of sims, dongles, and access to mobile hotspots. It’s supported by the Department for Digital Culture, Media and Sport.  See the website for more information and FAQs: https://futuredotnow.uk/

And if your group needs expert advice to help you keep up, can we remind you about access to skilled virtual volunteers through Link Up London, website link www.linkuplondon.org/flash-support-virtual-volunteers-org-info/ or e-mail your needs to hello@linkuplondon.org

Health and Social Care

The Future of Lambeth Hospital, Landor Road

A reminder that the closing date for comments on the service changes is 31 May.  Public consultation events are not possible but there are still a few ways in.  First, check out the proposals on-line at https://lambethtogether.net/lambethhospital/ You can complete a hard copy of the survey available on the website, or on-line at www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/lambethhospitalconsultation Or you can e-mail to lamccg.hospitalconsultation@nhs.net or phone 0800 307 7650.

GPs still open for business

It’s been a close-run thing at times, but the NHS has not been swamped by the Coronavirus epidemic, and capacity to deal with other health problems is gradually returning.  In particular, GPs are still operating, though they would prefer that you phone or contact them on-line first, rather than just turn up.  Their concern is that people have been staying away for fear that it was unsafe to visit, but health problems are easier to treat if picked up early.  Don’t get so fixated on Coronavirus that you get seriously ill from something else because you delayed seeking medical advice.

NHS Volunteer Responders

For those who are vulnerable but not currently being supported, the NHS recently launched a Volunteer Responder Scheme.  It offers help with shopping, prescription collection or a friendly chat to stave off loneliness, targeting these categories:

  • People over 70 with underlying health conditions
  • Pregnant women
  • People who are registered as disabled
  • People with severe obesity
  • People with high-risk medical conditions, weakened immune systems, diabetes, dementia, renal failure or liver disease.

 If you, or someone you know, meets these criteria, call 0808 196 3646 between 8 am and 8 pm.

Dance for the Brain

Free weekly creative dance classes for adults with early symptoms of dementia, to engage the body and brain through movement and co-created choreography. Hosted by Siobhan Davies Studios via Zoom, led by a professional dance artist, sessions are on Tuesdays at 2-15 pm, from 5th May to 23 June. Enquiries to Veronica on 07 713 636 381, e-mail to veronica@arts4dementia.org.uk

Green spaces and green fingers

Finding a future for Brockwell Hall

Work continues on developing a bid to renovate Brockwell Hall in the centre of the park.  Key to this is being able to host a programme of activities which generate income to maintain the building, and are likely to be supported by the surrounding communities.  Do you have any bright ideas (or pet hates)? Would your group want to hold any activities in or around the building?  We are awaiting news of another round of consultations on this, due to start at the end of this month, so look out for more details in the next couple of bulletins.

Facelift for Loughborough Park

For some time we have been encouraging an emerging Friends group for this pocket park.  We had been looking forward to a consultation event this summer to canvass more ideas from the wider community, but for the time being, initial ideas have been posted at www.lambeth.gov.uk/loughboroughpark Lambeth Parks officers are willing to upgrade the children’s playground, but the biggest challenge is a disused adventure playground enclosure in the centre of the park, and one suggestion is to reclaim most of this site to extend the usable greenspace.

Grow Food at Home

Myatt’s Fields Park Project is offering to residents of Coldharbour and Vassall Wards, with priority to lower income households

  • Seedlings to grow outside (garden, balcony or community space): tomatoes, kale, pumpkins, chillies and spring onions, from this week onwards.
  • Seedlings to grow indoors, from 18th May onwards: chillies, lettuce and herb plants.

Plants will come with instructions and compost if you need it, and even a video demo on how to grow each plant type. To apply, go to: www.myattsfieldspark.info/free-seedlings.html

Other News and Events

Hondo Plans for Popes Road

Despite the current crisis, the business of property development in Brixton still rolls onward.  Hondo Enterprises, owners of the two main arcades, have put in a planning application for building two towers on the site now used by Sports Direct in Popes Road.  The design closely follows that exhibited at the end of January.  One of the towers will be 19 storeys high, with a 9-storey block at the Valentia Place end of the site between the railway viaducts. All the space would be in commercial use, though early ideas for a hotel use have been dropped. Details can be seen on the Planning Applications Database section of the main Lambeth Council website, under reference 20/01347/FUL. The deadline for comments is 12 May – e-mail to MCassidy@lambeth.gov.uk or comment directly in the application link.

Lambeth History Talks on-line

Weekly topics have now been announced up to the end of May. Capacity has been upgraded to cope with audiences of over 100 people.  The talks are also being recorded so they will be viewable on Instagram if you miss them.  To book a place for the live version for a session, e-mail archives@lambeth.gov.uk to receive the Zoom log-in details.

For other Lambeth Library services available on-line, see the Council’s website, www.lambeth.gov.uk/LibraryServicesOnline and this link for the latest news https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/UKLAMBETH/bulletins/2896e95Inboxx If you don’t have a library membership, to access the full range, you can sign up on-line at www.lambeth.gov.uk/jointhelibrary

News from Art4Space

Art4Space has been busy adapting to the new situation, in the hope of opening the Centre soon in a new safer format.  They have also become a Trinity Champion Centre, in recognition of their achievement in putting more than 100 children through their Arts Award certification. Art in a Box has been delivered to 6 local primary schools.  It provides children and teachers with creative resources and lesson plans to support schools and children during these difficult times.  Thanks to the Arts Council for supporting this initiative. They are also contributing to the BBC’s Get Creative at Home.  And do have a look at Louise’s video demonstrations, refreshed every 2 weeks. See the website for more – www.art4space.co.uk

Keep in Touch 

 Share your news

Let’s hear something from your group or your corner of Brixton for our next issue.  For the time being, we are issuing these bulletins twice a month. To include your news or event in the next one, please send it before 14 May, or for the June issue, 28 May, to Alan Piper, Forum Secretary, at apiperbrix@aol.com

Faulty link? Failed to download?

We cannot always check whether web-links supplied to us actually work, and it’s easy for typos to creep in.  Do contact our Secretary if you could not get through and we will try to check the original message, or forward the attachment, as required – e-mail to apiperbrix@aol.com.  We prefer not to send out attached files to all our members – I guess most would disappear into spam filters anyway. We have also been putting more information on our website in the past few months, so you can also try the links from that – and please let us know if those don’t work! www.brixtoneighbourhoodforum.org

Keep our mailing list up-to-date

Please notify us at admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org

  • If you are changing your e-mail or other contact details
  • If you want to add a colleague or neighbour
  • If you have moved away or no longer want to receive these bulletins.

april 2020 update

Highlights in this issue

– Coping during the Coronavirus epidemic

– Health and Social Care news

– Greenspaces and green fingers

– Funding, training and other support

– Virtual events and news from groups

Coping during the Coronavirus epidemic

 Sharing information with you

We are currently circulating information twice a month, trying to keep you all in touch with developments and emerging sources of help.  Most of the information below is extra to that we circulated earlier this month. If there are other things you think the Forum should be doing, do tell us – but remember face-to-face meetings are still out of the question.   

Help with Shopping

Lambeth Council is currently trialling a new shopping offer, as part of its borough-wide food offer.  This is based on a service previously delivered by Age UK Lambeth.  It will be provided to residents who are unable to leave their homes due to Coronavirus, but who do not require an emergency food package.  Around Brixton, Vassall is one of the trial wards, with Brixton Hill and Tulse Hill about to be added.  Plans are still developing, but if you or a neighbour have a need for this, contact the Council’s helpline, 020 7926 2999 between 8 am and 8 pm, Monday to Friday, or see their website, www.lambeth.gov.uk and follow the links. 

Mutual Aid and WhatsApp groups

We found that the most complete listing of these groups around Brixton is on the Brixton Buzz website, including hot links – see www.brixtonbuzz.com

There is now a generic free phone number to contact the Mutual Aid groups, 0800 009 6504. The main local groups are:

– ABRA (Arlingford & Brailsford Roads, SW2)

-Acre Lane and West Brixton

  • Brixton Hill (Lyham Road/ Blenheim Gardens/ Lambert Road/ Branksome Road)

– Brixton SW2 (Glenelg/ Strathleven/ Kildoran/ Maulever/ Mandrell Roads)

– Brixton Water Lane & St. Matthew’s Estate

– Brockwell Park Estate, SW2

– Clapham Park (roads between Lyham Road and Kings Avenue, including Kingswood, Rosebery and Thornbury)

– Coldharbour (Central Brixton)

– Ferndale

– Leander Road

– Loughborough Junction

– Poets Corner (Railton and roads off)

– Tulse Hill (main group)

– Cressingham Gardens (sub-group of Tulse Hill)

– Mackie, Hillworth and Estoria Roads SW2 (sub-group of Tulse Hill)

– Vassall.

And if there are other active groups out there, please tell us – apiperbrix@aol.com

Local Businesses are still operating

You can now find them: Brixton Local is a new website that connects you to local services during the outbreak.  So far, 61 organisations are listed, from Brixton Brewery to Yogapoint, mostly businesses but also some VCS organisations like Brixton Pound.  The emphasis is on those providing delivery of goods, though there are also various remote services on offer such as advice and webinars.  Explore the site at https://www.brixtonlocal.life/

On-line Meetings

Recently we have all had to make use of various forms of on-line or virtual meeting systems.  However, if you are a registered charity or a limited company, key decisions still need to be made and recorded correctly, with an adequate quorum of board members or trustees involved.  The Directory of Social Change recently flagged up a handy guide to good practice, compiled by the Chartered Governance Institute.  It includes a useful comparison of the available types of software to enable such virtual board meetings.  The PDF file can be found here http://www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Virtual-Board-Mtg-Ap20.pdf

However, it does not address the looming issue of Annual General Meetings, where more members may need to be involved – probably time to start reading the small print of your constitution! How should we support the “left behind”? Telling people to do it all on-line can work for a lot of people, but not everybody has either the kit or the IT skills to sort their benefits or order groceries on-line.  And how can anybody afford a smartphone if they are on Universal Credit?  This is troubling several of the Neighbourhood Forums right now – we want to be inclusive but we cannot see a way forward – got any bright ideas?

 Health and Social Care News

 Firms feeding NHS workers

The major food delivery firms have recently been offering concessions to NHS staff. Just Eat offered a 25% discount to NHS workers, and this has been extended until 26 April after staff had ordered a million meals through the scheme in its first two weeks. Last month, Uber Eats gave away 100,000 vouchers valued at £10 to enable NHS workers to buy a meal from the restaurants and convenience stores linked to its app. Deliveroo has raised £1.5 million to enable it to donate free meals to NHS workers.  The money, from customer donations and corporate funding, will provide £20 Deliveroo vouchers to 50,000 frontline workers, covering both the meal and delivery. Source: The Big Hospitality e-mail bulletins.

Staying Well

A major concern during the present crisis is to minimise demand on the hospitals, not just from coronavirus cases, but also from other conditions exaggerated by lack of exercise or fresh air, or the stress of sharing limited space at home.  Common threads among several “survival guides” seem to be setting a routine (but taking regular breaks), a varied diet rather than comfort eating, getting regular exercise, fresh air (at least you can now open a window) and touching base with the extended family, friends and colleagues. If you have any other “top tips”, why not share them with us? It may also be worth noting that Brixton Therapy Centre is offering Video and Telephone Consultations – enquiries to (020) 7733 9944 or e-mail to info@brixtontherapycentre.com

Greenspaces – and green fingers

Social distance in parks – jog responsibly!

  • Friends of Brockwell Park are encouraging park users to follow these guidelines to maintain social distance within the Park , which has been very busy on recent occasions. These apply across walkers, pram pushers, wheelchair users, runners and cyclists.
  • Move around the park on the left-hand side of the path, keeping 2m behind the person in front. Most paths are wide enough for you to stay 2m clear of people approaching from the other direction.
  • Overtake to your left, on the grass, keeping 2m clear of others.
  • If there is no space to the left, only use the opposite lane if this is clear of other users.  Do not walk, run or cycle between the two lanes, to maintain that 2m clearance.  That may mean joggers running on the spot until a safe space opens up, or cyclists dismounting, but please keep a safe distance.

Discover other green spaces

Why not ring the changes and explore some other open spaces on our patch?  I have just heard from a Town Centre resident who has discovered Myatt’s Fields Park for the first time.  Far fewer people know about the Loughborough Park open space – there is far more to it than a disused adventure playground.  You might think that Trinity Gardens, Blenheim Gardens and Wyck Gardens are too small to bother with, but at least the walk there will vary your exercise routine.  And with less traffic on the roads, a woodland walk through Brixton Orchard and Rush Common finally becomes worth tackling.

Grow at Home

Community gardening efforts are rather limited right now, but have not stopped completely.

Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses are running some “remote” sessions including Gardeners Question Time, Fermentation classes, Story Stompers and a Singing Group. They also have some young soft fruit bushes, grown from cuttings, for sale at £5 each.  For details of all these, see their website,  wwwbrockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events/

Myatt’s Fields Park has a free seedlings scheme to help local people grow their own food at home.  This applies to residents of Coldharbour and Vassall wards  More details at www.myattsfieldspark.info/free-seedlings.html They have also highlighted the Lambeth Larder website for great tips on food growing, recipes and saving money.  See  www.lambethlarder.org

If you are an experienced grower, Incredible Edible Lambeth are looking for people to start vegetable seedlings at home and then share with the community.  See https://www.incedibleediblelambeth.org/news/growing-veg-for-your-community/

Funding, Support and Training 

New funding sources

The problem for many groups seems to be that income from events and sessional activities has dried up, but many fixed costs still need to be met, so the business plan has gone out the window.  Some funders have diverted resources to help keep voluntary groups operating, and if you are already operating with grant support, many funders are willing to be flexible about outcomes and reporting timescales – but you need to keep them in touch with any changes in how you are operating.  If you are still seeking funds, either to do more or to start something new, it’s more difficult right now. 

The London Community Response Fund has been delivering differently grants for the up-front costs of switching the way you deliver services, e.g. putting sessions online:  https://londoncommunityresponsefund.org.uk

For a more general list of sources for organisations supporting people during the Coronavirus lock-down, see  https://charitybank.org/news/covid-19-emergency-funding-for-charities-and-social-sector-organisations

Webinars and On-line Courses

Survival Strategies for Youth and Play organisations is a FAQ session being led by the Integrate Agency on Friday 24 April from 2 pm. Business planning, financial resilience and future income generation will be included.  To submit questions in advance, please e-mail to Tom Cunningham, tcunningham@lambeth.gov.uk by Wednesday. To reserve a place, e-mail richard.davis@integrateagency.co.uk

Homes for Lambeth has started a new partnership with the Virtual College to provide free access to selected on-line courses for Lambeth Council tenants. There is potential for more (see www.virtual-college.co.uk ) but on offer to start with are:- Nutrition and hydration;- Completing application forms;- Get moving, get healthy. The Directory of Social Change has confirmed that courses on its Training Online Platform will be free to access until 17 July.  More details at www.dscorg.uk and follow the links.

Virtual Events and Other News

Write on Art

Teenagers running out of things to do?  Write on Art is a national writing competition for students aged 15 to 18 and studying in the UK.  Its mission is to encourage an interest in Art History among young people. All students need to do is select one art work from www.artuk.org that fascinates them and persuade readers to share their interest and take a closer look.  Entries can be made in 2 categories, years 10/11 or 12/13, and win a cash prize of £500.  The deadline for entries has been extended to 31 July – see www.writeonart.org for guidelines and entry details. 

Soft Launch for “81 Acts” programme

Since last summer, several local groups and arts activists have been talking about how to mark the 40th anniversary of the original Brixton Riots in April 1981.  What is emerging is a programme of events under the banner of 81 Acts of Exuberant Defiance. With a year to go, we had intended some kind of curtain raiser over the Easter weekend, but the current restrictions ruled out even a stroll together along Railton Road, the old flashpoint. Instead, we have had to make do with a virtual launch, through e-mails and social media channels.  If you have not already picked this up, please check out the links below and respond with your own ideas and comments.  Share with your own networks, discuss with those who were around at the time, and consider if there are lessons for today.  Above all, we want you to start planning now so that Brixton can host a wide range of activities and events between April and October next year. Find out more at  https://81actsofexuberantdefiance.com Get involved by contacting connect@81actsofexuberantdefiance.com

A Longfield Hall Celebration

An evening of entertainment from the many artists who use the halls – on Friday 1st May at 7-30 pm, via their Facebook Live page  @Longfieldhall. Hosted live from their homes by the hall’s artistic director, Laura Harling, and presenters Adam Courting (BBC Radio 4) and Kate Starling (London Fringe Radio), with streamed performances from a range of artists and organisations that use the hall.  In order to support the artists at this difficult time, viewers are encouraged to donate via Paypal – more details at www.longfieldhall.org.uk/events

Lockdown Diaries

These days will pass – but keep a record. The Lock-down Diaries is a Lambeth Archives project to collect local people’s experiences of the Coronavirus epidemic in Lambeth.  The project is to encourage Lambeth residents to start keeping a diary, and then to send a copy to the Archives, documenting their lives right now. The Archives staff are particularly interested in the experiences of people whose lives have been dramatically affected by recent events, such as NHS staff and restaurant proprietors. 

Enquiries to archives@lambeth.gov.uk or by Twitter,  @LambethArchivesKeep in touch

Share your News

To include your news or event in the next e-bulletin, be sure to send it before 28 April to the Forum Secretary at apiperbrix@aol.com

We are trying to sustain publication twice a month, and we have also been putting more information on this website.

Keep our mailing list up-to-date

Please notify admin@brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org – if you are changing your e-mail or other contact details;- if you want to add a colleague or neighbour;- if you have moved away or no longer want to receive these bulletins.

coronavirus / covid-19 support update

8 June 2020 rules update: See exactly what applies in full detail here

Important advice on travelling here

On this page

Updated 13 June 2020

  • Local advice and resources from Lambeth, Brixton BID and links to local self-help groups
  • Regional advice and resources from the mayor of London and Metropolitan Police
  • National advice from the government, NHS and Public Health England
  • Volunteering: Advice on staying safe
  • Food growing and community gardens
  • Health, wellbeing, faith and culture at home and outside
  • Shopping in Brixton
  • Crime resources: Domestic abuse and scams
  • Pandemic statistics: International national and local

Local – Lambeth

Lambeth helpline for access to food and medicines: 020 7926 2999

Lambeth’s Get Support site (Assistance – Financial help, benefits, employment and housing advice – mental health, domestic violence and emotional support – children and families)

Lambeth Food Hub This has been a joint effort between Lambeth Food Partnership, Incredible Edible Lambeth and the Healthy Living Platform, led by Sue Sheehan. Using the bowling green in the basement of the Brixton Rec., volunteers have been sorting donated groceries and packing lots of food boxes to send out to vulnerable households, mostly delivered by bike. 7000 boxes had gone out as of a week ago.For a good summary of the various food and food-growing initiatives in and around Lambeth, see the website www.lambethfoodpartnership.org.uk and follow the links to Covid 19-related services.  Enquiries to lambethfood@gmail.com The Healthy Living Platform is about to put out a call for more volunteers – see their website, www.healthylivingplatform.org  or e-mail to incredibleedibleleap@gmail.com or phone 07 701 365 551.

A Portuguese language helpline to support Portuguese speakers has been set up by the Lambeth Portuguese Wellbeing Partnership with Age UK:  020 3143 4060 – open seven days a week 10am-4pm They are also looking for more Portuguese speaking volunteers to help run the helpline. Full information is here http://www.lambethlife.com/lambeth-talk-covid-19-support-available-for-portuguese-readers/

Lambeth’s main information page is here https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/coronavirus-covid-19

Lambeth’s downloadable guide covering a wide variety of topics is here http://www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Community-organisation-external-FINAL-9-April.pdf

Local Business Support from Brixton Business Improvement Disctrict https://www.brixtonbid.co.uk/covid-19/

Lambeth Mutual Aid – a growing group of volunteers committed to providing and facilitating mutual support in our community http://a growing group of volunteers committed to providing and facilitating mutual support in our community.

Local and street level self help groups as compiled by Brixton Buzz http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2020/03/lambeth-coronavirus-full-listing-of-local-whatsapp-support-groups/

Regional – Mayor of London / GLA / TfL

Mayor of London resources and advice https://www.london.gov.uk/coronavirus

Thrive London – a citywide movement to improve the mental health and wellbeing of all Londoners. It is supported by the Mayor of London and led by the London Health Board partners https://thriveldn.co.uk

Metropolitan Police – Be clear about the restrictions, and other advice https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/c19/coronavirus-covid-19/

Transport for London have issued advice on new terms of carriage starting on 15 June, in particular the wearing of face coverings. General advice on travelling on all public transport is here: http://www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/GOV-Travel-Advice.pdf

Adaptations at Brixton station – It’s been a while since many of us have been on the tube, and the advice remains to only travel if you need to. Just as in the shops, new sanitising and distancing measures are in place, along with new signage. This short video blog shows how Brixton station has been adapted, so you know what to expect if you do need to travel, and includes an interview with the Managing Director of London Underground. https://youtu.be/bykaHNVYflk


UK Government

  • Protect yourself and others
  • Testing
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Employment, financial support and money
  • Working safely
  • Business and self employed people
  • School openings, education and childcare
  • Housing and accommodation
  • Driving and transport in the UK
  • International travel and immigration
  • Volunteering and offering help
  • Healthcare workers, carers and care settings
  • Support if someone dies


Leaflet on protecting yourself and others https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/877678/coronavirus-leaflet.pdf


Concerns about symptoms – NHS 111

NHS Latest information and advice

  • Check of you or your child has symptoms
  • Self-isolation and treatment if you have symptoms
  • Testing and tracing
  • People at higher risk
  • Social distancing and changes to everyday life


Public Health England

PHE publishes free campaign material that can be used for posters and on websites https://coronavirusresources.phe.gov.uk/

Latest advice on distancing for young people (updated 9 May) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-staying-at-home-and-away-from-others-guidance-for-young-people/covid-19-staying-at-home-and-away-from-others-social-distancing-guidance-for-young-people

All public advice (updated 1 June) https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-list-of-guidance

Health & Safety Executive

The HSE has not featured prominently in the public consciousness to date, but points out that businesses should stay open as much as possible, except for some non-essential shops and public venues that were ordered by the government to close.  Some construction sites and other businesses are beginning to re-open, having taken time to reassess working practices against the distancing requirements. The prospect of no early end to distancing will mean that more businesses that can, are likely to reopen and adapt rather than wait indefinitely.   This page has specific advice on distancing in the workplace, which is also relevant for volunteers engaged in key services (see also volunteer section below) https://www.hse.gov.uk/news/social-distancing-coronavirus.htm

There is wider advice covering a variety of topics, including workplace PPE here: https://www.hse.gov.uk/news/coronavirus.htm?utm_source=hse.gov.uk&utm_medium=refferal&utm_campaign=coronavirus&utm_term=covid-landing&utm_content=home-page-popular


The National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) has published easy to understand advice on maintaining safety and distancing while volunteering here: https://www.ncvo.org.uk/ncvo-volunteering/i-want-to-volunteer/volunteering-coronavirus

and have produced a useful PDF download for briefing organisations

Lambeth has produced this PDF download on volunteering

Register with Lambeth for volunteering donating food, money, and keeping safe here: https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/forms/volunteer-to-help-your-community

Advice on volunteering at the Lambeth Food Hub is here

NHS Volunteer Responders

  • delivering medicines from pharmacies;
  • driving patients to appointments;
  • bringing them home from hospital;
  • or making regular phone calls to check on people isolating at home.

– Due to the level of interest, new applications have been paused, but check the website for updates: https://www.goodsamapp.org/NHS

Other local organisations offering volunteering opportunities

Lambeth Forum Network https://www.lambeth.gov.uk/elections-and-council/lambeth-forum-network-lfn

AGE UK https://www.ageuk.org.uk/lambeth/get-involved/together/

Lambeth Mutual Aid https://www.lambethmutualaid.co.uk

Next Door https://nextdoor.co.uk/

Communities Together https://together.madeopen.co.uk/

List of local WhatsApp suport groups compiled by Brixton Buzz http://www.brixtonbuzz.com/2020/03/lambeth-coronavirus-full-listing-of-local-whatsapp-support-groups/

Brixton Soup Kitchen https://brixtonsoupkitchen.org/

Donate food

Lambeth Larder http://www.lambethlarder.org/

Norwood & Brixton Foodbank https://norwoodbrixton.foodbank.org.uk/

Lambeth Food Bank Fund https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-lambeth-food-bank-fund

Funding for organisations

Locality has regularly updated information on local and national funding sources https://locality.org.uk/services-tools/resources/coronavirus-covid-19-information-and-support/covid-19-funding/

Lambeth Fund for VCS Organisations

Lambeth Council are providing one-off payments of up to £10k to help voluntary and community organisations.  This is being funded from part of the Community Infrastructure Levy collected on new building developments.  The aim is to make communities more resilient both during the crisis and in the recovery period that should follow.  The one exclusion is for food-related projects, where the Council is making a separate funding contribution. Organisations must be Lambeth-based with an existing bank account and a written constitution.If you have not already received a notice with a link to the simple application form, contact eoin.heffernan@integrateagency.co.uk

Other Coronavirus-related Grants

Our friends at Age UK Lambeth recommend this web-page for a wide range of sources for community organisations, regularly updated: https://www.grantsonline.org.uk/coronavirus.html If you are in business, you ought to be checking the regular bulletins from the Brixton BID, but there’s a guide to applying for a Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan at www.knowyourmoney.co.uk  DSC advise us that charities are also eligible for this.

Staying at home

Summary of information and tips from Lamtheth Talk PDF

News – get facts from the government website http://www.gov.uk/coronavirus

Stress – take sufficient rest, eat properly, do some physical activity and keep in touch with family and friends http://nhs.uk/oneyou/ every-mind-matters/coronaviruscovid-19-anxiety-tips

Routine – follow usual routine as much as possible and don’t overwork https://www.good-thinking.uk/

Keep active – Build in physical activity into your day, remembering that dancing, cleaning your home, and seated exercises also count https://www.sportengland.org/news-and-blogs

Being alone – do things to boost your mood if things are too quiet for your liking https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/coronavirus/coronavirus-and-your-wellbeing/

Church and Mosque at home

Information for staying connected and online services:

Church of England – Southwark Diocese list of local churches with online offer https://southwark.anglican.org/churchonline/

Catholic Diocese of Southwark – http://www.rcsouthwark.co.uk

New Testament – https://ntcgbrixton.org

Advice from the Muslim Council https://mcb.org.uk/general/ramadan2020_guidance/

Art, Culture and History at Home

Lambeth Library services available on-line, see the website, www.lambeth.gov.uk/LibraryServicesOnline for general information. See this here for updates and links for online events. If you don’t have a library membership, to access the full range, you can sign up on-line at www.lambeth.gov.uk/jointhelibrary

Lambeth Local History talks online – Weekly topics have now been announced up to the end of May. Capacity has been upgraded to cope with audiences of over 100 people.  The talks are also being recorded so they will be viewable on Instagram if you miss them.  To book a place for the live version for a session, e-mail archives@lambeth.gov.uk to receive the Zoom log-in details

Get your art at home – our guide to what the galleries (local and around the world) are offering online: http://www.brixtonneighbourhoodforum.org/?p=338

London history in cinema – This link has old documentaries about London in iPlayer https://londonist.com/london/film/iplayer

Art4Space has been busy adapting to the new situation, in the hope of opening the Centre soon in a new safer format. They are also contributing to the BBC’s Get Creative at Home.  And do have a look at Louise’s video demonstrations, refreshed every 2 weeks. See the website for more – www.art4space.co.uk

Living History – We are unwittingly living through a key time in the course of world events. Lambeth Archives would like to capture the moment by getting help with collecting items that shows life in Lambeth during the lockdown period – full details at: https://www.lambethlocalhistoryforum.org.uk

Theatre – This page has links to a variety of online theatre performances https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2020/mar/17/hottest-front-room-seats-the-best-theatre-and-dance-to-watch-online

Greenspaces – and green fingers

Social distance in parks – jog responsibly!

Friends of Brockwell Park are encouraging park users to follow these guidelines to maintain social distance within the Park , which has been very busy on recent occasions. These apply across walkers, pram pushers, wheelchair users, runners and cyclists.

  • Move around the park on the left-hand side of the path, keeping 2m behind the person in front. Most paths are wide enough for you to stay 2m clear of people approaching from the other direction.
  • Overtake to your left, on the grass, keeping 2m clear of others.
  • If there is no space to the left, only use the opposite lane if this is clear of other users.  Do not walk, run or cycle between the two lanes, to maintain that 2m clearance.  That may mean joggers running on the spot until a safe space opens up, or cyclists dismounting, but please keep a safe distance.

Discover other green spaces

Why not ring the changes and explore some other open spaces on our patch?  I have just heard from a Town Centre resident who has discovered Myatt’s Fields Park for the first time.  Far fewer people know about the Loughborough Park open space – there is far more to it than a disused adventure playground.  You might think that Trinity Gardens, Blenheim Gardens and Wyck Gardens are too small to bother with, but at least the walk there will vary your exercise routine.  And with less traffic on the roads, a woodland walk through Brixton Orchard and Rush Common finally becomes worth tackling.

Grow at Home

Community gardening efforts are rather limited right now, but have not stopped completely. Advice on volunteering on food growing projects is here

Brockwell Park Community Greenhouses are running some “remote” sessions including Gardeners Question Time, Fermentation classes, Story Stompers and a Singing Group. They also have some young soft fruit bushes, grown from cuttings, for sale at £5 each.  For details of all these, see their website,  wwwbrockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/events/

Myatt’s Fields Park has a free seedlings scheme to help local people grow their own food at home.  This applies to residents of Coldharbour and Vassall wards  More details at www.myattsfieldspark.info/free-seedlings.html They have also highlighted the Lambeth Larder website for great tips on food growing, recipes and saving money.  See  www.lambethlarder.org

If you are an experienced grower, Incredible Edible Lambeth are looking for people to start vegetable seedlings at home and then share with the community.  See https://www.incedibleediblelambeth.org/news/growing-veg-for-your-community/


One of the positive things is that we seem to be falling back in love with our corner shops. Brixton Local is website that list details of local independent shops that remain open for business, including food outlets with takeaway service https://www.brixtonlocal.life/

Brixton Blog has a roundup of food and drink outlets here: https://brixtonblog.com/2020/05/take-it-away-brixton/

The big stores currently operate revised opening times with special times for vulnerable and key workers – please check their websites for all details, as they vary over bank holiday weekends. The general pattern for Tesco Acre Lane and Sainsbury’s Tulse Hill is:

  • NHS / Social care workers: Mon-Sat 7.30-8am at Sainsbury’s, Sun/Tue/Thu 9-10am at Tesco
  • Elderly, vulnerable and carers: Mon/Wed/Fri 8-9am at Sainsbury’s and Mon/Wed/Fri 9-10am at Tesco

Brixton Market has remained open, for food stalls only, with a more spacious layout. Mon-Sat 8am-6pm (Weds ’til 3pm)

More shops are getting ready to re-open in June. What can we expect?

Brixton Business Improvement District has issued advice on the preparations that shops and businesses need to make here: https://www.brixtonbid.co.uk/getting-your-business-ready/?mc_cid=1abc54c4f6

Remember to keep 2m away from other people when shopping

Crime Resources

Domestic Abuse – links and advice

If in danger, call the national helpline 0800 2000 247  https://www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk/  (In severe / immediately life threatening situations only: call 999 followed by a cough or tapping 55 to activate a tracing service)

Metropolitan Police advice – https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/c19/coronavirus-covid-19/domestic-abuse/

The Gaia Centre gives Lambeth residents free, confidential, practical and emotional support by phone or email – whatever’s safest – 020 7733 8724 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm) email lambethvawg@refuge.org.uk

Scams and cybercrime

The National Cyber Security Centre has recently removed thousands of online scams and hundreds of fake shops selling Covid related items. They have set up a national service for reporting online scams: email to report@phishing.gov.uk

Further advice on avoiding cybercrime



Coronavirus Statistics

World Health Organization Situation Reports https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports

Worldometer counts – This site tracks population statistics from governments around the world, including of the pandemic https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

UK Government data, with regional and local authority area statistics – https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/

volunteering – food growing and community gardens

Advice from Lambeth Together / Printable PDF version

Coronavirus Advice April 2020
Food Growing and Gardening Activities

We know that outdoor activities such as food growing and/or gardening activities can help us feel good and be beneficial for health and wellbeing. This activity can be used as the one form of exercise for the day.

Now more than ever it is important to support people to feel safe and comfortable to grow food and to practice safe measures when doing so. This guidance for community gardens during Covid-19 has been sourced and compiled from trusted sources including Public Health England, Sustain and the NHS.

Guidance for access and travel to community gardens

  • Community gardens should be accessible only to members who live close by and not open to the public.
  • Anyone considered medically vulnerable/ subject to government shielding advice should not visit the community garden.
  • Rotas should be set up where there are a lot of members to limit to single households going into the community garden at any one time.
  • During Covid-19 outbreak growers should wherever possible travel to gardens by bike or foot. At no time should public transport be used.
  • Those who are deemed vulnerable and classified as in the “shielded” group should stay at home
  • Anyone displaying a fever or dry cough or has someone in their household with these symptoms should stay at home and comply with national guidance
  • www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-athome-guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection
  • Garden leaders should publicise visitor restrictions on any communications and on external signage. This should include reference to government guidance on social distancing.

Social distancing and sanitation

  • At all times, social distance (minimum 2m) must be maintained between growers.
  • Hand washing should be followed according to government guidance. Wash your hands when you arrive at the garden, wear gloves while working in the garden and ensure you only use your own gloves and take those home with you in a disposable bag
  • Have hand sanitiser available and use before opening and closing any gate locks.
  • Ensure any visitor to the site washes their hands with soap and water if available, or with hand sanitiser before they engage in growing activities even if they are going to wear gloves.
  • Growers should only use tools if wearing (own) gloves, otherwise no tools to be shared
  • Do not offer guest gloves to garden visitors or volunteers during this period.
  • If children are onsite, ensure that they stay within its confines and do not run around on communal paths and spaces.
  • All associated communal facilities should be closed. e.g. tea making facilities

Please check current information on websites and social media of local organisations with volunteer gardening and food growing projects, as conditions are constantly changing. Please let us know if you are a project that would like to be listed.

Lambeth Larder http://www.lambethlarder.org/food-growing.html

Incredible Edible Lambeth https://www.incredibleediblelambeth.org/

Brockwell Community Greenhouses https://www.brockwellgreenhouses.org.uk/

Friends of Windmill Gardens https://www.brixtonwindmill.org/

Great North Wood https://www.wildlondon.org.uk/great-north-wood

Myatts Filed Park Project https://www.myattsfieldspark.info/

volunteering – lambeth food hub

Lambeth has set up a food hub in Brixton to focus collection and distribution of rood to people in need. To volunteer, please follow this link

We have heard that potential volunteers are not hearing back from Lambeth soon after applying. Please be assured that Lambeth are working through hundreds of ID checks and will respond.

For those already volunteering, or thinking of doing so, please follow this advice from Lambeth Together / Printable PDF version

Guidance for access and travel

  • Anyone considered medically vulnerable/ subject to government shielding advice should not visit or volunteer in a food hub. Those who are deemed vulnerable and classified as in the “shielded” group should stay at home
  • During Covid-19 outbreak growers should wherever possible travel by bike or foot. At no time should public transport be used.
  • Anyone displaying a fever or dry cough or has someone in their household with these symptoms should stay at home and comply with national guidance
  • www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-stay-at-home-guidance/stay-athome-guidance-for-households-with-possible-coronavirus-covid-19-infection
  • Food Hub leaders/managers should publicise restrictions on any communications and on external signage. This should include reference to government guidance on social distancing.

Social distancing and sanitation

  • It is very unlikely that you can catch coronavirus from food. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness. It is not known to be transmitted by exposure to food or food packaging. See https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-guidance-for-food-businesses/guidance-for-food-businesses-on-coronavirus-covid-19
  • Although it is very unlikely that coronavirus is transmitted through food, as a matter of good hygiene practice anyone handling food should wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. This should be done as a matter of routine, before and after handling food, and especially after being in a public place, blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Frequently clean and disinfect objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, using your standard cleaning products
  • Take steps to avoid crowding and minimise opportunities for the virus to spread by maintaining a distance of 2 metres between individuals, wherever possible.
  • –  No goods or food should be physically handed over to the customer. There should instead be a set drop-off point agreed in advance.
  • If you decide the work should go ahead, you should advise staff to wash their hands frequently using soap and water for 20 seconds, and especially after blowing their nose, sneezing or coughing, on arrival at work, before and after eating, after using public transport, and when they arrive home. Where facilities to wash hands are not available, hand sanitiser should be used.
  • If you decide the work should continue, staff should work side by side or facing away from each other rather than face-to-face if possible.
  • You should increase the frequency of cleaning procedures, pausing production in the day if necessary for cleaning staff to wipe down workstations with disinfectant.
  • You should assign staff to the same shift teams to limit social interaction.
  • You should not allow staff to congregate in break times; you should consider arrangements such as staggered break times so that staff can continue to practice social distancing when taking breaks.
  • Consider adding additional pop-up handwashing stations or facilities, providing soap, water and/or hand sanitiser.